Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Holly Warlick was our first ever All-American…..helped Pat build this program….. was an assistant on 8 championship teams….. hand picked by Pat to be her replacement….. She was not a good head coach and deserved to be fired…. I hate all the vitriol spewed towards her and other vol greats by so-called fans that their greatest contribution is buying a Tennessee shirt and watching a game on tv…. We do this to all our former vol greats that brought us so many great memories from Holly, Kellie, Tee, Phil, to Chuck Smith. We can want changes and discuss the program without degrading them/calling them names and such.
I like your posts but not necessarily this one

Fans spending big money is a reason these people get paid as much as they do
If they can’t handle being told they suck or are thin skinned then they weren’t coaching/head coaching material anyways
Name calling is kinda dumb though
That's all well and good but he didn't hire choice 1, 2, or 3. That is the very definition of settling. It's not an indictment on DW. It's an indictment on previous administrations. DW didn't make the UT football program a Chernobyl, he was brought in to try and salvage it.
The reason why choice one two or three usually fails for most teams…. Not just the Vols is bc everyone is making good money now….. he has a list of coaches and may try for one he likes due to more name recognition but he doesn’t settle for anyone.
I like your posts but not necessarily this one

Fans spending big money is a reason these people get paid as much as they do
If they can’t handle being told they suck or are thin skinned then they weren’t coaching/head coaching material anyways
Name calling is kinda dumb though
Saying someone sucks and needs to be fired is different than have the stuff being put out there…. I thought she needed to be fired and was not a good coach.
I like LWSVOL’s metric, and he’s as conservative as it gets. Take care of business against S. Carolina, Missouri, Vandy, and UK three years straight, and we could be poised to challenge the top brass. Go ahead and put a check beside year one. If the trend continues, year 4 could be special. Hopefully, this is also the beginning of a slide for Florida, and that would accelerate the rebuild even more.

None of the coaches we’ve had the last 15 years -outside of Kiffin- deserved any more time than what they got. It’s early yet, but so far, Huepel looks like the kind of guy you commit to for a rebuild like that. Hopefully, he is the one.

How in the world do you think kiffin deserved more time? SOB left us like a thief in the night. No matter what he accomplishes from here on out, he is a loser for that event.
For what it's worth...with the Lady Vols arguing going on.

Holly and Kellie both aren't bad coaches, but the standard is just higher here because of Pat's success. Being a career 84% winner and hanging 8 championship banners is a once in a generation type of coach.

Do I think Holly should have been fired? Yeah I do she got complacent with the new standard her program fell to, and you could hear it in her interviews. But she was still a 72% winner, which most schools would beg for honestly.

I just don't think our next hire should be a former Lady Vol, unless she's got a proven winning record at another P5 stop already.
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I really think Heupel is going to be the guy. I’m hesitant because at some point I said that about every other guy. This one is just different though.

The only question mark I see at this point is recruiting. I’m mildly worried about the time of possession stats and some defensive breakdowns, but I l’m chalking those up to personnel short comings.

We bring in the horses and I think we are back on track and competing with UGA and Bama. It will take a few years, but I think it’s there this time.
I want to believe as well. At his hiring I pretty much knew we were done. However, this team has shown me something different. We had players running wide open against Pitt. That game should have been out away early. The ole miss game was a defensive shocker. We held them in check and without Evans at RB missed our opportunity to stay balanced and put them away. This defense has massive talent short falls. I said it last year too. Our defensive line needs so much help and our linebackers at this moment are just not Remotely close. What Huepel did on offense this year was remarkable. And somehow holding Kentucky off when they were pounding the rock was a good sign this team isn’t interesting in laying down. The Georgia game is the only game we haven’t been in it in the 4th. We are just worn down to the bone at this point and their defense, it pains me to say, is just on a different level. Moral victory we should have put over 20 points up on them… missed a lot of 4th downs and should have kicked a field goal or two. he has to recruit now. We have to feast on the transfer portal again too. Hopefully we find a few quality plug and play guys and get some momentum recruiting. Next year, now that LSU and Florida have been shaken, looks really favorable to get more than 8 wins.
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