So proud of my home state

Bars shouldn't be liable if the kid is accompanied by a parent. Cigarette companies shouldn't be liable for advertising to kids anymore than beer companies are.

Examples of bad law doesn't strengthen your position.

They are laws that have been on the books for a long time. Is it still overreach to enforce these? You made it sound like the distinguishing factor in the Desantis thing was that the law was new. So, does the newness of the law matter to you? Or is it simply that anything short of a libertarian utopia is considered overreach?
So you know people who have been to sexualized drag shows with children?

My point is if this is truly about protecting children we'd be going after the biggest dangers. Why isn't the governor going after child pageant venues or enacting legislation against them? Maybe because it's a multi-billion dollar industry primarily driven by and benefitting non-marginalized communities.

This is an article from 2013 on the topic. These child pageants are cringe as ****.
Could child beauty pageants be banned in the USA?

Oh they are cringe. No disagreement.
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Are movie theaters responsible for allowing a 12 year old into a xxx rated movie? Are you responsible if your business allows a 18 year old to drive one of your trucks without a proper license? Where do you draw the line?
People need boundaries and if they don't have boundaries the country is doomed.

The theater shouldn't be responsible if the 12yo is accompanied by a parent. The parent should be held responsible.
Not even a apples to buckshot comparison BUT the CDL licensing laws are pretty dumb and are a window dressing for safety at best.
The boundaries should be as basic as you can't harm another person or their property.

IDK about you but I know the difference between right and wrong without the government telling me. AND what's right for you may not be what's right for me.
What other examples of bad law do you want to cite?

Looks like you have me trapped.

On a serious note, we all agree no one is for kids attending sexually explicit shows. Well we saw a liquor license get pulled, I’m guessing that will go a long way toward stemming these irresponsible businesses.
They are laws that have been on the books for a long time. Is it still overreach to enforce these? You made it sound like the distinguishing factor in the Desantis thing was that the law was new. So, does the newness of the law matter to you? Or is it simply that anything short of a libertarian utopia is considered overreach?

The purpose of the new law does matter because their have been laws protecting children from sexually explicit material on the books for years. And we all know the true purpose behind the new anti-drag laws.

As for the other laws like the drinking age, they need to be repealed.
Looks like you have me trapped.

On a serious note, we all agree no one is for kids attending sexually explicit shows. Well we saw a liquor license get pulled, I’m guessing that will go a long way toward stemming these irresponsible businesses.

It's all political theater, their liquor license hasn't been pulled. They are serving liquor as we speak.

Months from now there will be a hearing to determine whether their license will be revoked and how much do you want to be it isn't?
The purpose of the new law does matter because their have been laws protecting children from sexually explicit material on the books for years. And we all know the true purpose behind the new anti-drag laws.

As for the other laws like the drinking age, they need to be repealed.

But we can't even get people on board to acknowledge that some of these drag shows are inherently sexually explicit. It's no different than Mrs. Doubtfire according to some. And the number of people conflating criticism of sexually explicit drag shows with anti-lgbt rhetoric means that we can't have a nuanced debate about it. So the existing laws couldn't have been enforced without the exact same level of backlash that the new ones are getting.
It's all political theater, their liquor license hasn't been pulled. They are serving liquor as we speak.

Months from now there will be a hearing to determine whether their license will be revoked and how much do you want to be it isn't?

I don’t bet. I don’t know how it works. Hope it does.
IDK about you but I know the difference between right and wrong without the government telling me. AND what's right for you may not be what's right for me.

I'm glad you know the difference between right and wrong and I'm sure your brain was developed at 12 to know what those were. You can harp on a minimalistic government all you want, but let's face the facts, a lot of people are just plain stupid and as a society we need to at least try and steer them towards a less than destructive life. We need laws and rules for an orderly society, like it or not.
The theater shouldn't be responsible if the 12yo is accompanied by a parent. The parent should be held responsible.
Not even a apples to buckshot comparison BUT the CDL licensing laws are pretty dumb and are a window dressing for safety at best.
The boundaries should be as basic as you can't harm another person or their property.

IDK about you but I know the difference between right and wrong without the government telling me. AND what's right for you may not be what's right for me.
You keep saying the parent should be held responsible but when I asked if a parent who didn't feed their child should be arrested and the child removed, you said "I don't know the answer."
If you continually claim the parent should be held responsible, you might want to come up with an idea of what that entails.

How should a bad parent be held responsible?
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But we can't even get people on board to acknowledge that some of these drag shows are inherently sexually explicit. It's no different than Mrs. Doubtfire according to some. And the number of people conflating criticism of sexually explicit drag shows with anti-lgbt rhetoric means that we can't have a nuanced debate about it. So the existing laws couldn't have been enforced without the exact same level of backlash that the new ones are getting.

I think everyone in this discussion has acknowledged some of these shows are sexually explicit.
I'm glad you know the difference between right and wrong and I'm sure your brain was developed at 12 to know what those were. You can harp on a minimalistic government all you want, but let's face the facts, a lot of people are just plain stupid and as a society we need to at least try and steer them towards a less than destructive life. We need laws and rules for an orderly society, like it or not.

How would a 12 yo even get to an XXX theater without an adult taking them?

I'm for letting Darwinism run it's course and let's stop protecting stupid people from themselves?

I agree that we need law and order, what I disagree with is the state passing laws for political reasons and just for the sake of passing laws.
You keep saying the parent should be held responsible but when I asked if a parent who didn't feed their child should be arrested and the child removed, you said "I don't know the answer."
If you continually claim the parent should be held responsible, you might want to come up with an idea of what that entails.

How should a bad parent be held responsible?

How is a parent charged with child endangerment handled now? Or one charged with lewd behavior with a minor? My point is we have laws on the books now that cover such things, enforce them and quit passing laws we don't need.
How would a 12 yo even get to an XXX theater without an adult taking them?

I'm for letting Darwinism run it's course and let's stop protecting stupid people from themselves?

I agree that we need law and order, what I disagree with is the state passing laws for political reasons and just for the sake of passing laws.
I'd really like to see how this country would do under your utopia? Maybe in the 1700's it might work.
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Probably pretty damn good and it wouldn't be a utopia, stupid and lazy people would have a really hard time.
In your opinion should businesses or owner ubeheld responsible for anything??? So far your fine with discrimination, no penalties for allowing underage drinking, or sex show in front of minor....all this as a long as parents allow it...
In your opinion should businesses or owner ubeheld responsible for anything??? So far your fine with discrimination, no penalties for allowing underage drinking, or sex show in front of minor....all this as a long as parents allow it...

Damn Whodey, have you been drinking already?

Of course businesses should be held responsible when they are actually responsible for wrongdoing.
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Damn Whodey, have you been drinking already?

Of course businesses should be held responsible when they are actually responsible for wrongdoing.
No drinking but I have hit the edibles.....I was curious cuz your very pro business...your view are unique...where do you see an individual's role in society??
No drinking but I have hit the edibles.....I was curious cuz your very pro business...your view are unique...where do you see an individual's role in society??

Respect other people and their individuality, take care of their family and raise offspring that will do the same.
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