Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

This more directly involves the education of children and it shouldn't have happened.

Where was this outrage during Obama's destruction of the military. Lol. They would not deem Fort Hood as terrorism to allow victims to receive additional pay. Please. If the school costs 1 billion then if we put school construction on hold for a while to secure the border I am totally ok with that. But I don't believe one word of your post.
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Where was this outrage during Obama's destruction of the military. Lol. They would not deem Fort Hood as terrorism to allow victims to receive additional pay. Please. If the school costs 1 billion then if we put school construction on hold for a while to secure the border I am totally ok with that. But I don't believe one word of your post.
Congratulations. You have managed to combine a completely unrelated "what-about-ism" in the same post as a denial of established fact. What don't you believe? Throughout the 2016 Presidential election campaign, Trump did pledge that Mexico would pay for the new stretches of border wall. Trump also used an executive order to reallocate funds earmarked for a new middle school at Fort Campbell. It's the same type of executive overreach that he used to criticize Barack Obama for. This executive action of his will have consequences for the education of children at Fort Campbell. These are established facts. What are you disputing here? I'm curious.

And you are totally okay with that? LOL. That's because you don't have a child attending school at Fort Campbell and you would literally defend Donald Trump for anything.
I’m surprised at many libs here who think the renovation of an old high school building from 1990 into a “new” middle school for 3 grades and less than 800 kids is a $63 million project. Lol
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Congratulations. You have managed to combine a completely unrelated "what-about-ism" in the same post as a denial of established fact. What don't you believe? Throughout the 2016 Presidential election campaign, Trump did pledge that Mexico would pay for the new stretches of border wall. Trump also used an executive order to reallocate funds earmarked for a new middle school at Fort Campbell. It's the same type of executive overreach that he used to criticize Barack Obama for. This executive action of his will have consequences for the education of children at Fort Campbell. These are established facts. What are you disputing here? I'm curious.

And you are totally okay with that? LOL. That's because you don't have a child attending school at Fort Campbell and you would literally defend Donald Trump for anything.

For border security I can deal with delaying a new middle School being built. Yes!
Wonder if that school could have been built before now if not for the military sequestration under President Obama? 10% mandated cuts to the military? Was there 63 million in that we could have found in those cuts to build a school? Look that petty feel goodism malarkey doesn't work with me.
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I’m surprised at many libs here who think the renovation of an old high school building from 1990 into a “new” middle school for 3 grades and less than 800 kids is a $63 million project. Lol

In fort Campbell Kentucky , where the average yearly income is $ 14,738 and the yearly household income is $36,642 . The US average is $28,555 and $53,482
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Kids at Fort Campbell will still get an education. They will just be in their current school and not a new one. And for full disclosure what happened to Wassom middle school that was closed in 2017 when the base reduced the number of troops by 40k?
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Your rhetoric is tribal and your vocabulary is just as juvenile and limited as your narrow perspective.

Is that your version of a burn?

Do you have an original thought to contribute, or is this another of your “whataboutism”-isms, cloaked in some superiority complex? You’re a glorified bank teller, so I’d be careful about relying on politically-motivated, perceived opinions of others.

Having a dissenting opinion about all things liberal does not make me tribal, it makes me wise.

You’re on a crash course with another de-pantsing come November.....

Is that your version of a burn?

Do you have an original thought to contribute, or is this another of your “whataboutism”-isms, cloaked in some superiority complex? You’re a glorified bank teller, so I’d be careful about relying on politically-motivated, perceived opinions of others.

Having a dissenting opinion about all things liberal does not make me tribal, it makes me wise.

You’re on a crash course with another de-pantsing come November.....

View attachment 260368

Pete Pantsuit. Lol someone warn Zep he should not see this.
Weezer should be jumping in and saying that is just a biased opinion.
Who, in your heart of hearts, do you think is probably more guilty of the crimes of which they've been accused and found innocent?
I actually share the opinion that Hillary was so sure she would win she could get by with not campaigning in certain states. I think that, more than anything else, is what cost her the Presidency.

As for your second question, I think both carry guilt. Trump didn't "collude" with Russia, but I've stated before I think he tried to pressure the Ukraine into the Biden investigation. And Hillary was guilty of mishandling classified materials and lying about Benghazi. Not to mention some of the shady things she did as First Lady. So if the question is MORE guilty, I go with Hillary.
That isn't tv makeup. That is a vain man that wears it all the time so he can look orange for whatever reason. Man this has to be awkward for you folks to defend lol
What's to defend? Did you think orange was his natural skin color? We've always known he was doing something.
There it is. The go to reply when a Trump minion has nothing of substance to say, but feels the need to get the last word in anyway.
And there it is, your standard retort whenever you see it. So, it is really you that, "feels the need to get the last word in anyway.", thereby negating your own conclusion.

This could go on forever.

That pic is obscene. I have no idea what kind of sites you visit, but damn. I'm not one to report posts, but I hope a mod stumbles across that and deletes it.
That pic is obscene. I have no idea what kind of sites you visit, but damn. I'm not one to report posts, but I hope a mod stumbles across that and deletes it.
It’s Twitter. Not sure why it was obscene it just showed a disgusting fat body. 61716163-61B1-460A-B3D9-47DEA6EFD765.jpeg
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The question that provides an insightful answer is..
"Why is right wing confirmation and propaganda so much more popular than left wing confirmation and propaganda?"
Because no one likes to be told that they’re racist because of their “white privilege”. No man likes to be called a rapist just because he got his wife pregnant. No one wants to be told they’re greedy because they want to keep more of what they earn.

Left wing radio failed because it was boring, pessimistic and too full of envy, anger, and invective.
Because no one likes to be told that they’re racist because of their “white privilege”. No man likes to be called a rapist just because he got his wife pregnant. No one wants to be told they’re greedy because they want to keep more of what they earn.

Left wing radio failed because it was boring, pessimistic and too full of envy, anger, and invective.
That's the answer of someone who has ingested lots of right wing propaganda.
That's the answer of someone who has ingested lots of right wing propaganda.

There’s an answer from someone who subjectively believes the right wings proganda machine is more divisive than the lefts . Aren’t purely subjective opinions wonderful ? Lol
There’s an answer from someone who subjectively believes the right wings proganda machine is more divisive than the lefts . Aren’t purely subjective opinions wonderful ? Lol
They are kind of wonderful, but not nearly as wonderful as objective opinions.
They are kind of wonderful, but not nearly as wonderful as objective opinions.

What would you know about objective opinions ? You do know that , you can’t stand on the left slope of a mountain and claim you see things objectively right ? Lol
What would you know about objective opinions ? You do know that , you can’t stand on the left slope of a mountain and claim you see things objectively right ? Lol

As long as he believes it (subjective), everything is objective (reality) in Luth world. The definition of an oxymoron.
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What would you know about objective opinions ? You do know that , you can’t stand on the left slope of a mountain and claim you see things objectively right ? Lol
Sure you can. You can see things objectively from any point of view. You can see things objectively from the top of the mountain, bottom of the mountain, right side, left side, 3/4 up, 3/4 down, from a helicopter.
You could also see things subjectively from all of those points.
Sure you can. You can see things objectively from any point of view. You can see things objectively from the top of the mountain, bottom of the mountain, right side, left side, 3/4 up, 3/4 down, from a helicopter.
You could also see things subjectively from all of those points.

You CAN, but you DONT. Your confirmation bias doesn’t allow for it .
What did apologize for that you disagreed with? I can't think of anything.

I really have to spoon feed you, don't I?

We freed Europe, not once, but twice in the 20th century and we continue to protect them today so we don't have to go back a third time. But instead Obama feels the need to talk about us in a negative light:

In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.

Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. I believe that many of these decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people. But I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions.

Too often, the United States has not pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors. We have been too easily distracted by other priorities, and have failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas.

The problem with this is that Obama makes it seem as though there is moral equivalence between America and its adversaries.

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