Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.

Rush is a steaming turd human but the quote I believe you are referencing has no recorded proof beyond a book that notoriously fabricated quotes with little to no citation.
Maybe some will say the same about you or your parents or your elitist horsey woman some day. There is still time.

And it doesn't bother me one bit because, unlike you, I'm not a little b****.

Mine rides unsponsored and funds everything herself. I'm pretentious and elitist as ****, but she's not. She's just a scientist with a very expensive hobby
For the sake of consistency, I'm shocked you haven't made this observation in the RBG thread where a bevy of posters are claiming she is dead and not showing one iota of remorse.


Huh, I don't see a RBG thread on the first page of this subforum; are you drinking before your "job" again?
Huh, I don't see a RBG thread on the first page of this subforum; are you drinking before your "job" again?

That's a convenient excuse, but you've been posting here long before that thread was front page.

You can admit that you're only empathetic to this because you're a partisan sheep. You've made absolutely no secret of it considering your handle.
That's a convenient excuse, but you've been posting here long before that thread was front page.

You can admit that you're only empathetic to this because you're a partisan sheep. You've made absolutely no secret of it considering your handle.

I think it's awful to wish death upon RBG but, again, I'm merely commenting on what I'm seeing in this thread.

Which is, of course, yet another example of lower-class behavior from this forum's resident drug-addicted liquor rep. Who would have guessed it, eh?
If the beliefs differ over which is better, pepperoni or sausage pizza, your point is valid.
If the beliefs differ over whether or not we should still allow slavery, your point is 100% invalid.
lol. No one believes we should still allow slavery. I would even wager that 100% of everyone in this country wished it never even happened in the first place. Terrible analogy. Try harder next time.
Disagreeing with a sodomitistic lifestyle is not emotional weakness. Supporting and praising an immoral lifestyle is weak. Luther in 10 years, you'll be defending pedophilia as a human right
I'm guessing you must be coming from a religious perspective.
How a religious person could ever support or listen to Rush is beyond me.
Talk about un-Christ-like.
I think it's awful to wish death upon RBG but, again, I'm merely commenting on what I'm seeing in this thread.

Which is, of course, yet another example of lower-class behavior from this forum's resident drug-addicted liquor rep. Who would have guessed it, eh?

Oh no! Some resident of Trump's anal cavity thinks I'm classless. Lol.
What do you know about Christ-like? I dont think supporters of sodomy and pedophilia have clear judgement.

I think any student of the Bible (even those of elementary understanding) would hardly label you as Christ-like. If you're right and I'm wrong about all this, I'll definitely see you in hell.
Actually, his parents were a complete and abject failure when it came to child rearing. I hope he is an only child.

Youngest of five. The rest are doing quite well for themselves. Though, you would have no way of knowing anything about their parenting ability.

A.k.a: I'm the fun one.
Rush is a steaming turd human but the quote I believe you are referencing has no recorded proof beyond a book that notoriously fabricated quotes with little to no citation.
I'm not referencing any quote. (I'm not even familiar with what you are referencing)
I was just using slavery to make the point more obvious.
Rush today is like the big fat idiot (shout out to Al Franken) standing on a soap box in 1862 screaming that slavery is perfectly acceptable and just as God intended while the mindless stand around nodding their approval as they drop coins in his over-sized hat.
Actually, his parents were a complete and abject failure when it came to child rearing. I hope he is an only child.
I think test tube babies are considered only children.

Dicka is a good example of the result of foster parent abuse.

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