Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

That's the answer of someone who has ingested lots of right wing propaganda.
I think "right wing propaganda" is your answer to everything you can't actually defend against. Whenever you're stumped, you just type "right wing propaganda" or "right wing conspiracy" as if that's the answer. I think it's a defense mechanism from having to face reality.
I think "right wing propaganda" is your answer to everything you can't actually defend against. Whenever you're stumped, you just type "right wing propaganda" or "right wing conspiracy" as if that's the answer. I think it's a defense mechanism from having to face reality.
But wait, there's more.

When he drags out "continuum" "rational" and "reasonable" you know he's got nothing but a tap dance.

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I really have to spoon feed you, don't I?

We freed Europe, not once, but twice in the 20th century and we continue to protect them today so we don't have to go back a third time. But instead Obama feels the need to talk about us in a negative light:

The problem with this is that Obama makes it seem as though there is moral equivalence between America and its adversaries.
Every statement he made was true.
Every statement he made was true.

I rest my case.

I said why do liberals bash America and say negative things about it. You say that you've never seen that happen. I show you examples and your response is "yeah, all those things are true." There's your evidence and you confirmed it. Now you can say you've seen it.
I rest my case.

I said why do liberals bash America and say negative things about it. You say that you've never seen that happen. I show you examples and your response is "yeah, all those things are true." There's your evidence and you confirmed it. Now you can say you've seen it.
That won't work on luther.
I rest my case.

I said why do liberals bash America and say negative things about it. You say that you've never seen that happen. I show you examples and your response is "yeah, all those things are true." There's your evidence and you confirmed it. Now you can say you've seen it.
I said I've never seen that happen? I'll have to go back and look, but that doesn't sound like anything I would say.
I think technically you said, or whoever brought it up said, the Obama apology tour. That's always been the right wing talking point. I don't view acknowledging your past wrongs and apologizing when justified in any way bashing America or saying negative things about it. It actually makes America stronger moving forward.
Of course that flies in the face of Trumpism (Bannonism/Stoneism).
Never ever apologize for anything.
Never ever admit you were wrong.
That's a crappy foundation on which to build movement.
I rest my case.

I said why do liberals bash America and say negative things about it. You say that you've never seen that happen. I show you examples and your response is "yeah, all those things are true." There's your evidence and you confirmed it. Now you can say you've seen it.
I said I've never seen that happen? I'll have to go back and look, but that doesn't sound like anything I would say.
I think technically you said, or whoever brought it up said, the Obama apology tour. That's always been the right wing talking point. I don't view acknowledging your past wrongs and apologizing when justified in any way bashing America or saying negative things about it. It actually makes America stronger moving forward.
Of course that flies in the face of Trumpism (Bannonism/Stoneism).
Never ever apologize for anything.
Never ever admit you were wrong.
That's a crappy foundation on which to build movement.
Went back and found my post.

What did he apologize for that you disagreed with? I can't think of anything.
I said I've never seen that happen? I'll have to go back and look, but that doesn't sound like anything I would say.
I think technically you said, or whoever brought it up said, the Obama apology tour. That's always been the right wing talking point. I don't view acknowledging your past wrongs and apologizing when justified in any way bashing America or saying negative things about it. It actually makes America stronger moving forward.
Of course that flies in the face of Trumpism (Bannonism/Stoneism).
Never ever apologize for anything.
Never ever admit you were wrong.
That's a crappy foundation on which to build movement.
I referenced America being bashed by liberals. You said that you'd never heard of that. I gave you examples of a liberal bashing America. Now you're denying that?
That's ridiculous. I'm left wing and I hear little to none of that rhetoric. I think you've allowed "left wing rhetoric" to be interpreted for you by the right wing.

Just to refresh your memory, here's where you said that you'd heard none of that rhetoric.
Went back and found my post.

What did he apologize for that you disagreed with? I can't think of anything.

I disagree with him going onto foreign soil and bashing America. Presidents should not do that.

I'm having trouble with your goal posts. Where are we?

1) Denigrating America
2) Things I disagree with
3) Untruths

I made no mention of #3. I covered #2 in my previous post.

I'll give you another very prominent example of liberals saying negative things about our country: Colin Kaepernick. He hates his country so much that he won't even honor it when the national anthem is played. This is not something conservatives do. Surely you've heard of Colin Kaepernick.
I referenced America being bashed by liberals. You said that you'd never heard of that. I gave you examples of a liberal bashing America. Now you're denying that?
Yes I'm denying that.
Someone (maybe you) was moaning about Obama apologizing.
I asked what he had apologized for with which you disagree, adding I couldn't think of anything.
You provided some statements from Obama, most not apologies, and never said what you disagreed with.
I responded that all of his statements were true.

Maybe we're just having two different conversations.
Yes I'm denying that.
Someone (maybe you) was moaning about Obama apologizing.
I asked what he had apologized for with which you disagree, adding I couldn't think of anything.
You provided some statements from Obama, most not apologies, and never said what you disagreed with.
I responded that all of his statements were true.

Maybe we're just having two different conversations.
My point is that he was bashing America. If you want to pivot as to whether I agree with him, then I'll say no, I do not think America has been arrogant and dismissive. I disagree with Obama on that. Furthermore even if he does think that, he should not say it to other countries on their soil. Keep your negative thoughts about America in our house.
I'll comment on that. One is hatred of America. Left wing rhetoric portrays America as a racist country built upon slavery and everything we do globally is wrong and imperialism. Americans don't care to listen to their country being bashed day after day. Right wing point of view emphasizes freedom and lists all the countries we've freed such as Germany, Japan, France and Kuwait just to name a few.
That's ridiculous. I'm left wing and I hear little to none of that rhetoric. I think you've allowed "left wing rhetoric" to be interpreted for you by the right wing.
Where were you when Obama went on his apology tour in Europe?
What did he apologize for that you disagreed with? I can't think of anything.
Here is a more complete conversation.
Here is a more complete conversation.

You've never heard of liberals who refuse to honor our national anthem because we're a racist country? Do you need me to spoon feed you comments from Kaepernick on that too?
You've never heard of liberals who refuse to honor our national anthem because we're a racist country? Do you need me to spoon feed you comments from Kaepernick on that too?
Only one party operates from the premise theater “America was never great” and has booed God at their convention
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You've never heard of liberals who refuse to honor our national anthem because we're a racist country? Do you need me to spoon feed you comments from Kaepernick on that too?
I've heard and seen people not stand for the national anthem as a form of protest against one thing or another (usually racial in nature). Your initial statement was about left wing rhetoric. The ongoing rhetoric you heard on that issue was almost exclusively from the right. The left was pretty much "okay, whatever, they are following their convictions, no big deal, it will pass."
I've heard and seen people not stand for the national anthem as a form of protest against one thing or another (usually racial in nature). Your initial statement was about left wing rhetoric. The ongoing rhetoric you heard on that issue was almost exclusively from the right. The left was pretty much "okay, whatever, they are following their convictions, no big deal, it will pass."

OK, you're still not getting it. I guess I gotta hit you right between the eyes with anti-American rhetoric:

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
Here he says that his country is racist and murders its people. That's hatred. If you can't see that such talk is hatred then you're a lost cause.
OK, you're still not getting it. I guess I gotta hit you right between the eyes with anti-American rhetoric:

Here he says that his country is racist and murders its people. That's hatred. If you can't see that such talk is hatred then you're a lost cause.
It was one guy. It's only a big deal because the right wing media turned it into a bigger than life story through its rhetoric.
I'm not overly concerned if a football player fails to stand for the anthem as his way of expressing his beliefs that racism in America is still an issue that needs to be publicized.
It was one guy. It's only a big deal because the right wing media turned it into a bigger than life story through its rhetoric.
I'm not overly concerned if a football player fails to stand for the anthem as his way of expressing his beliefs that racism in America is still an issue that needs to be publicized.

He was vilified from the right and some on the left supported him. How many examples do I need to find before it's not "only one guy"?
He was vilified from the right and some on the left supported him. How many examples do I need to find before it's not "only one guy"?
It's just that your examples aren't proving a point.
We were discussing why right wing propaganda and confirmation is so much more popular. I think you may have just inadvertently answered the question.
My country is a racist country – built on the lie of freedom and opportunity
My country is a racist country – built on the lie of freedom and opportunity | Lindy West

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots
White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots

Inherent imperialism in the U.S. today
Inherent imperialism in the U.S. today

There are all kinds of examples of America hating on the left. My original point is that folks don't like to hear their country denigrated time and time again. This is why Air America didn't work and it's why CNN and MSNBC have such low ratings

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