Scramble for Africa 2.0

Perhaps we are using similar terms but are defining those differently. If you are using the terms as trade arrangements, I completely agree. It is how it is universally done. Goods and commodities traded between nations improve all nations participating.
I am using these terms to describe financial and military gifting to a country for some ill-conceived political goal. I do not agree this approach is universally done. If fact, there are nations which have grown tremendously in prosperity without any "investment" of money or military into other countries. With that said, this approach is uniquely American. We have an identity as a country which presumes our help is needed, required, and our responsibility. I believe it is in America's long term interests to alter that identity.
What is it we have to offer? As best I can tell the only thing we have to offer is our military prowess backed by the US dollar which is propped up by oil trade, which is on track to end soon anyway.

We manufacturer nothing. We just develop things, ideas etc. All easily back engineered and copied.

Maybe we do need to do things differently, but part of that is going to mean hard times for a very spoiled, soft nation. People used to having it easy and others used to getting something for nothing are in for a rude awakening. Likely civil unrest on a scale never seen here. Decades long, civil war very likely.

Now that my rant is over I'd really like to hear your ideas for this new direction/identity...... And sorry for the out of the blue bump.
What is it we have to offer? As best I can tell the only thing we have to offer is our military prowess backed by the US dollar which is propped up by oil trade, which is on track to end soon anyway.

We manufacturer nothing. We just develop things, ideas etc. All easily back engineered and copied.

Maybe we do need to do things differently, but part of that is going to mean hard times for a very spoiled, soft nation. People used to having it easy and others used to getting something for nothing are in for a rude awakening. Likely civil unrest on a scale never seen here. Decades long, civil war very likely.

Now that my rant is over I'd really like to hear your ideas for this new direction/identity...... And sorry for the out of the blue bump.
WWTNRSD? What would the nazi rocket scientists do?
Edit: forgot to bump @Jxn Vol
What is it we have to offer? As best I can tell the only thing we have to offer is our military prowess backed by the US dollar which is propped up by oil trade, which is on track to end soon anyway.

We manufacturer nothing. We just develop things, ideas etc. All easily back engineered and copied.

Maybe we do need to do things differently, but part of that is going to mean hard times for a very spoiled, soft nation. People used to having it easy and others used to getting something for nothing are in for a rude awakening. Likely civil unrest on a scale never seen here. Decades long, civil war very likely.

Now that my rant is over I'd really like to hear your ideas for this new direction/identity...... And sorry for the out of the blue bump.
America has much to offer. It refines (or has the ability) to refine more oil than any other country. It produces the most corn. It is the birthplace of technology. Americans give more money through charity than any other countries citizens. Several countries in close proximity and through alliances enjoy direct and indirect protection from our military. We do manufacture a lot. Our production continues to increase and is currently second behind China. Entertainment and cultural influences span the globe. Nuclear power. A steadfast beacon for freedom and liberty.

Take a few minutes and explore these search results: what does america lead the world in - Google Search

I want to see America move to a more neutral position on the world political stage. I want to see us fix our own house before we rebuild our neighbor's house.
Looks like it is coming...Now why the hell is ISIS in central Africa?

At least 38 children dead and others abducted in attack on Uganda school by Isis-linked group

At least 38 pupils and three adults have been killed in an attack on a school in Uganda by a rebel group linked to Isis, according to local authorities.

The attack took place at Lhubiriha school in the Kasese district in western Uganda, close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), police say.

The attackers burnt down a dormitory and looted food from the school’s stores, national police spokesperson Fred Enanga said.

Some of the children were burnt or hacked to death while many other pupils, mostly girls have been abducted by the group, Major General Dick Olum from the Ugandan army told the media.
Looks like they have been there for a while. Since 2014, and officially recognized by ISIS (Syria) in 2019.

National Counterterrorism Center | FTOs

Islam is the largest minority religion, and they have been targeting the Christian majority. In fact the number of Muslim's has grown while Christianity has been shrinking. Demographic shifts have typically lead to internal strife, so put down the conspiracy theory for once.
America has much to offer. It refines (or has the ability) to refine more oil than any other country. It produces the most corn. It is the birthplace of technology. Americans give more money through charity than any other countries citizens. Several countries in close proximity and through alliances enjoy direct and indirect protection from our military. We do manufacture a lot. Our production continues to increase and is currently second behind China. Entertainment and cultural influences span the globe. Nuclear power. A steadfast beacon for freedom and liberty.

Take a few minutes and explore these search results: what does america lead the world in - Google Search

I want to see America move to a more neutral position on the world political stage. I want to see us fix our own house before we rebuild our neighbor's house.
Would you agree that US affluence has been most influenced by the oil trade in US dollars?

If so what do you think happens once that is no longer the case?
Would you agree that US affluence has been most influenced by the oil trade in US dollars?
If so what do you think happens once that is no longer the case?

I really don't know how much of our affluence is tied to oil trade. I am happy to look at some resources to gain some perspective on it. I am aware of other factors which facilitated our rise to affluence.

I have no idea what will happen if oil trading is detached from the US Dollar. To get an idea, I think we would have to look at decoupling the British pound as a worldwide reserve currency as an example.
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I really don't know how much of our affluence is tied to oil trade. I am happy to look at some resources to gain some perspective on it. I am aware of other factors which facilitated our rise to affluence.

I have no idea what will happen if oil trading is detached from the US Dollar. To get an idea, I think we would have to look at decoupling the British pound as a worldwide reserve currency as an example.
jmo. My understanding is that some chunk of the value of the US dollar on the international market is due to the artificial demand that deals in oil must be done in dollars. They have kept the demand higher, which mean our dollar goes further on the international market than it should. Removing it completely, or even seeing a decrease in the number of countries dealing in the US dollar for oil will decrease demand, meaning the value will drop. I don't see EVERY country going away from the dollar, but the value will come down. Where I differ is I don't think this heralds a collapse.

1. it will be a gradual change, as its not being lost all at once. and its not like nations are refusing to deal with the US dollar, they just aren't requiring it.
2. as our dollar loses value on the international market, manufacturing at home will become more favorable, as the internal value will still be the same (sans inflation).
3. funny enough probably the second biggest thing artificially inflating the dollar on the international market is the black market. and I don't see that changing up very soon because the standard of living is still higher here than any of the BRICS competition. There is a reason the street value of a dollar is usually noticeably higher than the official exchange rate. The US dollar will still be acceptable currency in most interactions. Unless there is similar artificial push for some other currency I don't see greenbacks losing their pocket power quickly.
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jmo. My understanding is that some chunk of the value of the US dollar on the international market is due to the artificial demand that deals in oil must be done in dollars. They have kept the demand higher, which mean our dollar goes further on the international market than it should. Removing it completely, or even seeing a decrease in the number of countries dealing in the US dollar for oil will decrease demand, meaning the value will drop. I don't see EVERY country going away from the dollar, but the value will come down. Where I differ is I don't think this heralds a collapse.

1. it will be a gradual change, as its not being lost all at once. and its not like nations are refusing to deal with the US dollar, they just aren't requiring it.
2. as our dollar loses value on the international market, manufacturing at home will become more favorable, as the internal value will still be the same (sans inflation).
3. funny enough probably the second biggest thing artificially inflating the dollar on the international market is the black market. and I don't see that changing up very soon because the standard of living is still higher here than any of the BRICS competition. There is a reason the street value of a dollar is usually noticeably higher than the official exchange rate. The US dollar will still be acceptable currency in most interactions. Unless there is similar artificial push for some other currency I don't see greenbacks losing their pocket power quickly.

Any ideas on how much "chunk of of the dollar value" is due to demand on the international oil market? Does it increase the value by a fixed amount or a percentage? And what is that amount or percentage?
America has much to offer. It refines (or has the ability) to refine more oil than any other country. It produces the most corn. It is the birthplace of technology. Americans give more money through charity than any other countries citizens. Several countries in close proximity and through alliances enjoy direct and indirect protection from our military. We do manufacture a lot. Our production continues to increase and is currently second behind China. Entertainment and cultural influences span the globe. Nuclear power. A steadfast beacon for freedom and liberty.

Take a few minutes and explore these search results: what does america lead the world in - Google Search

I want to see America move to a more neutral position on the world political stage. I want to see us fix our own house before we rebuild our neighbor's house.
Fix my truck first!
Fix my truck first!
Your truck is listed as "minor dents and scratches" at Copart. The insurance company did not disclose the frame damage. They're gonna make 75% back what they paid out to you.
Any ideas on how much "chunk of of the dollar value" is due to demand on the international oil market? Does it increase the value by a fixed amount or a percentage? And what is that amount or percentage?
no idea.

I haven't read anything trying to tie it to a certain percentage. just looking at the math I guess one could figure out how much US $$$ is used in trade deals, and then see how much US $$$$ is used in all other international trade and figure it out that way. but that would still just tell you the international side of things, I would imagine the domestics side plays a part in that too. but all of that is well beyond my google-fu
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no idea.

I haven't read anything trying to tie it to a certain percentage. just looking at the math I guess one could figure out how much US $$$ is used in trade deals, and then see how much US $$$$ is used in all other international trade and figure it out that way. but that would still just tell you the international side of things, I would imagine the domestics side plays a part in that too. but all of that is well beyond my google-fu
I couldn't find anything either.

Typically, the concern we create in our mind is worse than the actual affect. I'll keep that in mind as we transition to a new reality wrt petro-dollars.
I couldn't find anything either.

Typically, the concern we create in our mind is worse than the actual affect. I'll keep that in mind as we transition to a new reality wrt petro-dollars.
agreed. history typically tends to fall in the middle of the worst case vs the best case. The Nazis could have invented nukes or maybe one of their other wonder weapons actually worked, or maybe that priest doesn't save a drowning young Hitler. two extremes, we got somewhere in the middle.

about the only thing I find more difficult to expect the median on is AI. a truly sentient AI could go in literally any direction, and while extremes exist beyond our ability to project them, the AI landing on an "extreme" solution seems just as likely as a "reasonable" solution.
Your truck is listed as "minor dents and scratches" at Copart. The insurance company did not disclose the frame damage. They're gonna make 75% back what they paid out to you.
Buy it then sue them.

Did you contact them and tell them you know for a fact it has frame damage?
Buy it then sue them.

Did you contact them and tell them you know for a fact it has frame damage?
No. They dgaf about buyers. The only information they include is what the insurance rep tells them.

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