He's all in on his determination that these coaches can't get it done and doesn't feel like he can say anything positive for fear it will make him a hypocrite. He and a few others are so invested in what they have put forth on these pages that if Butch doesn't fail it leaves them open to extreme backlash. It won't come from me. I just wish they weren't so sold out on the staff failing and then maybe they could search and find some positives to build on.
But as they say, different strokes for different folks. sjt and Oregonvol and the others are definitely entitled to their opinions, even if it really is too early to develop informed ones.eace2:
You would be amazed if you read how sjt defended Dooley. I lost some respect for him after going back and seeing how he made every excuse in the world for Dooley although by the end of year 2 the writing was on the wall for him.