Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Because somebody believes differently than you do doesnt make them worse , it makes their beliefs different.
If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.
If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.
Slavery is bad but re-education camps are a-ok? Right?
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If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.

Do you know of anyone who thinks slavery is right ? Because I know people who don’t believe in being gay . See the difference? Society gets to determine if slavery is good or bad , society doesn’t get to determine people’s beliefs.
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The fact that the Don gave this bigoted, pill popping, homophobe the Medal of Freedom is an absolute joke and so is the fact that so many of you people just worship him too ...

Buttigieg says he's 'not going to be lectured on family values' by Rush Limbaugh
Not when Demos are trying to destroy family values, and finish destroying this country. You go right ahead and support this demonized party. If the right doesn’t stand up to this party, then you’ll be destroyed, right along with us. You’ll find your country gone, and wondered what happened, right under your nose. Without family values, this country can’t stand. WAKE UP!
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Do you know of anyone who thinks slavery is right ? Because I know people who don’t believe in being gay . See the difference?
I've found it necessary to use extremes to make a point.
Obviously people thought slavery was right at one point. At one point, there was 10% of society who felt it was right. A little later it was down to 5%. Society progressed out of those beliefs. Just as it is doing with the issue of sexual orientation.
Some played on the divide of slavery for their advantage and encouraged and validated those who felt slavery was appropriate.
Just as some do with sexual orientation. Rush takes advantage of people who wish to have their beliefs validated. Beliefs that they see being striped away by a progressing society.
I've found it necessary to use extremes to make a point.
Obviously people thought slavery was right at one point. At one point, there was 10% of society who felt it was right. A little later it was down to 5%. Society progressed out of those beliefs. Just as it is doing with the issue of sexual orientation.
Some played on the divide of slavery for their advantage and encouraged and validated those who felt slavery was appropriate.
Just as some do with sexual orientation. Rush takes advantage of people who wish to have their beliefs validated. Beliefs that they see being striped away by a progressing society.

They would be correct just by the definition of “ progressive society “ progress as has been proven out in history , for the sake of progress isn’t always correct . Again trying to change people’s beliefs , just because you think they are wrong , is just as bad as saying you must believe because society does . Nope .
They would be correct just by the definition of “ progressive society “ progress as has been proven out in history , for the sake of progress isn’t always correct . Again trying to change people’s beliefs , just because you think they are wrong , is just as bad as saying you must believe because society does . Nope .
I do believe there is wrong and right with some issues. Other issues are just a matter of opinion.
Again.....extreme examples: pizza - pepperoni or sausage as opposed to slavery - right or wrong.
They would be correct just by the definition of “ progressive society “ progress as has been proven out in history , for the sake of progress isn’t always correct . Again trying to change people’s beliefs , just because you think they are wrong , is just as bad as saying you must believe because society does . Nope .

If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.
When did Rush say we should have slavery?
Rush profits by taking advantage of the worst in people. He is a stain on humanity.
The fact that Rush is who Trump selects for the Medal of Freedom says it all.
Horrendously despicable.

And don't forget the pardoning of war criminals. His base loves the guys who indiscriminately use A-Rabs for target practice
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Free speech my dude . If you don’t think him kissing his husband on stage won’t turn off voters in some states , you can’t complain much about Rush being out of touch .

You realize that allowing the speech and honoring it are separate issues, right?
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You realize that allowing the speech and honoring it are separate issues, right?

By allowing him to have free speech , we honor it . When we start labeling it and shutting it down as being different , hate or just just mean , then is when it’s dangerous and we dishonor the very meaning of FREE speech .
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If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.
Or should allow the murder of unborn babies?
Emotionally weak? You should realize that emotional and intellectual weaknesses are exactly what Rush plays on to draw and keep an audience.

Disagreeing with a sodomitistic lifestyle is not emotional weakness. Supporting and praising an immoral lifestyle is weak. Luther in 10 years, you'll be defending pedophilia as a human right

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