Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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The playcalling was odd but I think we were reeling from the losses on OL and Evans. Small is injured and couldn't block in pass pro. That limited us a ton. We win that game with Evans despite the refs.
I don't understand how it is not obvious to people that the injury situation heavily influenced the playcalling. If Evans and the Mays boys are out there healthy we would have rolled them.
I do not condone any actions of our fans with throwing items on the field. That should never happen. But how many years has it been that we have continued to be hosed by officiating? The touchdown taken off cost us the win. And letting another team fake injuries over and over with no statement is embarrassing. This University needs to grow a pair and speak up. I’m sick of it. I think tonight and going forward fans are tired of the mistreatment and obvious bias in officiating. I know I’m sick of it. It’s literally costing teams games.
Yup. That was over a decade worth of angst coming out in the form of trash last night.
We can blame the loss on a lot of things but we did not execute when we had our chances and we couldn't stop a QB draw or block a three man front. This team is going to be really good. They don't give up and that alone is an upgrade from the past.

I can say I just shook by the fans throwing things. We have been fighting a negative national image since the "Trailer Park Frenzy" days and every time we seem to be making headway something like this happens.

Yes, we can say it is us against the world but we need to remember that our brand means something. When these recruits see and hear some of the things we say and do that effects us on the recruiting trail. It is hard to sway the thinking of some recruits and their parents when they see the things that they saw late in the game last night. The part we want everybody to see is the passion and excitement we showed for almost four full quarters not what they saw in the last minute.
Get healthy, focus on the Alabama game.

We have about 4 weeks before we’re in Neyland again. If I’m DW I’d suspend alcohol sells the rest of the season. It’s the only way you actually punish the fan base, sure it’s gonna cost ya money but he needs to make a very direct response that shows this behavior isn’t acceptable and eliminating the liquid courage that helped inspire it will do that.
Lane Kiffin inspired the behavior when he ran his mouth earlier in the week about our fan base.The fan base doesn’t need to be punished. I wasn’t there but I’m glad they showed some passion.
Buckle up, it's going to be a long few weeks.

Nothing good is going to come from this. The criticism and consequences are going to be one-sided, precipitating cause is going to be ignored and UT is going to self-punish. I doubt there will be an internal consensus, but one way or another, it will further stress relationships.
I don't understand how it is not obvious to people that the injury situation heavily influenced the playcalling. If Evans and the Mays boys are out there healthy we would have rolled them.
Anyone that knows some football can see this!! Not sure why folks aren’t realizing this, well, actually I can based on my first sentence.
That Milton is the back-up kills whatever hope we have if Hooker can't go. The guy is so out of it mentally in games he intentionally runs out of bounds on the last play rather than throw it up for grabs to have a shot to win. He should never even wear the uni again. Heup needs to acknowledge his mistake of bringing him in and drop him back to third team. But he won't. I predict that he will start him against Bama if Hooker cannot go.

We need Heup to grow as a HC. Running the ball up the middle on first and second down at various times in the game including the 4th quarter when you are behind with a patchwork o-line and back-up RB's is not what you should do. That's not hard to understand. Have your QB throw some quick hitches and slants to keep the chains moving since they were open all night long. It's OK to throw 5 yard hitches to TE's and RB's in open zones, I promise. Even HB has proven in games he can do that if Milton cannot/will not.

Not some of Heup's best work last night. Not some of DC Banks's best work either. That Corral got a zillion yards on QB draws that everybody who watched the game knew was coming tells the story. His coverage schemes were great, however. He did not have to sacrifice one for the other. He needed to have the D-line hold their gaps when pushing the pocket and the LB's cheat up to avoid the blocks that always came about 5 yards from the LOS all game long. The S help never came until Corral cut off the o-lineman block of the LB. The S's cue should be the o-lineman coming out of pass pro to block downfield when Corral left the pocket. The gains would have been held to 5 yards or so. Didn't happen.

Kiffin outsmarted our coaching staff along with the officials help to win that game for OM.
Out smarted how exactly? Picking guys to fake injuries? Telling Matt to run around?

No Evans. Neither Mays. A depleted roster. An ultra thin defense... And it took him basically cheating every other play, an awful officiating performance and a baker Mayfield-esque performance to pull out a 1 score game.

Out smarted my azz. I'm as sick of these 'almost' games as anyone... But if ole Miss was that damn good they would/should have rolled.

They're freaking lucky. We're not. That's it.
Nothing good is going to come from this. The criticism and consequences are going to be one-sided, precipitating cause is going to be ignored and UT is going to self-punish. I doubt there will be an internal consensus, but one way or another, it will further stress relationships.
What relationships? And should we care?
Nothing good is going to come from this. The criticism and consequences are going to be one-sided, precipitating cause is going to be ignored and UT is going to self-punish. I doubt there will be an internal consensus, but one way or another, it will further stress relationships.
Tennessee would make a lot of money if they stood up to the SEC and called them out on the horrible officiating.
While the D didn’t pitch a shutout, they held OM to below their season average, only allowed 7 in the second half, got the O the ball back with a minute left, and the first OM scoring drive started on about UT’s 10 yard line. The D did their job
I think you’re spot on. Emotionally I’m still bothered we let corral run like that. I know he’s a special player, but we couldn’t answer him running. This game showed why I was hoping we could just make a bowl. We have dangerously low levels of depth and talent. This is not to be a knock on our guys, they are playing harder than I’ve seen in years. But they are severely out matched and when we start losing our only SEC caliber players it gets harder to execute both sides of the ball.
The biggest issue, that still looms, is the muffed punt and the inability to rise to the occasion. Any time a game matters or is prime time with a chance to take another step forward…. We freeze up. We choke. It would be punching above our weight, however we had our chances to take control of the ball game. Just as ole miss had some chances to run away with it. We have got to get our head space over this hurdle. That’s the next benchmark for me to buy into Huepel some more.
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Nothing good is going to come from this. The criticism and consequences are going to be one-sided, precipitating cause is going to be ignored and UT is going to self-punish. I doubt there will be an internal consensus, but one way or another, it will further stress relationships.
Tennessee media and the rest of the SEC and NCAA LOVES when Tennessee has bad things happen to them. It's a fetish
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