Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Why don’t you go look up the definition of pedophilia and come back when you’re suitably equipped to have this conversation without devolving into calling “pedophile” on everything you don’t like. I’ll wait.
I I need crayons to draw a line between gays and drag shows ..and studies show pedophiles 11 to 1 what point are you trying make?
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Don’t know much about human rights watch, seems a bit slanted, but can’t see a reason why they would under-represent this list. So, this is apparently a map of nations with laws against same-sex relations (red) and gender expression (blue).

I think people can decide for themselves whether there is a positive correlation to “healthy well-functioning societies.”

Source: #OUTLAWED: “The love that dare not speak its name”

Yet it has been banned in the US until recently. Correlation isnt causation, but you know that.
Yet it has been banned in the US until recently. Correlation isnt causation, but you know that.
I think people can decide for themselves whether there is a positive correlation to “healthy well-functioning societies.”
So you don’t think that people should be allowed to raise their kids as they see fit?

What if all these woke people elect a government that says dildo ring toss should be mandatory in public schools. That a problem for you?

It's not too far from that in some places.
I I need crayons to draw a line between gays and drag shows ..
If you think communicating in your native dialect will be more effective, knock yourself out.

Now please post your definition of pedophilia and the source so we can be on the same page. Thanks.
If you think communicating in your native dialect will be more effective, knock yourself out.

Now please post your definition of pedophilia and the source so we can be on the same page. Thanks.
I will when I'm done getting treatment...seems look up pedophila on a hospital server is a no no..almost like it a bad thing
What people are missing is absolute freedom is not possible because of human nature

You either need a strong church in the community or a moral govt, to provide societal guardrails. We currently have neither and thus you see the current quickening of societal rot.
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Yet, even with that impediment of freedom for all, black society was much stronger and healtheir than it is today. Thanks for proving my point.

“The problem with black society is that we let them come to the front of the bus.” -volgr

Let me tell you a secret: if your point were “proven,” you wouldn’t need government to put its thumb on the scale to make other people do what you want.
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“The problem with black society is that we let them come to the front of the bus.” -volgr

Let me tell you a secret: if your point were “proven,” you wouldn’t need government to put its thumb on the scale to make other people do what you want.

Once again, not a rebuttal. Black society was much healthier back then, than it is today. I noticed you want no part of that.
Once again, not a rebuttal. Black society was much healthier back then, than it is today. I noticed you want no part of that.
Wasn't traditional family (man women child) stronger back then in blacks then whites? Before the government came in...
Once again, not a rebuttal. Black society was much healthier back then, than it is today. I noticed you want no part of that.

Correct, I’m not rebutting that argument and it’s definitely not because I see no need to but actually because I cannot. We all just need the government to tell us how to live. About 5 more posts explaining that ought to convince everybody that I’m right and you’re wrong.

You’ve got this. I believe in you.
Correct, I’m not rebutting that argument and it’s definitely not because I see no need to but actually because I cannot. We all just need the government to tell us how to live. About 5 more posts explaining that ought to convince everybody that I’m right and you’re wrong.

You’ve got this. I believe in you.
Small Limited government..more guidelines like a speed limit
Correct, I’m not rebutting that argument and it’s definitely not because I see no need to but actually because I cannot.

Thanks for the admission. Gov't isn't telling you how to live, it is incentivizing how you live, which it already does.
Thanks for the admission. Gov't isn't telling you how to live, it is incentivizing how you live, which it already does.

Yep, the threat of getting blasted with a fire hose is just an incentive to use the right water fountain. I saw it on TikTok.
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