Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Let Milton get lit up against Bama. Odds are TN is going to come close to winning tjay game with all our injuries. If they want to play Bailey wait til the week after so he can have 2 weeks to prepare for UK
Bailey needs all the game reps he can get. Bama is a loss no matter what so let him get a rhythm and reps. You don’t want his first game action against Kentucky. If I am a player, I am not riding and putting my a** on the line for Milton. You can tell he is scared of contact and doesn’t play to win. I’m not going to war with a loser.
I’m not sure he made the line to gain … but I am 100% sure a ref from 40 yards away didn’t know where to spot it at all. Had he spotted it in our favor there’s no evidence to overturn…

So naturally he runs to the line to gain and steps back one yard.

This is my issue with it - had he spotted it on the 40 there is no review and we move on.

But in hindsight it doesn’t really matter. We stopped them for 3 and out and only let 10 seconds off the clock and got the ball in a similar place thanks to Velus punt return.

Then we moved into position and had shots at a TD.
See people mentioning Bailey playing. Is Hooker’s injury that bad? I couldn’t really tell from the game if it was just a cramp, hamstring, or possibly ankle?
Some those designed runs, I’m not sure how you stop as a spy LB. you have to choose left or right with a center running directly at you and Corral chooses opposite. D Line gave up really wide gaps on a few of those up the middle plays.
That is a good point, but I am not sure that was the case always. It does look like our 2 deep scheme made us vulnerable to those runs and they definitely took advantage of it.
See people mentioning Bailey playing. Is Hooker’s injury that bad? I couldn’t really tell from the game if it was just a cramp, hamstring, or possibly ankle?
It looked bad. Believe he kinda hurt it on the next to last drive and then really hurt it on our last one. Couldn't put any weight on it as he was walking off the field
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Y’all complaining about the kids throwing stuff on the field can stfu. Quit acting like you ain’t act crazy at that age and I don’t blame them after the muffed punt, the fumble recovery that didn’t count, the fake injuries kiffin is known for, plus the questionable short call on 4th and 23. It was a combo of all that PLUS kiffin being on the other sideline. Get over it. I don’t blame them and I would’ve done the same thing at their age
Were they teenagers? No, these are college (semi educated) 18-24 YOs. That's ridiculous. Doing stupid stuff...sure. THROWING objects at human beings? No, that is some El Tri garbage. What if they had hit someone and injured them? It's just a game and that was stupid...and embarrassing to themselves and the university.
Ahhhh yes but the pathetic officiating week in and out is ok. The faking injuries to create an advantage is ok. I’m glad to know that 18 and 19 year old students are held to a higher standard than coaches and officials.
Unfortunately, it was far from being only students. If that was the case I could rationalize it in my own mind.

But it was a whole lot of older adults as well. It was pathetic, inexcusable, and embarrassing. It lends credence to those who like to insult our fan base and gives them more ammo. I don't give a hoot what they say about us when it's not valid. But it's completely different when they're justified in saying it. This time it's justified and makes it look like they were right all along.
Unfortunately, it was far from being only students. If that was the case I could rationalize it in my own mind.

But it was a whole lot of older adults as well. It was pathetic, inexcusable, and embarrassing. It lends credence to those who like to insult our fan base and gives them more ammo. I don't give a hoot what they say about us when it's not valid. But it's completely different when they're justified in saying it. This time it's justified and makes it look like they were right all along.
Cool good for you. Fk the haters
I used to be proud to be in the SEC, now I hope that our conference never wins another championship in anything unless it's us. We have a storied history and have been bad for close to 15 years, but the office clearly does not care what happens to us. I do not want to leave, I just want all the other conference teams to lose as much as possible.
USC president to students: Throwing trash onto field is 'unacceptable'

People need to 100% quit acting like this is unprecedented. The attached article is proof that it’s happened at South Carolina at least twice since 2017. Any punishment should follow precedent, and anything more is unjust.

A fine is appropriate. That’s the punishment for rushing the field, which implicates the exact same issues (player/staff/spectator safety). If they want to increase it because it happened during, and not after, the game, then fine.
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why tf do they not have a camera angle that shows the whole playing field. It was basically 4th and goal with no time on the clock and all we get is a zoomed in shot of milton running around. that bugs the piss out of me. was anyone remotely open?
They had nine guys dropped back in coverage… Probably not. However, I don’t care if you throw it 40 yards into the air with a huge rainbow to drop down in the Endzone, give our guys a chance to go up and catch it.
A fine is appropriate. That’s the punishment for rushing the field, which implicates the exact same issues (player/staff/spectator safety). If they want to increase it because it happened during, and not after, the game, then fine.

There’s just no need to go overboard with it, and the SEC better not single us out for punishment either.

The media and some of our own people also need to quit acting like it’s never happened before.
This refs were terrible and that’s a lame excuse but it’s true.
Yup I'm normally the LAST to stand behind that shiz, but this game and the Pitt call...I'm firmly behind that "excuse". These refs out herr stealing games from kids and coaches whose livelihoods depend on said games. Embarrassing.

Bring on the robot refs!! 🤣
They showed a view of the ball at his waist as he was going down and circled it. They then showed the angle with the forty and circled his waist - it was at about a yard short…
it was not definitive as in a direct angle where we could see the ball, his knee and the 40 but after my initial scream of ”what the ***”, I ended up calming down about the call.

I thought his knee hit at the 41? I could be wrong.
Do you honestly think our concerns about officiating would have been taken seriously anyway? After all the terrible officiating that has gone against us for years in football and basketball? No way.

I don't like the throwing stuff but maybe refs will attempt to do better and be less biased if they have repercussions to fear. They certainly don't get reprimanded by the league when screwing us.
We weren't cheated. The officiating is just bad. I'm sure OM fans would say there were bad calls against them as well. And they're right. It happens every week to all teams. UGA and UF had bad calls go against them yesterday as well. It's just the way it is.

If anyone thinks the SEC would intentionally cheat for Kiffin against us, you're out of your mind.
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