Shameful and scary..

99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

Just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

Ok...but you gotta think look at where we were with the qb situation and the receiving corp from last yr....and what coach jones has got vs last positive if coach jones had all that this year we would've scored 70...QUIT DOUBTING AND ENJOY THIS YEAR AND OUR BRIGHT FUTURE...O AND DOOLEY COULDNT GET US A TOP 10 RECRUITING CLASS THE PAST 3 YRS...LOOK WHAT COACH JONES HAS DONE IN 9MONTHS.......GBO!!!!
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Chill out Tut! You been around that negaVol Adam too much! Enjoy 800!!!!! Absolutely no complaining today!

Hey buddy! People are taking this as a coaching comparison and its not meant to be. Like I said, just a similar start to their careers at UT. The only complaint I have is that the attendance was higher for Dooley. That sucks and Butch Jones deserves better. No doubt I have to fight off that negavol! I think he was even happy after last nights game.
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I don't see a problem with the post, he made a first game comparison. We looked like a well coached team, 0 penalties from a very experienced offensive line. [Something previous staff didn't have]. Guys, it happens every year, everyone is pumped up after an easy win and think the new coach is the next Lombardi. Then reality sets in once SEC play starts and everyone ends up drunk in a ditch somewhere. Take it easy, it will be a long season with good and bad. Pace yourself.
99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

Just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.
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Most excited, enthusiastic Vol team I've ever witnessed in person. The team bounced around on the sideline the entire game. Pre game they were as fired up as if they were playing Florida. i saw more positives from this game than in 3 years of that hack of a coach. Do not compare the 2.
I dont know how to make it any clearer.


Maybe I shouldnt have said scary, maybe I should have used eerie because the results are eeriely similar.

You probably should have had this revelation before hitting "submit reply" in the OP, my friend LOL.
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I don't see a problem with the post, he made a first game comparison. We looked like a well coached team, 0 penalties from a very experienced offensive line. [Something previous staff didn't have]. Guys, it happens every year, everyone is pumped up after an easy win and think the new coach is the next Lombardi. Then reality sets in once SEC play starts and everyone ends up drunk in a ditch somewhere. Take it easy, it will be a long season with good and bad. Pace yourself.

Who the hell are you and where have you been? Regardless, thank you for showing up and reassuring me that there is some sanity in this world.
I dont know how to make it any clearer.


Maybe I shouldnt have said scary, maybe I should have used eerie because the results are eeriely similar.

"Yes Dr Phil, I have this issue with not being able to move forward in life. I continually dwell in the past. For some reason I like to compare everything with Derek Dooley from stats to showers to watching bamboo grow. Can you help me?"
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I don't think you can even comprehend what you are saying. Most people that post don't spend at least 6 pages defending theirselves.

I am at fault for that, I will admit it. I should have learned from a famous comedian that said "you cant fix stupid"
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You can determine exactly one thing. Those inconsistencies we suck at against AP we will be pooch screwed against most of the rest of our schedule.

You mean when the first string didn't see the field at all in the 2nd half and barely seeing the second string in the 2nd half besides Peterman?
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99,123 = Attendance for Dooley's opener
97,169 = Attendance for Butch Jones opener

Thats a damn shame.

Now for the scary similarities....

332 rushing yards in Dooleys opener
335 rushing yards for Butch Jones

17-30 for 205 passing (Dooley)
15-21 for 132 passing (Jones)

Time of possession

33:21 (Dooley)
30:16 (Jones)

Total number of plays 73 (Dooley), 73 (Jones)

Dooleys opener 50-0
Jones opener 45-0

Just when I was getting excited out of my mind, I did a little research and quickly came back down to earth. Still crazy excited but this is just a little reality check.

Some will pizz and moan about anything and nothing.
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