Sarkisian comment pertinent to UT football

As for Vandy our record against them the last few years says otherwise and if not for a bad call by the refs I believe we would have lost the last 3.

Right, because Dooley was a terrible coach.

If you think it is because we simply lacked the talent to compete with them, then answer me why that suddenly became the case when Franklin became their coach? If anything, the notion that we could have lost to Vanderbilt each year that he has been there goes to show you what a quality coach can accomplish (right away, even in their first year) in spite of a lack of talent.
Right, because Dooley was a terrible coach.

If you think it is because we simply lacked the talent to compete with them, then answer me why that suddenly became the case when Franklin became their coach? If anything, the notion that we could have lost to Vanderbilt each year that he has been there goes to show you what a quality coach can accomplish (right away, even in their first year) in spite of a lack of talent.

Dooley's record speaks for itself I do not need to rehash that.

I am not taking anything away from Franklin and think he has those kids at Vandy believing they can win against obviously more talented teams. I thought he should have at least been interviewed when UT was in search of a coach and probably will soon land a much bigger job.

I think what you and some on here ignore is the attrition this roster has had the last few years. You look solely at recruiting rankings and say UT is more talented and while that may have been true when the rankings were generated attrition has taken its toll.

Obviously me and you are not going to agree and you have made your decision and I am not going to change it so good day sir. :hi:
Getting beat by Vandy seems to bother some of you guys. Wake up people Vandy is a much better team than the Vols right now. Franklin has been there now four seasons, almost the entire team is his recruits, he put the coaching staff in place and Vandy has more talent and depth than UT at this point. Vandy also beat the Gators at the swamp, Georgia in Nashville. The only teams that blew them out were AM in College Station and Missouri at home. Losing to Vandy is not like it was in the 90's, they have some very talented players. Give the Vols credit playing them tough and having a lead late in the game.

Post of the day IMO. Nicely stated!:good!:
I think what you and some on here ignore is the attrition this roster has had the last few years. You look solely at recruiting rankings and say UT is more talented and while that may have been true when the rankings were generated attrition has taken its toll.

No, the players ON THE FIELD for Tennessee were higher rated coming out of high school than the players ON THE FIELD were for Vanderbilt. And it's not even close.

Vanderbilt is, however, much better coached. I think anyone can see that.
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Getting beat by Vandy seems to bother some of you guys. Wake up people Vandy is a much better team than the Vols right now. Franklin has been there now four seasons, almost the entire team is his recruits, he put the coaching staff in place and Vandy has more talent and depth than UT at this point. Vandy also beat the Gators at the swamp, Georgia in Nashville. The only teams that blew them out were AM in College Station and Missouri at home. Losing to Vandy is not like it was in the 90's, they have some very talented players. Give the Vols credit playing them tough and having a lead late in the game.

Post of the day IMO. Nicely stated!:good!:

Wow. This is the very example of fans so in love with the coaches that they have no standards. Florida fans were not happy about losing to Vanderbilt. Georgia fans were not happy about it either. We, however, have people who are so dead set on worshiping the coach as their lord and savior that they can't admit a single failing.
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And it is as it should be.

As for the comparison to UT's situation... it went from bad to worse on the field. You can blame on talent, you can blame on coaching, you can acknowledge it was some of both... but historic lows were set this year. This team was not better than last year in many ways and was worse than the two previous years in most ways.

Gee....just musing here but I think we beat a top ten team this year...just a wee bit better than last year dont you think???....goodness gracious man....
Gee....just musing here but I think we beat a top ten team this year...just a wee bit better than last year dont you think???....goodness gracious man....

That one win cannot offset all the blowouts this year including the worst offense ever put on the field by any UT team (if not ever at least in my 30 years of following UT football). Remember that last year we played a much better SCjr and UGA teams down to the wire on the road, and also lost to a much better UF team (this year we lost to the worst UF team they had in last 30 years). And how about Mizzou? Last year it was a disaster when we lost in overtime - this year we get blown out after scoring only 3 points and you call that progress?
No,the players ON THE FIELD for Tennessee were higher rated coming out of high school than the players ON THE FIELD were for Vanderbilt. And it's not even close.

Vanderbilt is, however, much better coached. I think anyone can see that.

Who rated those players and have recruiting services ever been wrong?

Ask Jordan Matthews what he thinks of recruiting rankings.
Who rated those players and have recruiting services ever been wrong?

Ask Jordan Matthews what he thinks of recruiting rankings.

Recruiting services or anyone else can be wrong - it's just not likely they are wrong more often than "experts" on this forum.
Who cares what Jordan Matthews thinks about recruiting or anything else? Do you think that people who know football are going to listen to him (or few other exceptions like him) or continue to pay attention to recruiting services that get it right more often than not?
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That one win cannot offset all the blowouts this year including the worst offense ever put on the field by any UT team (if not ever at least in my 30 years of following UT football). Remember that last year we played a much better SCjr and UGA teams down to the wire on the road, and also lost to a much better UF team (this year we lost to the worst UF team they had in last 30 years). And how about Mizzou? Last year it was a disaster when we lost in overtime - this year we get blown out after scoring only 3 points and you call that progress?

Guess you don't remember the 08 offense...
Who rated those players and have recruiting services ever been wrong?

Ask Jordan Matthews what he thinks of recruiting rankings.

Recruiting services will always be a more accurate gauge of talent than posters on a message board looking for an excuse for their coach after a pathetic loss.

But, I guess if you don't believe recruiting services are accurate, then I guess you won't be praising Butch Jones for his recruiting this year either.
Most definitely. Hard to recruit elite players to UW. One might say Oregon proves that shouldn't be true, you can get elite players to the NW. But, really, as Oregon fans point out when we played them, they've been a program on the steady ascension since the early 2000's who then became a dynamo. Sark took over a 0-12 team. Now, I'm not saying Sarkisian will be a savior. The focus of my post was on his comment and it's transferability to what we need to keep in perspective.

When we have more depth, we won't see the team so spent at the end of the year, and appearing as if they are regressing. Miracle (and credit to Lawson) that we kept many guys healthy playing that many snaps/game.

I think it's also worth mentioning the NIKE factor that Oregon has going for it. Phil Knight is not a bad alum to have. Sports is kind of their thing.
Good for them - they got out of town in a hurry when they heard bearcat spread was coming :yikes:

Actually CP would have gobbled this spread up. A pitch to him and he's gone. That's the point, athletes. The Vikings ran a similar play and :w00t: touchdown.
We did not need a new offensive system. Changing system and coordinators that were doing just fine is all on Butch (it was his decision so he bears full responsibility for results and gets all the criticism that comes with that decision).

Yeah, Butch should have come in and stuck with a system he doesn't run because you want him too. Not the system that has been successful for him since he's been a head coach but the system that Dooley ran..:swoon3: What coach does that? I sincerely hope Butch has learned NOT to listen to the fans like the Peterman debacle and stick with what he knows. Contrary to what we may think we aren't smarter than the ones who do it for a living. I know that gets old but it's true. We aren't. We know what we know based on the emotion of watching 1,000's of hours of football over the years which puts us on a pedestal. The second we were hired by UT we wouldn't know what to do. What would you say at a home visit? What game plan would you put together week to week? What special abilities do you bring to the table after your years of watching CFB and Madded 2K28 could you pass on to these players? Oh, here it is:
We did not need a new offensive system. Changing system and coordinators that were doing just fine is all on Butch
Genius my friend. Genius.:twocents::twocents::twocents:
Yeah, Butch should have come in and stuck with a system he doesn't run because you want him too. Not the system that has been successful for him since he's been a head coach but the system that Dooley ran..:swoon3: What coach does that? I sincerely hope Butch has learned NOT to listen to the fans like the Peterman debacle and stick with what he knows. Contrary to what we may think we aren't smarter than the ones who do it for a living. I know that gets old but it's true. We aren't. We know what we know based on the emotion of watching 1,000's of hours of football over the years which puts us on a pedestal. The second we were hired by UT we wouldn't know what to do. What would you say at a home visit? What game plan would you put together week to week? What special abilities do you bring to the table after your years of watching CFB and Madded 2K28 could you pass on to these players? Oh, here it is:
We did not need a new offensive system. Changing system and coordinators that were doing just fine is all on Butch
Genius my friend. Genius.:twocents::twocents::twocents:
When he posted that I truly thought it was an attempt at sarcasm. Then subsequently I read more and found out he was being serious. It blew my mind.
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I can see Jones having Sark type numbers at UT. Not a rag on Jones. I just see him as a 7-8 win coach. Maybe a 9 win here and there.

I'm always curious when people make these premonitions. What do you base this on? What about Jones says 7-8 wins? His walk? His hair? And what about him draws you to the conclusion that a 9 here and there? His wife? The size of his hands? Sark type numbers, what is that? UW always sucked and it's the Pacific Northwest which only good for grunge and killer chronic. Anyway, did Sark ever come in with less than a year on the job with #2 class to date in recruiting? The only thing one would have to draw that mediocre conclusion would be trying to compare his spread and coaching with players that aren't his. Oh yeah these same players have a losing culture to draw on as a reference. In comes a coach that has done more in less than a year for this program than Kiffin, Dooley, and Sarks combined, but I see a 7-8 win season, 9 if we're lucky.:thumbsup: I heard similar premonitions before the season started like: Missouri sucks and Pinkel will be fired at the end of the year. Auburn would be lucky to win 6 games this year. Vandy's going down this year. Florida should win 9-10 games this year.
With all that someone would actually make the statement that they see a coach they barely know anything about and conclude that coach will only win 7-8 games a year during his tenure. You know how many games I think Butch is good for a year? I don't know, that's how many. However when I see the class he's working on and I watch his CMU and Cincy games I see a football coach for the first time in years at the University of TN. I see a coach that has garnered the respect of past coaching legends and players who played and coached at this university. Not one has had a negative word to say about him public or private. Not one has even implied that he was a marginal coach. Coaches know coaches and players know coaches. Yet for some reason the only people that marginalize this coach and this staff are those of us behind the keyboard. Do you have to have played the game to be an expert? No. But I'm curious to know how someone comes to guessing wins using this season alone as a reference point and the emotion of a losing season. :crap2:
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1. Cleaned up program in terms of getting out of NCAA mess after Kiffin
Any Coach with minimal skill could do this. Just don't break the rule. Hello?
2. Had amazing recruiting success initally when he only had about a month after he was hired - brought in Hunter and D Rogers (did much better than Butch with his first class with less time than Butch).
He had one highly ranked class with Hunter and Rogers and stopped recruiting afterwards. Dooley did not want to wine and dine the 4 & 5*'s that every other major college is recruiting. Let's win NC's with 2&3*'s that no one else wants. How's that working for you? It's not.
3. Build one of the best offenses in the country in 3 years, and one of the best in school history (recruited great receivers, and o-line, and had excellent offensive staff).
Your best offense in the country reference doesn't hold water when your record is 5-7 consecutively. That high powered offense lost to Kentucky. Hey that air raid offense you speak of was blown out by Vandy. That same o line was not developed as well as you think. Freshman and sophomore Dlineman knocked them on their arses. That's coaching.

4. Seemed to be down to earth and honest - I never had impression with him that he was trying to sell anyone on anything - was almost to honest for his own good.
Down to earth? The players needed permission and damn near had to make an appt to see him. He was stand offish and belittled those employees around him and I mean belittle. He kept his office away from everything like he was some CEO as opposed to being a developer of talent and young men. He read books on how to deal with teenagers and todays youth as opposed to drawing off life experiences like the rest of us. That's called out of touch. The reason why he didn't sell anyone on anything was because he thought he was too good. Ask the HS coaches throughout TN. Why would they lie he ignored them for 3 years they have nothing to gain.

5. Seems to be the unluckiest guy alive (so I feel some sympathy for him for that reason) - if he brought in just about anyone other than Sunseri with the offense we had last year we would have been 10-2 (and let's not even talk about unreal endings to LSU and NC games in prior years - if he would have won those 2 his first year he would have gained a lot of recruiting success because of momentum - those 2 loses and the UK loss the year later eventually cost him his job because the recruiting stalled after that.
Unlucky is a ridiculous word to use. The word is unqualified to be the coach of the UT. He did not have the resume to even entertain an interview. Prior to that La school he never came up through the coaching ranks. He was never a Coordinator always a position coach. He never had to grind a day in his life that's why his results were not Sabanesque. Saban started from the bottom. Those endings you call unreal are coaching moves.
Butch is a much slicker salesman (which is needed for recruiting and larger fan base) - but some of the stuff he says can be over the top for my taste (ie. bringing best staff in America is equivalent to Obama saying you can keep your insurance and doctor while knowing all along this was not the case
You call it over the top for your taste. You're not a 17,18 and up year old young man in a football program because guess what? Articles have been written about those saying and how outsiders call them corny but the players never do. I repeat, the players don't. You know why because just like Corey Miller stated in an interview on the radio, those saying relate to what they do on the field. And Jones shows them on film what he means by those sayings. When I read posts like this, its answers the question as to why everybody can't coach. And your Obama comparison is just plain stupid, people comparing sports and politics have an agenda.
What about Jones says 7-8 wins?

1. The game planning and in game coaching ability he has displayed so far (worst offense I have seen in UT in 30 years, and defense which screamed Sal 2.0).

2. Bearcat spread - I don't think that system will ever win more than 7-9 games in SEC no matter what athletes they bring in

3. He tries to emulate Kelly who I don't think would ever win more than 7-9 games if he coached in SEC

4. Horrible assistants (including few who already proved they can't hang in SEC and were fired by UGA and also directly beaten by both Dooley and Kiffin)
I sincerely hope Butch has learned NOT to listen to the fans like the Peterman debacle and stick with what he knows. Contrary to what we may think we aren't smarter than the ones who do it for a living.

Wow. You actually believe that fans were the reason that Peterman started in the swamp? If that's the case, if Butch Jones was letting fan pressure decide who his quarterback would be 4 games into his tenure, then he is much less of a coach than I ever imagined. Even Dooley wouldn't do something that inept.

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