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I don’t think kids should be at sexually explicit shows but I see this push for what it is.
I agree. Look, I have been to a number of drag shows of many varieties over the years. I'd consider myself a fan. That said, I would not take children to most of these shows. And it's not because there is a lot of stripping and grinding outside the shows you'd see at gay clubs, rather it's the innuendo that is a big part of the shows. I think some queens have trouble filtering that out for non-adult audiences.

Now, I've been to several 'family-friendly' drag brunches which were very clean. And a couple which crept up to the line, imo. I also went to a drag Christmas show in St. Pete this past year and didn't see a minor there. But the show had no nudity, no grinding or anything of the sort. However, there was some sexual innuendo in the banter. It was likely a lot less than 13-16 year olds get in school, but I support exercising caution.

Drag queen story time is a whole separate deal. Not for everyone, certainly, but safe for those who do go. These queens are over the top characters with big hair and crazy makeup. Very similar to other dress up characters like a princess, pirate, clown or something like Barney. There's nothing inherently sexual about these library deals.
Until the government stops incentivizing people to have kids, this problem isn’t going to get fixed.
Are native born population is already declining. We are already going to have extreme difficulties funding social security for the baby boomers and Gen X. Incentivizing a further reduction in the birth rate creates a whole set of new problems
Are native born population is already declining. We are already going to have extreme difficulties funding social security for the baby boomers and Gen X. Incentivizing a further reduction in the birth rate creates a whole set of new problems
You mean we can't fund SS if there are fewer people at the bottom?

I would guess teen dance competitions. However I would rank that orders of magnitude less disturbing than a scantily clad drag performer gyrating in front of children.
Just so I'm clear, you have more issue with a show a couple kids might view than an event where scantily clad young kids are the show?
No, it was recently passed.

So, hypothetically, you would be ok with shutting down drag shows for kids so long as they did it using the existing legal framework? That wouldn't be overreach at that point? It is only overreach because they made new laws?
France banned child pageants in 2013 due to sexual exploitation of children. FRANCE.

10 years later the US is still going strong and barely a peep.
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So, hypothetically, you would be ok with shutting down drag shows for kids so long as they did it using the existing legal framework? That wouldn't be overreach at that point? It is only overreach because they made new laws?

No, I would understand going after parents who took their kids to a sexually explicit show under the child endangerment laws.
France banned child pageants in 2013 due to sexual exploitation of children. FRANCE.

10 years later the US is still going strong and barely a peep.

Is there someone on this board fighting for child pageants?

literally have never met a person in real life that I am aware of that participates in them.
Is there someone on this board fighting for child pageants?

literally have never met a person in real life that I am aware of that participates in them.
Not the point. I haven't seen anyone supporting minors attending sexually explicit drag shows either.

The issue is these pageants are much more prevalent than inappropriately attended drag shows and WAY more exploitive. They have been around much longer and yet no one is losing their mind over them. Why are drag queens now the preeminent danger to children when there are other longer standing worse issues? It's because they're an easy target in the culture war.

I'm not advocating minors attending adult-themed shows. At all. I'm just calling it out for what it's is - posturing.
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Not the point. I haven't seen anyone supporting minors attending sexually explicit drag shows either.

The issue is these pageants are much more prevalent than inappropriately attended drag shows and WAY more exploitive. They have been around much longer and yet no one is losing their mind over them. Why are drag queens now the preeminent danger to children when there are other longer standing worse issues? It's because they're an easy target in the culture war.

I'm not advocating minors attending adult-themed shows. At all. I'm just calling it out for what it's is - posturing.

No posturing. I didn’t start this thread, have someone start one on child pageants and I will trash those.

That said, people are defending the right of the venue to hold these and bear no responsibility.

I don’t know how you measure “more exploitive”. Again, I literally don’t know of a person that has participated in a child pageant.
No posturing. I didn’t start this thread, have someone start one on child pageants and I will trash those.

That said, people are defending the right of the venue to hold these and bear no responsibility.

I don’t know how you measure “more exploitive”. Again, I literally don’t know of a person that has participated in a child pageant.

Why should the venue be held responsible for bad parenting?
Why should bars be liable for selling beer to kids? Why should cigarette companies be barred from advertising their product as kid friendly?

Bars shouldn't be liable if the kid is accompanied by a parent. Cigarette companies shouldn't be liable for advertising to kids anymore than beer companies are.

Examples of bad law doesn't strengthen your position.
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Why should the venue be held responsible for bad parenting?

It is quite common for businesses to meet low level requirements to operate.

Open a bar that serves 16 year olds if they bring a note from their parents and see how that works out.
It is quite common for businesses to meet low level requirements to operate.

Open a bar that serves 16 year olds if they bring a note from their parents and see how that works out.

What other examples of bad law do you want to cite?
No posturing. I didn’t start this thread, have someone start one on child pageants and I will trash those.

That said, people are defending the right of the venue to hold these and bear no responsibility.

I don’t know how you measure “more exploitive”. Again, I literally don’t know of a person that has participated in a child pageant.
So you know people who have been to sexualized drag shows with children?

My point is if this is truly about protecting children we'd be going after the biggest dangers. Why isn't the governor going after child pageant venues or enacting legislation against them? Maybe because it's a multi-billion dollar industry primarily driven by and benefitting non-marginalized communities.

This is an article from 2013 on the topic. These child pageants are cringe as ****.
Could child beauty pageants be banned in the USA?
Why should the venue be held responsible for bad parenting?
Are movie theaters responsible for allowing a 12 year old into a xxx rated movie? Are you responsible if your business allows a 18 year old to drive one of your trucks without a proper license? Where do you draw the line?
People need boundaries and if they don't have boundaries the country is doomed.

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