I’m not blaming the fans for a poorly run football program…. I am blaming the fans for embarrassing us by allowing Pitt to feel like they took over neyland
It didn't work for Hillary Clinton but hey it might work for you, "Our fans are not compliant." They may in fact be deplorable. I mean close to 70% of the state is "deplorable" so I guess it's maybe to be expected.
Here's the thing. We're not Miami yet and most years we have more fans at our spring game than Pitt has stadium capacity.
This chart shows annual attendance at Ole Miss football games after they fired Freeze.
This past weekend after appeals from Kiffin Ole Miss had an announced crowd of 47,848 for their game against Austin Peay. That's almost 75% capacity. So at least so far they still haven't recovered. Granted, Austin Peay may not be a marquee game.
We had an announced crowd of 84,314 for Bowling Green. That's over 82% of capacity. There was a lot of bitching about the QB after the Bowling green game. The crowd announced for the Pittsburgh game was 82,203, down 2,110 from week 1. So either some of our most die hard fans didn't turn out for the Pitt game or visitors to our stadium from Pittsburgh numbered significantly less that the visitors that showed up from Bowling Green.
I figure maybe close to 30% of our fans are in the "not deplorable" category. They're highly intelligent and health conscious so when the CDC says large outdoor packed gatherings like at college football games still carry a measure of risk for the transmission of the virus - well those fans, being compliant to the CDC, may be choosing to stay home and watch the game on TV.
It's like with Hillary. Many voters were not compliant to her message and aspiratons but they were complaint to the other guy's.
Finally, If you build it, they will come. I just made that up but it sounds good, right?