Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Again free speech means free . All speech can be offensive to somebody all it takes is the person saying that offends me or I require a trigger warning before you say something I find offensive . Unpopular as it is a white nationalist has just as much right to his beliefs as a catholic preacher or a gay candidate running for president . 🤷‍♂️

Agreed, however any person exercising their free speech rights does not receive a free pass. Just as much as it is well within your rights to be a homophobic racist... (don't know if you are one, just an example) I am well within my rights to speak out against your speech and bring as much shame as I can upon such speech.
You guys cannot get a point.
Was slavery ever accepted?
Was it ever accepted by 50%.
Did that percentage fall to 40% and then 30%....20%, 10%, 5%?
And as you just acknowledged, it's now at 0%.
During the years that percentage was rightfully declining from 40% to 0%, there was a market for charlatans to defend the rightness of slavery. The people who still believed slavery was appropriate and acceptable were in desperate need of validation and would rabidly follow any snake oil salesman who provided that validation. (Thus....the Rushes of the world)
Your mind is in a muddled state of affairs while you desperately lash out incoherently as a palliative for your raw butt hurt. I enjoy the show! Cant wait to see what November brings us!
And now back to Rush the Snake Oil Salesman, and the people wishing to have their worst opinions validated.

Lol .... Now we want to switch back , I don’t blame you . LBJ discussing his Thurgood Marshall appointment to the SC wouldnt be a good example to try and defend . But for my whataboutism of the day ... I choose LBJ .
Your mind is in a muddled state of affairs while you desperately lash out incoherently as a palliative for your raw butt hurt.
Excellent avoidance of the point.
That point being, Rush is a turd making millions off of people wishing to have their own turdishness validated.
Lol .... Now we want to switch back , I don’t blame you . LBJ discussing his Thurgood Marshall appointment to the SC wouldnt be a good example to try and defend . But for my whataboutism of the day ... I choose LBJ .
Switch back? It's a thread on Rush.
My point was Rush profits from validating people's worst beliefs.
Agreed, however any person exercising their free speech rights does not receive a free pass. Just as much as it is well within your rights to be a homophobic racist... (don't know if you are one, just an example) I am well within my rights to speak out against your speech and bring as much shame as I can upon such speech.

Sure you are , that’s the great thing about free speech you have the right to say anything anywhere at any time . Can their be repercussions , absolutely. We have to maintain that right though so not to slip into that think tank mode where the group is absolute and the individual is wrong . It’s always about balance .
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Switch back? It's a thread on Rush.
My point was Rush profits from validating people's worst beliefs.

This is where we started , just because you think they are people’s worst beliefs doesn’t mean they are , everyone has the right to believe what they choose . Profiting off any belief is as old as time and you can literally fill a book with the whataboutisms on that subject . I’d put Rush up against Al sharpton any day of the week .
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This is where we started , just because you think they are people’s worst beliefs doesn’t mean they are , everyone has the right to believe what they choose . Profiting off any belief is as old as time and you can literally fill a book with the whataboutisms on that subject . I’d put Rush up against Al sharpton any day of the week .
They do have many similarities. And their supporters/followers have even more similarities.
And back to the beginning.
Pizza - pepperoni or sausage? is not the same as Slavery - right or wrong?
They do have many similarities. And their supporters/followers have even more similarities.
And back to the beginning.
Pizza - pepperoni or sausage? is not the same as Slavery - right or wrong?

I tried to go pizza toppings with you ( Al vs Rush ) then you balked on me at LBJ and his southern bloc vs slavery .
I tried to go pizza toppings with you ( Al vs Rush ) then you balked on me at LBJ and his southern bloc vs slavery .
Balked at what? It has absolutely no relevance to the discussion. If you think it somehow relates to the discussion of Rush, run it by my again; maybe in a different way.
Sure you are , that’s the great thing about free speech you have the right to say anything anywhere at any time . Can their be repercussions , absolutely. We have to maintain that right though so not to slip into that think tank mode where the group is absolute and the individual is wrong . It’s always about balance .

Balance is fine, but I would consider it my duty to oppose a racist homophobic piece of crap and to encourage others to do the same. Giving a piece of crap like that PMOF extends the taint to Trump.
Balked at what? It has absolutely no relevance to the discussion. If you think it somehow relates to the discussion of Rush, run it by my again; maybe in a different way.

Free speech and beliefs man it’s all relevant . You know ( or should know ) you can’t bring in slavery talking and gay beliefs without someone talking about race and how the beliefs of a Dem thought about it . The conversation evolved when you implied all the Dems jumped ship to the Rs during the “ awakening “ of the Dem party . It’s not true but you decided to take it there . I just gave some examples for things you were talking about .
Balance is fine, but I would consider it my duty to oppose a racist homophobic piece of crap and to encourage others to do the same. Giving a piece of crap like that PMOF extends the taint to Trump.

Back to balance again , do you also consider it your duty and encourage others to oppose people like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan?
Agreed, however any person exercising their free speech rights does not receive a free pass. Just as much as it is well within your rights to be a homophobic racist... (don't know if you are one, just an example) I am well within my rights to speak out against your speech and bring as much shame as I can upon such speech.
Could you please list some of what you consider to be his homophobic and/or racist remarks that have no basis in fact?
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Free speech and beliefs man it’s all relevant . You know ( or should know ) you can’t bring in slavery talking and gay beliefs without someone talking about race and how the beliefs of a Dem thought about it . The conversation evolved when you implied all the Dems jumped ship to the Rs during the “ awakening “ of the Dem party . It’s not true but you decided to take it there . I just gave some examples for things you were talking about .
Did I say all? I doubt it. But if I did, I should have said most. And that was in response to you trying to take some irrational turn about Dems supporting slavery or some such nonsense.
That's entirely irrelevant to the point.
When 40% of the population supported slavery, there was a high percentage of "bad" within that 40%.
When it had dropped to 30%, the percentage of "bad" among that group was even higher.
When it had dropped to 5%, the percentage of "bad" among that group was at or near 100%.
Rush-types are the ones resisting those changing percentages by legitimizing and confirming the old (and increasingly obviously wrong) opinions in return for money.
Did I say all? I doubt it. But if I did, I should have said most. And that was in response to you trying to take some irrational turn about Dems supporting slavery or some such nonsense.
That's entirely irrelevant to the point.
When 40% of the population supported slavery, there was a high percentage of "bad" within that 40%.
When it had dropped to 30%, the percentage of "bad" among that group was even higher.
When it had dropped to 5%, the percentage of "bad" among that group was at or near 100%.
Rush-types are the ones resisting those changing percentages by legitimizing and confirming the old (and increasingly obviously wrong) opinions in return for money.

Late to the party on this one obviously but what do Limbaugh’s comments have to do with slavery? Not a RL fan but curious on this take.

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