"Slava Ukraina"
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It's like you want to see the bad in some countries including your own and the good in others. I try to take the good with the bad - that no country is perfect, and some at least attempt to get it right more than others. We are of different generations, and we see the past differently based on our experiences.
It was dominated by that religion when they led earth in science etc. Then the Ottoman Empire happened, then European colonization and the aftermath of that. Today as we know there's very little good government in that part of the world.More like government being dominated by a religion, and some of those governments aren't democratic in any form either.
It was dominated by that religion when they led earth in science etc. Then the Ottoman Empire happened, then European colonization and the aftermath of that. Today as we know there's very little good government in that part of the world.
There's that. Myanmar is a good (extreme) example. Then there's meddling by the 'great powers' which tends to retard development.Sometimes you wonder which was more destructive - colonialism or the backlash when colonialism was ended. It seems most of the time when colonialism ended, countries threw out the baby with the bathwater and became more backward than before pre-colonial days.
Lol. So we are back on the USSR is not Russia argument.
And no China is not actually building the full infrastructure. It's their common bait and switch. They build up the services that the Chinese need, then stop. Because the infrastructure isnt complete the host country doesnt make any more money than they were before. And to get the infrastructure they got the host country had to sign away whatever resources they had, so the host has less money than they did before. And when the loan comes due, the host cant pay, and China ends up with even more.
At least when we "colonized" the companies were real, built by locals, worked by locals. The chinese are moving in and building their own stuff, and working it too. The host country is getting literally nothing. The chinese are actually colonizing vs our economic colonizing.
When you say they are 200 years behind us you are correct, just not in the manner you think. And it's not accidental. They know exactly what they are doing.
We are the bullies right now.
There's that. Myanmar is a good (extreme) example. Then there's meddling by the 'great powers' which tends to retard development.
Every word true. Well said.
No, but we are the biggest, baddest mofo on the playground and we absolutely HAVE to stay that way in order to keep these cutthroat Chicoms from conquering Asia outright.
Oh...and by the way brother...IF we hadnt gone right to Chinas doorstep just 75 years ago and with the blood of thousands and thousands of US young Men kicked the sheit out of the Chicoms next door neighbor....who was running thru their sheithole country like a hot knife thru butter (see Rape of Nanking)....IF WE didnt come to their rescue that sheithole of 1.4ish Billion folks would be Western Japan.
China owes us the same way the French do...but where are all the beautiful statues, monuments, etc showing their gratitude to US for bailing their beitch azzes out in WW2???? Oh...thats right there aren't any. Instead they Saber rattle and grandstand every chance they get....knowing good and damn well that we will leave that sheithole barely 1st world country (only in major cities...countryside is 2nd world at BEST) we will leave a smoking HOLE in the ground before they ever get an ICBM within 1000 miles of here. Stealth bombers are great...but our nuclear armed attack subs are the beginning of any nuclear scenario, and the END of every major city in China. China is drunk with their newfound power since we bailed them out....they need an attitude adjustment badly.
Your last sentence... smh.Every word true. Well said.
No, but we are the biggest, baddest mofo on the playground and we absolutely HAVE to stay that way in order to keep these cutthroat Chicoms from conquering Asia outright.
Oh...and by the way brother...IF we hadnt gone right to Chinas doorstep just 75 years ago and with the blood of thousands and thousands of US young Men kicked the sheit out of the Chicoms next door neighbor....who was running thru their sheithole country like a hot knife thru butter (see Rape of Nanking)....IF WE didnt come to their rescue that sheithole of 1.4ish Billion folks would be Western Japan.
China owes us the same way the French do...but where are all the beautiful statues, monuments, etc showing their gratitude to US for bailing their beitch azzes out in WW2???? Oh...thats right there aren't any. Instead they Saber rattle and grandstand every chance they get....knowing good and damn well that we will leave that sheithole barely 1st world country (only in major cities...countryside is 2nd world at BEST) we will leave a smoking HOLE in the ground before they ever get an ICBM within 1000 miles of here. Stealth bombers are great...but our nuclear armed attack subs are the beginning of any nuclear scenario, and the END of every major city in China. China is drunk with their newfound power since we bailed them out....they need an attitude adjustment badly.
Let me add...i am not a warmonger, and do not want war with anyone. My Dad and Pappaw both served 26 years and taught me better. That said...we have spent trillions and trillions and far too many lives in the last 100 years trying to keep the strong from raping the weak. We should not and will not make an exception for the Chicoms. They too will be brought to heel if absolutely necessary. It may bring an end to life as we know it worldwide in the process.
I have a simple answer. The U.S. is allowed to have bases all the world. China and other countries apparently are not.
Read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman". The West, particularly the US, are masters at the debt slavery game. If it isn't IMF or World Bank funding, it is the type of strong arming we used in Latin America where the leaders either agree to take on these projects/debt or we find a way to regime change them.China has a very different approach. Sell projects to third world countries that can't afford them - generally by bribing politicians, and then taking land for bases when the debt comes due and can't be paid. The Belt and Road stuff was was underway in Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War. They are like a cockroach infestation. I'm not claiming to be an expert on how we do things, but I do know that my family was supposed to transfer to a US base in Spain back in the 50s and it didn't happen because Spain wanted the US out - we left. We left when parts of Micronesia wanted their independence - and the Philippines. I personally hope that some day Puerto Rico decides they'd prefer not to be a US territory ... if they could only figure out how to be completely independent and still have our monetary input.
No different than those UK opium dealers that destroyed the Chinese in order to get access to their major ports and help balance out their trade deficit.In short we make deals for bases with countries that are competent to decide. The Chinese are like crack dealers who offer freebies and hook incompetents ... and then own them. There's a big - very big difference. If you agree that it's reasonable to take advantage of the mentally infirm or underaged; then, sure there's no problem with how the Chinese go about building bases around the globe - especially if you ignore the potential.
Hmmm... looks like Uganda needs some "freedom and democracy" coming their way. We need to liberate their LGBTQP community and their natural resources.
Biden Wants Sanctions Against Uganda Because Its Government Passed Anti-LGBT Laws | ZeroHedge
Looks like it is coming...Now why the hell is ISIS in central Africa?Uganda might be in need of some freedom pretty soon.
Nazi rocket scientists sent ISIS to Uganda so the US Government, which is secretly run by nazi rocket scientists, can secretly steal Ugandan gold. Perfect plan, 75 years in the making. @Jxn Vol @davethevolLooks like it is coming...Now why the hell is ISIS in central Africa?
At least 38 children dead and others abducted in attack on Uganda school by Isis-linked group
At least 38 pupils and three adults have been killed in an attack on a school in Uganda by a rebel group linked to Isis, according to local authorities.
The attack took place at Lhubiriha school in the Kasese district in western Uganda, close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), police say.
The attackers burnt down a dormitory and looted food from the school’s stores, national police spokesperson Fred Enanga said.
Some of the children were burnt or hacked to death while many other pupils, mostly girls have been abducted by the group, Major General Dick Olum from the Ugandan army told the media.