Nice caveat you've included... kinda hard to dispute a statement about God and religion without including a religious ideal. :question: However, I'm always up for a good challenge so here goes...
Below is the statement that was referenced in your challenge, and also your previous statement in which you claimed to know more about the concept (i.e. what God wants and/or doesn't want) than most believers. This knowledge you claim to have I assume did not come straight from God... since you don't believe in Him or have a relationship with Him. So, reason would lead me to believe that your knowledge is based on study, and the best source for the study of God is the Bible, since it is His inspired word. As such, you would then be aware of the following:
1. We are all born in sin and therefore have the innate characteristics of both good and evil.
2. God created us with free will, which means we make our own decisions and choose our own actions.
Given the above, it would be factually wrong to hold God accountable for wars and differences since these are decisions and actions that are made by man, not God.