Rep Massie posts gun photo

Purse carry is lazy, ignorant and an all around bad idea just looking for a place to happen. It’s way to easy to become separated from that purse, then what do you do.
As I said before, ignorance, pure and simple self enforced by them. This time it came with a huge side of sexism.

It would be amusing, except their ignorance, racism, and sexism get to vote.

Have I mentioned this week how much I hate democracy?
Ask any gun guy at random in here why they put 500-1000 rounds through a gun before they carry it.
I don’t care who you pick.
I don't care and it has nothing to do with my original stance.
I'm just now curious as to why you guys are so adverse to assigning an average fire rate number to a specific type of gun.
Everyone would know it is just an "average"....that experts would have a higher rate. that novices would have a lower rate, that there may be a small variance form gun to gun within the same type.......blah, blah, blah
They are different.
Calloway brings several that are the same to the fittings and let’s the pro figure out which one they want. These are clubs that were custom built for the pro to the exact same specs.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it not true.
Ask me how I know this.
How do you know.....
I could tell you wanted me to ask
But I really don't care.
I don't care and it has nothing to do with my original stance.
I'm just now curious as to why you guys are so adverse to assigning an average fire rate number to a specific type of gun.
Everyone would know it is just an "average"....that experts would have a higher rate. that novices would have a lower rate, that there may be a small variance form gun to gun within the same type.......blah, blah, blah

Because it’s stupid.
You tell us. You are the one who cant get past them.
lol........Hardly, it's about equal with the obsession I have with oxycodone, which is just a mild fascination with something that could be a positive but has such a negative impact because of the nutty way people abuse it.
Pain killers and guns have a lot in common.
Far to available, huge negative impact on society, scum getting rich, idiots getting killed.
I don't care and it has nothing to do with my original stance.
I'm just now curious as to why you guys are so adverse to assigning an average fire rate number to a specific type of gun.
Everyone would know it is just an "average"....that experts would have a higher rate. that novices would have a lower rate, that there may be a small variance form gun to gun within the same type.......blah, blah, blah

You are COMPLETELY IGNORANT on this subject (and many others). Not sure what’s so hard to comprehend that it’s the person, more than anything else, that dictates the fire rate. Assigning your made up arbitrary numbers to s*** doesn’t mean anything.
You are COMPLETELY IGNORANT on this subject (and many others). Not sure what’s so hard to comprehend that it’s the person, more than anything else, that dictates the fire rate. Assigning your made up arbitrary numbers to s*** doesn’t mean anything.
That's why I'm asking about the SAME person on different guns.
Why is this so hard for you guys?
lol........Hardly, it's about equal with the obsession I have with oxycodone, which is just a mild fascination with something that could be a positive but has such a negative impact because of the nutty way people abuse it.
Pain killers and guns have a lot in common.
Far to available, huge negative impact on society, scum getting rich, idiots getting killed.
Self defense and constitutional rights far outweigh gun violence which mostly affects criminals anyway
How do you know.....
I could tell you wanted me to ask
But I really don't care.
You ask a question. It gets answered. You claim it didn’t. So it’s answered again. You’re asked if you’d like sources. You ask for those sources but claim you don’t care.

You care.
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You ask a question. It gets answered. You claim it didn’t. So it’s answered again. You’re asked if you’d like sources. You ask for those sources but claim you don’t care.

You care.
It didn't get answered. I assume you were going to give me some bs about golf clubs.
I don't care and it has nothing to do with my original stance.
I'm just now curious as to why you guys are so adverse to assigning an average fire rate number to a specific type of gun.
Everyone would know it is just an "average"....that experts would have a higher rate. that novices would have a lower rate, that there may be a small variance form gun to gun within the same type.......blah, blah, blah
Because we dont do that with anything. How much something does of something is not used to define it.

A jet is a jet, not because it goes faster than a prop plane, but because "jet" describes how it goes fast with its engine.

A power tool doesnt mean it spins X faster than a human hand can turn, it means it's a tool that uses some type of outside power source.

A mechanical pencil says there is some type of mechanism that goes into the functioning of the pencil.

Sail boat, jet ski, pitching machine the names tell you something about how it functions, not how much it actually does.

Semiautomatic, means that every time you pull the trigger the gun should fire. Vs automatic where one trigger pull fires the until out of ammo, or automatically. Burst fire will multiple shots with one trigger pull. Lever gun, revolver, muzzleloader, breachloader, pump action. All of it tells you how the gun works.

It's how we do most industrialized things, describe how it works.

The fact that you cant grasp this shows how UNreasonable and UNrational you are. You rely on your ignorance to justify your stance. Despite many on here telling you again and again. The fact that you HAVENT learned some of the most basic aspects of the FACTS (not just what you want it to be, the facts) raises the question of how can you even raise a specter of a reasonable reform you claim to want.

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