Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

I've never heard him on radio either......I've just seen some clips on what he says on the TV is all. I don't get in my car & dial him up......I'd rather listen to music when I'm in the car or at home.....but that's just me.
Well then I can still hold out hope that if you and '72 actually listened to him you would understand what a turd of a human he actually is and how inappropriate it was for him to even be considered for the MOF.
Well then I can still hold out hope that if you and '72 actually listened to him you would understand what a turd of a human he actually is and how inappropriate it was for him to even be considered for the MOF.

That's just like, you know man......your opinion. Not everyone thinks that like you morons do.
He doesn't have an effect on my daily life like you seem to let him live in your head & triggers you to hate..
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What you consider to be a racist/homophobic comment may not be one to someone else. You may be what some consider to be a victim, a pansy, a snowflake, a whiner, etc..

You can't write one post without calling someone a name. Everything you write is devalued because of that.
Well then I can still hold out hope that if you and '72 actually listened to him you would understand what a turd of a human he actually is and how inappropriate it was for him to even be considered for the MOF.
My dentist actually keeps the overhead tuned to his show. Most dental patients get easy listening/soft rock like Chicago, Phil Collins or Air Supply... I get Rush Limbaugh. As if having your teeth cleaned wasn't uncomfortable enough....
My dentist actually keeps the overhead tuned to his show. Most dental patients get easy listening/soft rock like Chicago, Phil Collins or Air Supply... I get Rush Limbaugh. As if having your teeth cleaned wasn't uncomfortable enough....

Air Supply...lulz
That's just like, you know man......your opinion. Not everyone thinks that like you morons do.
He doesn't have an effect on my daily life like you seem to let him live in your head & triggers you to hate..

How dare you completely butcher that quote.

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And it doesn't bother me one bit because, unlike you, I'm not a little b****.

Mine rides unsponsored and funds everything herself. I'm pretentious and elitist as ****, but she's not. She's just a scientist with a very expensive hobby
How could you be elitist? I mean come on

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