So proud of my home state

Seriously, if someone isn't hurting you or yourn leave them alone. Mind your own business and go on about your life. It ain't that hard to ignore **** you disagree with.
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To stay out of it.
Your are an old west kinda guy aren't you...we have similar views...what would you do to fix the situation we have now as our society leans more toward crime and sexualization of children,,???? Killing them while effective is not doable lol
Your are an old west kinda guy aren't you...we have similar views...what would you do to fix the situation we have now as our society leans more toward crime and sexualization of children,,???? Killing them while effective is not doable lol

Actually crime isn't that big of a problem outside of some big cities. I don't know the stats but high crime areas tend to stay high crime areas.

Prosecute people that sexually exploit or abuse children.
Drag shows run the gamut from Mrs. Doubtfire to raunchy as hell. You guys refuse to acknowledge any difference. And telling someone how they can raise their kids is definitely big government. Y'all are pissed as hell over washing machines, but telling others how to raise their kids is no problem?

Lol. I don’t care about washing machines or gas stoves. So let me get this straight mr “lawyer.” Not want children exposed to adults who are specializing themselves is somehow big government? Why is it that you liberals see nothing wrong with young children being around drag queens?

Jesus dude Mrs Doubtfire? Have you ever seen that movie? If you have then you would realize how ignorant and stupid your liberal comment is. I highly doubt anyone would have an issue with a Mrs Doubtfire situation. A man just wanting to spend more time with his children. As opposed to brown me dressing up like skanky hookers and sexualizinf themselves in front of children is a completely different thing.

You and those who believe like you are sick and perverted. Of course that should come as no shock. You don’t believe in God and most of those who agree with you likely don’t either. So sick depravity is the norm for you sickos. Pathetic.
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So you think the state should charge the parents with a crime and take the kids?

Why not? Just like hog said, get caught not feeding a dog and see what happens. There is almost no reason parents shouldn’t be able to feed their children. Especially given how much the govt gives out for food stamps these days.
Why not? Just like hog said, get caught not feeding a dog and see what happens. There is almost no reason parents shouldn’t be able to feed their children. Especially given how much the govt gives out for food stamps these days.
So we'll need more prisons and more foster care/orphanages.
Seriously, if someone isn't hurting you or yourn leave them alone. Mind your own business and go on about your life. It ain't that hard to ignore **** you disagree with.

This isnt working out so great in States like CA, is it?
Lol. I don’t care about washing machines or gas stoves. So let me get this straight mr “lawyer.” Not want children exposed to adults who are specializing themselves is somehow big government? Why is it that you liberals see nothing wrong with young children being around drag queens?

Jesus dude Mrs Doubtfire? Have you ever seen that movie? If you have then you would realize how ignorant and stupid your liberal comment is. I highly doubt anyone would have an issue with a Mrs Doubtfire situation. A man just wanting to spend more time with his children. As opposed to brown me dressing up like skanky hookers and sexualizinf themselves in front of children is a completely different thing.

You and those who believe like you are sick and perverted. Of course that should come as no shock. You don’t believe in God and most of those who agree with you likely don’t either. So sick depravity is the norm for you sickos. Pathetic.

What a Christlike post.

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