Rep Massie posts gun photo

As I said before, ignorance, pure and simple self enforced by them. This time it came with a huge side of sexism.

It would be amusing, except their ignorance, racism, and sexism get to vote.

Have I mentioned this week how much I hate democracy?

The many times I’m glad we’re a Constitutional Republic and not a pure democracy.😁 Now if we could get the government to remember that little factoid.🤦‍♀️
It still simply depends on how fast they pull the trigger. It may change or it may not.
I have 3 m1 Garands. All 3 in perfect working order. 1 is faster than the other 2. Arguing rate of fire is Fing stupid. the law stands at one pull of the trigger means one shot fired. There’s no need for that law, much less moving beyond it. Morons who argue the rate of fire have never shot anything. If they had they would know that faster is far less accurate. Which brings us back to the fact that I can put more rounds on target in a minute with my straight pull than most can with a semi auto. A full auto will miss far more than it hits.
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I don't care and it has nothing to do with my original stance.
I'm just now curious as to why you guys are so adverse to assigning an average fire rate number to a specific type of gun.
Everyone would know it is just an "average"....that experts would have a higher rate. that novices would have a lower rate, that there may be a small variance form gun to gun within the same type.......blah, blah, blah

Oh sure, let’s just add another goat rope to an already complete clusterduck of inane laws that exist due to lazy and incompetent bureaucracy.

Why is something so simple so difficult to understand? Shall Not Be Infringed.
Oh sure, let’s just add another goat rope to an already complete clusterduck of inane laws that exist due to lazy and incompetent bureaucracy.

Why is something so simple so difficult to understand? Shall Not Be Infringed.
lol......SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled that rational and reasonable limits are not infringements.

Why is something so simple so difficult to understand?
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Because we dont do that with anything. How much something does of something is not used to define it.

A jet is a jet, not because it goes faster than a prop plane, but because "jet" describes how it goes fast with its engine.

A power tool doesnt mean it spins X faster than a human hand can turn, it means it's a tool that uses some type of outside power source.

A mechanical pencil says there is some type of mechanism that goes into the functioning of the pencil.

Sail boat, jet ski, pitching machine the names tell you something about how it functions, not how much it actually does.

Semiautomatic, means that every time you pull the trigger the gun should fire. Vs automatic where one trigger pull fires the until out of ammo, or automatically. Burst fire will multiple shots with one trigger pull. Lever gun, revolver, muzzleloader, breachloader, pump action. All of it tells you how the gun works.

It's how we do most industrialized things, describe how it works.

The fact that you cant grasp this shows how UNreasonable and UNrational you are. You rely on your ignorance to justify your stance. Despite many on here telling you again and again. The fact that you HAVENT learned some of the most basic aspects of the FACTS (not just what you want it to be, the facts) raises the question of how can you even raise a specter of a reasonable reform you claim to want.
I think jets and prop planes both state how fast they fly.
lol......SCOTUS has reputedly ruled that rational and reasonable limits are not infringements.

Why is something so simple so difficult to understand?

We’ll all be back around over the next several months to remind you of your stance that SCOTUS can never be wrong and their rulings are unquestionably correct.🤣
We’ll all be back around over the next several months to remind you of your stance that SCOTUS can never be wrong and their rulings are unquestionably correct.🤣
Why not go ahead and point out where I said they could never be wrong.....just to save us the time a few months from now.
Why not go ahead and point out where I said they could never be wrong.....just to save us the time a few months from now.

Wait, so now you’re saying they could actually be wrong in their rulings that rational and reasonable limits are not infringements. Or are they only wrong on rulings that you disagree with? Where’s the baseline of wrongness with regards to SCOTUS that we’re working with here?

Those rulings are actually in violation of the exact wording of 2A which just shows them to be completely fallible.
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lol......SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled that rational and reasonable limits are not infringements.

Why is something so simple so difficult to understand?

Knowingly and directly not selling a firearm to a child, criminal, or mentally unstable person may be rational. Anything else is an infringement.
Wait, so now you’re saying they could actually be wrong in their rulings that rational and reasonable limits are not infringements. Or are they only wrong on rulings that you disagree with? Where’s the baseline of wrongness with regards to SCOTUS that we’re working with here?

Those rulings are actually in violation of the exact wording of 2A which just shows them to be completely fallible.
No waiting necessary.
I'm saying the exact same thing I have always said.
That 2a and rational and reasonable restrictions and regulations are 100% compatible.
Knowingly and directly not selling a firearm to a child, criminal, or mentally
unstable person may be rational. Anything else is an infringement.
So even in your mind there are rational and reasonable restrictions.
Who gets to decide what is rational and reasonable?
We always end up at this exact same point and it drives you guys nuts.
There obviously are necessary and perfectly legal rational and reasonable restrictions.
We are only debating where the rational and reasonable line should be drawn.
The "shall not be infringed" nonsense is just that.
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Their actions have nothing to do with 2A. You’re as deranged and ignorant with that subject as you are everything else to chime in on.
Whatever. You cannot stand anyone on this board who disagrees with you. Still waiting for you to admit that the shooters in Arbery were wrong.
So even in your mind there are rational and reasonable restrictions.
Who gets to decide what is rational and reasonable?
We always end up at this exact same point and it drives you guys nuts.
There obviously are necessary and perfectly legal rational and reasonable restrictions.
We are only debating of where the rational and reasonable line should be drawn.
The "shall not be infringed" nonsense is just that.

No it’s not. The men that wrote the Bill of Rights thought it was so important that they put it near the top of the list. They also added context after the fact that laid it out very clear which you conveniently ignore. You keep saying “rational and reasonable” which are two words that should never come out of your mouth. Just because people have accepted certain restrictions don’t mean it’s a continuous process to limit one’s rights or mean those restrictions can’t be reversed. Your completely asinine take on fire rate and such immediately removes you from having any “rational or reasonable” discussion on ANYTHING gun related. You sound as stupid as Kevin de Leon on the subject.
No waiting necessary.
I'm saying the exact same thing I have always said.
That 2a and rational and reasonable restrictions and regulations are 100% compatible.

Restrictions and regulations are infringements on 2A making them absolutely incompatible with shall not be infringed.

Good luck getting all the newly minted 2A supporting first time gun owners to now give up the clearly defined right, that they just exercised, in any way, shape or form.

Filling out that 4473 has opened up a lot of eyes to the BS anti gun garbage they’ve been getting fed for decades.
Only on certain street corners.

You are 100% correct . Certain corners , certain neighborhoods , certain apt buildings , certain corner stores and certain hotel/ motels All over this country have much higher potential for violent crime .
You are 100% correct . Certain corners , certain neighborhoods , certain apt buildings , certain corner stores and certain hotel/ motels All over this country have much higher potential for violent crime .
Aka street corners with people who don't look like you.

VN Store
