So proud of my home state

So you think the state should charge the parents with a crime and take the kids?

TBH, I don't know. I don't know what or if there is a solution, all I know is it makes me mad. We contribute to the backpack program at a couple Title 1 schools and it pisses me off that programs like that need to exist. Some of the stories I hear just make me want to stomp the crap out of these parents.

Then we have a state legislature spending time and money on legislation to punish drag shows that parents are willingly taking their kids to, and my guess is these parents aren't the ones with kids lugging home a backpack full of food for the weekend. Let's get our damn priorities straight. Which is worse, a hungry kid or a kid seeing some dude dressed as a woman?
TBH, I don't know. I don't know what or if there is a solution, all I know is it makes me mad. We contribute to the backpack program at a couple Title 1 schools and it pisses me off that programs like that need to exist. Some of the stories I hear just make me want to stomp the crap out of these parents.

Then we have a state legislature spending time and money on legislation to punish drag shows that parents are willingly taking their kids to, and my guess is these parents aren't the ones with kids lugging home a backpack full of food for the weekend. Let's get our damn priorities straight. Which is worse, a hungry kid or a kid seeing some dude dressed as a woman?
Let a elementary principal get candid with you about some of the parents out there. It will amaze and disgust you as to how they treat their child. At least these parents are taking the kid to a social activity. A bit obtuse but an activity no doubt. A lot of kids rely on school lunch because the parent simply doesn’t feed them. I can almost guarantee there are more hungry kids out there than ones being taken to drag shows.
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Let a elementary principal get candid with you about some of the parents out there. It will amaze and disgust you as to how they treat their child. At least these parents are taking the kid to a social activity. A bit obtuse but an activity no doubt. A lot of kids rely on school lunch because the parent simply doesn’t feed them. I can almost guarantee there are more hungry kids out there than ones being taken to drag shows.

My daughter taught at a low income school and one of our best friends is currently an acting principle at one. We've heard the stories and that's why we got involved.
So you think the state should charge the parents with a crime and take the kids?
Good question. Those parents and children (unfortunately) are already casualties though. So not sure what the right call there is.

Push the solution design much further upstream.
My daughter taught at a low income school and one of our best friends is currently an acting principle at one. We've heard the stories and that's why we got involved.
I commend you for that. We have a severely handicap child in cdc and got involved as well after what we witnessed firsthand some of the most basic needs were not being met by the parents. Even basic hygiene for Christ sakes. It’s really sad.
TBH, I don't know. I don't know what or if there is a solution, all I know is it makes me mad. We contribute to the backpack program at a couple Title 1 schools and it pisses me off that programs like that need to exist. Some of the stories I hear just make me want to stomp the crap out of these parents.

Then we have a state legislature spending time and money on legislation to punish drag shows that parents are willingly taking their kids to, and my guess is these parents aren't the ones with kids lugging home a backpack full of food for the weekend. Let's get our damn priorities straight. Which is worse, a hungry kid or a kid seeing some dude dressed as a woman?
I feel the same frustrations and there seem to be no easy answers. I've always strongly felt that we need to reduce the number of people becoming parents before they are prepared to adequately fulfill the role.
Let a elementary principal get candid with you about some of the parents out there. It will amaze and disgust you as to how they treat their child. At least these parents are taking the kid to a social activity. A bit obtuse but an activity no doubt. A lot of kids rely on school lunch because the parent simply doesn’t feed them. I can almost guarantee there are more hungry kids out there than ones being taken to drag shows.
My first job as a teacher was at a middle school in inner-city Atlanta (MLK). There were 17 different homeless shelters that fed into the school - I can't imagine anyone working there for a year and not having their perspectives change.
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My politics are simple. Leave people the F alone and have as small a government as possible.
I for the most part agree, but that's not what happens. People do want they want which is fine but all to often its society or government to clean up the mess.
I for the most part agree, but that's not what happens. People do want they want which is fine but all to often its society or government to clean up the mess.

I have found that more often than not it's the government and society (mob rule) that creates the mess.
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Let a elementary principal get candid with you about some of the parents out there. It will amaze and disgust you as to how they treat their child. At least these parents are taking the kid to a social activity. A bit obtuse but an activity no doubt. A lot of kids rely on school lunch because the parent simply doesn’t feed them. I can almost guarantee there are more hungry kids out there than ones being taken to drag shows.
Can confirm. We were approached by a local elementary school to see if we could help out. We setup a zoom call with the Principal and I was fully expecting to hear that they needed help with school supplies and the like. But was gobsmacked by what he told us. They needed toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, shoes, jackets, etc. I couldn’t even wrap my head around that. And honestly still can’t.
I normally don’t spend a lot of time in our restaurants, but last quarter I tried visiting as many as possible. The stories that I was told just broke my heart. 16 and 17-year-olds having to work, because they had to help their parent(s) pay rent or keep the electric on. That just blows my mind and I can’t imagine being a teenager and being put in a position like that.
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I normally don’t spend a lot of time in our restaurants, but last quarter I tried visiting as many as possible. The stories that I was told just broke my heart. 16 and 17-year-olds having to work, because they had to help their parent(s) pay rent or keep the electric on. That just blows my mind and I can’t imagine being a teenager and being put in a position like that.

I was on the PTA at my daughter's schools as she grew up. In middle school we held the obligatory cookie dough sales each year prior to Christmas. The same girl won the sales contest all three years and won a bunch of prizes including 3 minutes in one of those booths that blow the cash around. The parents would always show to the event and before she could even count the money... they would come on stage and confiscate for themselves. I don't know what they used it for but it made for a bizarre and uncomfortable moment.
I have found that more often than not it's the government and society (mob rule) that creates the mess.
I believe the only conclusion is that you cannot separate society/gov. from the individual
The individual from society/government.
They are necessarily intertwined.
I will continue to maintain that the more the individuals within a society function appropriately, the less government is needed.
Government is largely a reflection of the failures and successes of individuals and society at large.
I believe the only conclusion is that you cannot separate society/gov. from the individual
The individual from society/government.
They are necessarily intertwined.
I will continue to maintain that the more the individuals within a society function appropriately, the less government is needed.
Government is largely a reflection of the failures and successes of individuals and society at large.

That is a moronic statement since government is made up of people and usually the most lazy and corrupt people.
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Until the government stops incentivizing people to have kids, this problem isn’t going to get fixed.
The incentive should be to not have kids (and there are plenty of ways to do that). Once they do have kids, society has an obligation to ensure basic needs are met.
That is a moronic statement since government is made up of people and usually the most lazy and corrupt people.
I actually thought you might understand. You had me going with a couple of earlier posts which were actually thoughtful.
Aren't there already laws against this?

Edit: I guess not since they allow little miss beauty pageants.

Yes, a beauty pageant is the same as a barely dressed adult gyrating around children.

Amazing the depths some of you will go to try and defend this. You're sick.
Yes, a beauty pageant is the same as a barely dressed adult gyrating around children.

Amazing the depths some of you will go to try and defend this. You're sick.
The beauty pageant is barely dressed children gyrating around adults. You see that as better?
Yes, a beauty pageant is the same as a barely dressed adult gyrating around children.

Amazing the depths some of you will go to try and defend this. You're sick.
One of those does way more sexualizing of children, and it doesn't involve drag queens.
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