Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

The Pete comments from this week?

I pretty much stay out of the "talking head" discussions as I basically don't do any of them. In a quick search I found this:

"Limbaugh said this past week that he envisioned Democrats concluding that “despite all the great ground that’s been covered, that America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage for president.”"

As a political observation he may or may not be correct but I'm at a loss to how this could be demonized to the extent I've seen unless there was more to it.
I pretty much stay out of the "talking head" discussions as I basically don't do any of them. In a quick search I found this:

"Limbaugh said this past week that he envisioned Democrats concluding that “despite all the great ground that’s been covered, that America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage for president.”"

As a political observation he may or may not be correct but I'm at a loss to how this could be demonized to the extent I've seen unless there was more to it.

Because victim mentality requires it.
Excellent avoidance of the point.
That point being, Rush is a turd making millions off of people wishing to have their own turdishness validated.
There is no point avoidance when there was no point to be made.

Its funny that Rush upsets you so much yet your own party is the largest fear mongering entity in the country.
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There is no point avoidance when there was no point to be made.

Its funny that Rush upsets you so much yet your own party is the largest fear mongering entity in the country.

Democrats don't have any kind of monopoly on that. Trump got elected fear mongering about everyone out to get him. Both parties do it.
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Yes, if you think that making racist homophobic statements is neither good or bad.
What you consider to be a racist/homophobic comment may not be one to someone else. You may be what some consider to be a victim, a pansy, a snowflake, a whiner, etc..
What you consider to be a racist/homophobic comment may not be one to someone else. You may be what some consider to be a victim, a pansy, a snowflake, a whiner, etc..

I know, according to the right... racism and discrimination based upon sex or orientation do not exist. And if it does it is best handled by the free market. They conveniently ignore the fact that for several hundred years the free market did nothing to correct the problem.
I know, according to the right... racism and discrimination based upon sex or orientation do not exist. And if it does it is best handled by the free market. They conveniently ignore the fact that for several hundred years the free market did nothing to correct the problem.
If the free market is distrusted because of inaction on social freedoms for hundreds of years and the same is true of politics, why isn't politics also to be distrusted?
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I know, according to the right... racism and discrimination based upon sex or orientation do not exist And if it does it is best handled by the free market. They conveniently ignore the fact that for several hundred years the free market did nothing to correct the problem.
It seems to me that Rush is correctly saying that discrimination based on sexual preference does exist, and that is why Pete can't get elected. Rush is a realist, not a racist or a homophobe. He deals in facts that you can't handle.
It seems to me that Rush is correctly saying that discrimination based on sexual preference does exist, and that is why Pete can't get elected. Rush is a realist, not a racist or a homophobe. He deals in facts that you can't handle.

He panders to the lowest common denominator. I bet you are a daily listener.
If the free market is distrusted because of inaction on social freedoms for hundreds of years and the same is true of politics, why isn't politics also to be distrusted?

You ain’t getting an answer
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QUOTE="ClearwaterVol, post: 17985256, member: 19787"]Not buying it.[/QUOTE]I don't care if you do or not. I listened to him in my vehicle back in the 1990's when I was on the road selling. I agree with most of what he says, but I don't even know what channel he is on now. He was on AM radio at the time, and assume he still is.
There is no point avoidance when there was no point to be made.

Its funny that Rush upsets you so much yet your own party is the largest fear mongering entity in the country.
He doesn't upset me, I just recognize him for what he is.
If the free market is distrusted because of inaction on social freedoms for hundreds of years and the same is true of politics, why isn't politics also to be distrusted?
Whoever said politics wasn't to be distrusted?
Few things should be distrusted more.
Unregulated and unbridled capitalism being one.
Dogmatic religious zealotry being another.
He panders to the lowest common denominator. I bet you are a daily listener.

You would lose that bet. I haven't heard him in probably 20 years or more, other than clips that make it on the tv.

Not buying it.

I've never heard him on radio either......I've just seen some clips on what he says on the TV is all. I don't get in my car & dial him up......I'd rather listen to music when I'm in the car or at home.....but that's just me. I have my own thoughts about others......I don't need someone on the radio or TV telling me what to think or who to vote for.

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