Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Actually, his parents were a complete and abject failure when it came to child rearing. I hope he is an only child. Maybe they didn't think that teaching common human decency had any importance.

Oh, human decency? You want to go down that road considering your posting history?
As i say, you'll be defending pedophilia and making excuses for pedophiles one day.
That is asinine and shows a complete lack of understanding.
I'm old enough to remember when mixed-race couples were vilified and morons would say "what's next, people marrying animals?"
Accepting what is perfectly right is not the proverbial slippery slope to accepting what is obviously wrong.
I'm not referencing any quote. (I'm not even familiar with what you are referencing)
I was just using slavery to make the point more obvious.
Rush today is like the big fat idiot (shout out to Al Franken) standing on a soap box in 1862 screaming that slavery is perfectly acceptable and just as God intended while the mindless stand around nodding their approval as they drop coins in his over-sized hat.

That's about a stupid and ignorant comparison that you can make.

Remember, it was you dems who love slavery, as you dems loved the killing of jews and the killing of unborn babies.
That is asinine and shows a complete lack of understanding.
I'm old enough to remember when mixed-race couples were vilified and morons would say "what's next, people marrying animals?"
Accepting what is perfectly right is not the proverbial slippery slope to accepting what is obviously wrong.

I don't think happy go vol is so much concerned with being on the wrong side of history as much as he is worrying about getting a passing grade in long division so he can land that shift lead position at Burger King this summer.
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That is asinine and shows a complete lack of understanding.
I'm old enough to remember when mixed-race couples were vilified and morons would say "what's next, people marrying animals?"
Accepting what is perfectly right is not the proverbial slippery slope to accepting what is obviously wrong.

You comparing mixed race with homosexuality? Talking about stupidity.

Male and female mixed race marriage is still natural unlike sodomy. You dems were against mixed races marriage.
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I don't think happy go vol is so much concerned with being on the wrong side of history as much as he is worrying about getting a passing grade in long division so he can land that shift lead position at Burger King this summer.

Wrong side of history? supporting sodomy and pedophilia is considered being right?
lol. No one believes we should still allow slavery. I would even wager that 100% of everyone in this country wished it never even happened in the first place. Terrible analogy. Try harder next time.
You guys cannot get a point.
Was slavery ever accepted?
Was it ever accepted by 50%.
Did that percentage fall to 40% and then 30%....20%, 10%, 5%?
And as you just acknowledged, it's now at 0%.
During the years that percentage was rightfully declining from 40% to 0%, there was a market for charlatans to defend the rightness of slavery. The people who still believed slavery was appropriate and acceptable were in desperate need of validation and would rabidly follow any snake oil salesman who provided that validation. (Thus....the Rushes of the world)
That's about a stupid and ignorant comparison that you can make.

Remember, it was you dems who love slavery, as you dems loved the killing of jews and the killing of unborn babies.
It has nothing to do with right vs. left, I'm talking about idiots vs. the thinking. Granted, those groups may align in a right/left pattern.
You guys cannot get a point.
Was slavery ever accepted?
Was it ever accepted by 50%.
Did that percentage fall to 40% and then 30%....20%, 10%, 5%?
And as you just acknowledged, it's now at 0%.
During the years that percentage was rightfully declining from 40% to 0%, there was a market for charlatans to defend the rightness of slavery. The people who still believed slavery was appropriate and acceptable were in desperate need of validation and would rabidly follow any snake oil salesman who provided that validation. (Thus....the Rushes of the world)

You know that decline in slavery runs along the same lines as the decline of power in the south for Democrats right ? It seems like every time there’s a big cultural shift it’s because the Democratic Party loses power . Isn’t that odd ? 🤷‍♂️
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You know that decline in slavery runs along the same lines as the decline of power in the south for Democrats right ? It seems like every time there’s a big cultural shift it’s because the Democratic Party loses power . Isn’t that odd ? 🤷‍♂️

The Democratic party opposed the civil Rights act
You know that decline in slavery runs along the same lines as the decline of power in the south for Democrats right ? It seems like every time there’s a big cultural shift it’s because the Democratic Party loses power . Isn’t that odd ? 🤷‍♂️
Doesn't seem that way at all. But there have always been those who leave the party as it progresses beyond their level of acceptance.
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The Democratic party opposed the civil Rights act
As those dems. who opposed the civil Rights Act jumped ship, who welcomed them with open arms.
The old Southern Strategy............turned the south from blue to red by making race a bigger issue than economics, brilliant.
By allowing him to have free speech , we honor it . When we start labeling it and shutting it down as being different , hate or just just mean , then is when it’s dangerous and we dishonor the very meaning of FREE speech .

You are honoring free speech by allowing him to have it. There is nothing wrong with labeling the speech as offensive, provided you are not shutting it down through the passage of laws. Boycotts, public shaming etc is all fair game. That is also free speech and is honored. As much as Rush is permitted to say racist, bigoted, homophobic untruths... the general public is free to call him on it. When Trump put a Presidential Medal of Freedom on Rush... he honored that speech. It was a poor choice by Trump.
You are honoring free speech by allowing him to have it. There is nothing wrong with labeling the speech as offensive, provided you are not shutting it down through the passage of laws. Boycotts, public shaming etc is all fair game. That is also free speech and is honored. As much as Rush is permitted to say racist, bigoted, homophobic untruths... the general public is free to call him on it. When Trump put a Presidential Medal of Freedom on Rush... he honored that speech. It was a poor choice by Trump.

Again free speech means free . All speech can be offensive to somebody all it takes is the person saying that offends me or I require a trigger warning before you say something I find offensive . Unpopular as it is a white nationalist has just as much right to his beliefs as a catholic preacher or a gay candidate running for president . 🤷‍♂️
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