Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

It's just that your examples aren't proving a point.
We were discussing why right wing propaganda and confirmation is so much more popular. I think you may have just inadvertently answered the question.

My point is that liberals denigrate America and I've shown that in spades
Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.

Because somebody believes differently than you do doesnt make them worse , it makes their beliefs different.
Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.
The medal of freedom was cheapened long before Trump took office and even longer than when he gave it to Limbaugh.
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Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.

Aww, poor little baby........get over's not gonna change because you don't like it.
I'll be glad when you decide to become a man some day and stop living on your girly emotions..
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And the left continues to show how emotionally weak it is. Do you need a safe space? How about some coloring books?
Emotionally weak? You should realize that emotional and intellectual weaknesses are exactly what Rush plays on to draw and keep an audience.
Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.

No the fact that he gave Rush the medal of freedom and it makes the left seethe means that you will be seeing more of this.
Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.
Lighten up, Francis. I hated to see Charles Woodson awarded the Heismann Trophy, but I didn’t lose any sleep over it.
Emotionally weak? You should realize that emotional and intellectual weaknesses are exactly what Rush plays on to draw and keep an audience.

I don’t care what Rush says. I don’t like him. But what he said wasn’t bigoted. You and others champion progressive behavior. Emotional and intellectual weakness follow progressiveness.
Emotionally weak? You should realize that emotional and intellectual weaknesses are exactly what Rush plays on to draw and keep an audience.

Says the guy that voted for Bernie . Your partisan hackery knows no bounds . The very thing you are complaining about Rush doing , Bernie has done all his life .

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