Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

It's still not a zero sum game. My point is that it's silly to view the world that way. I'm not losing because the country I live in has a low unemployment rate. To the contrary, I have a daughter who will be graduating from high school in two years and I would love for the economy to still be strong when she enters the job market (after college, hopefully). I'm not losing anything. This perspective of yours is childish.

And right here BB85 just admitted that President Trumps plan is better than the side in which he aligns with.

Still winning. I have convinced BB85 and Luther both tonight. Think of how many more people I can convince between now and November. I may single handedly turn Cali red. That's what winners do
And right here BB85 just admitted that President Trumps plan is better than the side in which he aligns with.

Still winning. I have convinced BB85 and Luther both tonight. Think of how many more people I can convince between now and November.
The only thing that you have proven is that you, just like your hero, can't stop yourself from viewing life in the United States, as you would a zero sum game of athletic competition, where every other American is either a teammate or an opponent based on political affiliation, and you either win or lose.
Lol. Luther I want to go on record as saying that I absolutely have no I'll will towards you. With that said everything you post is at the very least 💯 wrong.

With all that said I loved this post and gave you a like
Same here.
As much as we all disagree, there is certainly far more on which we would agree.
The PF is just a relatively harmless outlet.
The only thing that you have proven is that you, just like your hero, can't stop yourself from viewing life in the United States, as you would a zero sum game of athletic competition, where every other American is either a teammate or an opponent based on political affiliation, and you either win or lose.

Those 8 years of Obama were rough on you. Lol. But for giggles I have kids. Grown kids one of which worked 30 plus hours on campus of a private Christian college for $7 per hour, every cent of which was applied to tuition. He did not receive one penny of that money but the Obama tax years deemed that as income and taxed it. This was a Private Christian college and because of that none of the tuition was tax deductible. All of which he paid for on April 15. So yes I understand the difference in the times between the two administrations. It's called winning.
Those 8 years of Obama were rough on you. Lol. But for giggles I have kids. Grown kids one of which worked 30 plus hours on campus of a private Christian college for $7 per hour, every cent of which was applied to tuition. He did not receive one penny of that money but the Obama tax years deemed that as income and taxed it. This was a Private Christian college and because of that none of the tuition was tax deductible. All of which he paid for on April 15. So yes I understand the difference in the times between the two administrations. It's called winning.
... and as for the kids at Fort Campbell who won't have a new middle school built now, because President Donald Trump pulled the money allocated for it's funding away, so he could build new stretches of border wall which he had pledged during the 2016 Presidential election would be paid for by Mexico? In your narrow and tribal perspective, are they losing? It would seem so.
Reeks of insecurity? Your rhetoric is “limp-wristian.” Politics inherently draws lines, but some actually have the sack to defend the lines they etch. For 3+ years, you and your cadre have been crazier than a bag of wet cats, allowing a man you supposedly hate to control your every action. And you think we’re at this juncture because of Trump? Spare me. You got Trump because you are more myopic than Ronnie Milsap. Your hypocrisy is lost on no one.
Oh look. The blame Trump on the the opposition play.
Talk about "limp-wristian."
It's still not a zero sum game. My point is that it's silly to view the world that way. I'm not losing because the country I live in has a low unemployment rate. To the contrary, I have a daughter who will be graduating from high school in two years and I would love for the economy to still be strong when she enters the job market (after college, hopefully). I'm not losing anything. This perspective of yours is childish.

I hope it is still going strong also . Now let’s play a what if game . What if Bernie or EW get elected and the left takes the Senate and keeps the House ?
Reeks of insecurity? Your rhetoric is “limp-wristian.” Politics inherently draws lines, but some actually have the sack to defend the lines they etch. For 3+ years, you and your cadre have been crazier than a bag of wet cats, allowing a man you supposedly hate to control your every action. And you think we’re at this juncture because of Trump? Spare me. You got Trump because you are more myopic than Ronnie Milsap. Your hypocrisy is lost on no one.
Your rhetoric is tribal and your vocabulary is just as juvenile and limited as your narrow perspective.
... and as for the kids at Fort Campbell who won't have a new middle school built now, because President Donald Trump pulled the money allocated for it's funding away, so he could build new stretches of border wall which he had pledged during the 2016 Presidential election would be paid for by Mexico? In your narrow and tribal perspective, are they losing? It would seem so.

$63 million dollars to renovate the old high school for 6-7and 8th graders ? Damn that’s a lot of money . What Generals cousin owns that construction company?
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$63 million dollars to renovate the old high school for 6-7and 8th graders ? Damn that’s a lot of money . What Generals cousin owns that construction company?
That is really beside the point... Mexico was going to pay for the wall, remember? "It's 100%!" Not even $1 should have been pulled from that school.
You're just toying with my emotions now.

It will be more than emotions toyed with if that scenario comes to pass . I’ve said it before , you may be Trump proof but you aren’t socialism proof .
That is really beside the point... Mexico was going to pay for the wall, remember? "It's 100%!"

That was a pandering lie , now back to the 63 million ...holy crap ! I’ve been through there many times , that whole place isn’t worth $63 million dollars . Lol
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It will be more than emotions toyed with if that scenario comes to pass . I’ve said it before , you may be Trump proof but you aren’t socialism proof .
I've said it before. We're already partially socialistic, always have been. They would do nothing but move the needle a little.
Them making the country a "socialist" country is less likely than Trump paying off the debt out of his own pocket.
... and as for the kids at Fort Campbell who won't have a new middle school built now, because President Donald Trump pulled the money allocated for it's funding away, so he could build new stretches of border wall which he had pledged during the 2016 Presidential election would be paid for by Mexico? In your narrow and tribal perspective, are they losing? It would seem so.

Look if you want to whine about some school that didn't get built the blame the libs who did a 180 on border security when he campaigned on it.
I've said it before. We're already partially socialistic, always have been. They would do nothing but move the needle a little.
Them making the country a "socialist" country is less likely than Trump paying off the debt out of his own pocket.

Free Health care for all , Free housing for all , Free high speed for all , forgiveness of student loans , forgiveness of medical debt , decriminalizing illegal border crossing , getting rid of ICE , doing away with private insurance companies , Guaranteed federal jobs for all .. is not “moving the needle a little “ and you can tap dance it into being that either . The first thing to go will be the stock market and boy will it go .
Look if you want to whine about some school that didn't get built the blame the libs who did a 180 on border security when he campaigned on it.
No, you blame the person who told us throughout the 2016 Presidential election campaign that Mexico was going to pay for the new stretches of border wall ... and then you blame the person who used an executive order to reallocate funds which had been earmarked for the new middle school at Fort Campbell to pay for these new stretches of border wall ... and since they happen to be the same person? You blame him. That was Donald Trump.
No, you blame the person who told us throughout the 2016 Presidential election campaign that Mexico was going to pay for the new stretches of border wall ... and then you blame the person who used an executive order to reallocate funds which had been earmarked for the new middle school at Fort Campbell away to pay for the new stretches of border wall ... and since they happen to be the same person? You blame him.

Are you trying with a straight face say that school cost over a billion dollars?
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No, you blame the person who told us throughout the 2016 Presidential election campaign that Mexico was going to pay for the new stretches of border wall ... and then you blame the person who used an executive order to reallocate funds which had been earmarked for the new middle school at Fort Campbell to pay for these new stretches of border wall ... and since they happen to be the same person? You blame him. That was Donald Trump.

And why are you a member of the left suddenly appalled about something involving the military? Such a hypocrite
Are you trying with a straight face say that school cost over a billion dollars?
I'm saying that not even $1 should have been pulled away from the funds allocated for that school. Trump told us time and time again during the 2016 Presidential election campaign that Mexico would pay for the new stretches of border wall. That was a lie and it has had consequences.
I'm saying that not even $1 should have been pulled away from the funds allocated for that school. Trump told us time and time again during the 2016 Presidential election campaign that Mexico would pay for the new stretches of border wall. That was a lie and it has had consequences.


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