Rep Massie posts gun photo

Obviously not the complete answer, but one is a step in the right direction while the other is a step in the wrong direction.
You happen to be stepping in the wrong direction.

History proves that the type of weapons available has no bearing on societal peace.
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Wrong. This makes matters worse - as you go larger in scale (national, global) the value of labeling people you don't know and have not interacted with or learned anything about decreases; particularly when you use subjective, dichotomous criteria such as idiot/non-idiot.
He is huge on assumptions, biases and feelz. But not so much on logic and reality
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lol.....let's assume you do not know all of them well. (nor does your teenage child - even though they may think they do)

I would trust my teenage kids to put the gun up. My parents never had our guns locked up and me and my brothers had friends over without anyone getting shot. Same in my house with our kids.
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I would trust my teenage kids to put the gun up. My parents never had our guns locked up and me and my brothers had friends over without anyone getting shot. Same in my house with our kids.
Which proves what? Some are responsible and some are not? Stop the presses.
Owning firearms isn’t “obsession”. You are the one who is obsessed and worried about inanimate objects
I never claimed owning a firearm was an obsession.
Fighting against any and all rational and reasonable regulations and controls is an obsession and nutty.
I never claimed owning a firearm was an obsession.
Fighting against any and all rational and reasonable regulations and controls is an obsession and nutty.

clearly you see the problem with this characterization - you confuse "what I want" with rational/reasonable.

as evidence they idea of relabeling semi-automatic to some as of yet undefined rate of fire metric - plenty of counter arguments have been presented to you to show why that is neither reasonable nor rational yet you persist in believing it is.

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