Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Not trying to be pedantic but it's more a map of countries with bad government, as most ex-colonies tend to have. What are your criteria for a healthy society? education, treatment of and opportunities for women and minorities, support of the less fortunate, cordial and honest people...?
I don’t think you’re being pedantic. I think we’re just talking about different things and I don’t think either of us is fully clear whether the other has gotten our point.

I don’t disagree that many of those marked countries are former colonies and that many probably have bad governments. I do think there are some fundamentalist religious governments represented here as well.
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Not nearly as bad as wanting a big intrusive govt to ban things that make you uncomfortable. You're just weak

It doesn't make me uncomfortable. Are you projecting? You keep wildly swinging because you can't refute the fact that society is better off without normalizing and incentivizing homosexuality and alternate lifestyles.
It doesn't make me uncomfortable. Are you projecting? You keep wildly swinging because you can't refute the fact that society is better off without normalizing and incentivizing homosexuality and alternate lifestyles.
The fact is you want big govt to build a society based on your simple opinion. Not wildly swinging at anything
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Because marriage is between a man and a woman for one, secondly because it is a net negative on society.
Even marriage done by a non-religious official? What about marriages from religions/Faith's that believe in more than man-woman?

No one is saying that Christian churchs will start having to perform gay marriages. This is just saying the states will recognize those marriages.

This isnt a religious issue.

I am really going to need an explanation on how gay marriage licenses are a net negative on this country. Or any. What is actually the negative. Oh no a gay husband will inherit his husbands stuff instead of the government getting it? Oh no that lesbo will be able to get to fill out a government form as married? What's the negative to the government officially recognizing their marriage?

In this country we are all supposed to be equal. If you want the government to recognize your marriage, that means they recognize all. The only argument you can have is that government shouldnt recognize any marriage because you want marriage to be solely a religious thing.
Even marriage done by a non-religious official? What about marriages from religions/Faith's that believe in more than man-woman?

No one is saying that Christian churchs will start having to perform gay marriages. This is just saying the states will recognize those marriages.

This isnt a religious issue.

I am really going to need an explanation on how gay marriage licenses are a net negative on this country. Or any. What is actually the negative. Oh no a gay husband will inherit his husbands stuff instead of the government getting it? Oh no that lesbo will be able to get to fill out a government form as married? What's the negative to the government officially recognizing their marriage?

In this country we are all supposed to be equal. If you want the government to recognize your marriage, that means they recognize all. The only argument you can have is that government shouldnt recognize any marriage because you want marriage to be solely a religious thing.

We are not supposed to be equal in this country, we are supposed to have equal protection under the law but we all know that's BS.
Because marriage is between a man and a woman for one, secondly because it is a net negative on society.

How does homosexual marriage/civil unions affect heterosexuals marriage/civil unions?

If you are concerned about heterosexuals marriage/civil unions underpinning society, the divorce rate has been devastating on the institution of marriage. Unfortunately for your argument, homosexuals have nothing to do with heterosexual divorce rates.
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How does homosexual marriage/civil unions affect heterosexuals marriage/civil unions?

If you are concerned about heterosexuals marriage/civil unions underpinning society, the divorce rate has been devastating on the institution of marriage. Unfortunately for your argument, homosexuals have nothing to do with heterosexual divorce rates.

I agree re: divorce. Divorce/bad marriages have also had a huge negative impact on society. So, what do we do about it? The answer isn't to keep digging the hole deeper by incentivizing alternate lifestyle marriages.
I agree re: divorce. Divorce/bad marriages have also had a huge negative impact on society. So, what do we do about it? The answer isn't to keep digging the hole deeper by incentivizing alternate lifestyle marriages.
They were already living that way. The licensure of their civil union doesnt change anything.

If anything it probably helps clear some red tape, and probably frees up judges to make important rulings instead of dealing with claims cases regarding the various marriage related items that dont impact anyone else.
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Fair. Point still is this law makes us equal under the law and thus I have no problem with it.

I don't have a problem with it either outside of the fact it's another case of federal overreach. But one which I hope leads to good unintended consequences.
I don't have a problem with it either outside of the fact it's another case of federal overreach. But one which I hope leads to good unintended consequences.
I think you are in the drop all government recognized marriages camp, which I am also fine with.
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Because marriage is between a man and a woman for one, secondly because it is a net negative on society.
Go marriage!!! If you want to call their contract a civil union or whatever, I'm cool with that. However, they should have the same tax advantages as married couples. Personally, I think that any two people should be able to enter into a "Shared living" contract and enjoy the same benefits. Why does it have to be sexual to qualify?
So your argument is guns.... When was the last time being a pedophile saved a child life... Compared to gun which have saved millions.... We were a society with a moral compass based on family and family values.. And with that we rose to the greatest country ever... Now we are a pathetic pandering, worse version...
Saved millions by killing tens of millions?

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