According to Doug Matthews & John Adams, the Haslams torpedoed Charlie Anderson & allies in the hiring of Currie. Reportedly Fulmer was Anderson's choice. In any event there are reports of boosters calling shots with regards to UT athletics.
One of the tidbits to come out of the board meeting yesterday was Currie's attributing the increased scope of the Phase 1 Neyland renovation project to a "new generation of donors". The increased scope was pulled from future phases and valued at around $74m.
If we have a new generation of donors that can compete with the Haslams we may have a shot this time. The only snag could be where does the loyaties of the Chancelor and Athletic Director lie? Do they work for Tennessee or to they work for the Haslams. Adams seemed to suggest this past spring that the Chancelor might work for the Haslams and may have an issue with personal integrity.
Some billionaires are billionaires because they are borderline crooks and cheapskates. Not all are like that but some are without a doubt. Another characteristic I would think some of them share is narcissism. With narcissists, it's pretty much my way or the highway.
From what I know of the Haslams, they developed a prototype gas station, replicated that prototype at hundreds of locations around the country, made billions, and now believe they are geniuses. So basically we have the guy who purchased a filling station in Gate City, Virginia, for $6,000 in the late 50's runniing our athletic program.
When he first came home from the Korean war he was offered the job as football coach at South Pittsburgh high school so you know he believes he's qualified.