So proud of my home state

Since January, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 public elementary, middle, and high schools, it boasted on its website, with appearances in all five boroughs.
“I can’t believe this. I am shocked,” said public school mom and state Assembly candidate Helen Qiu, whose 11-year-old son attends a Manhattan middle school. “I would be furious if he was exposed without my consent. This is not part of the curriculum.”

Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools
Taxpayer funds and 3 YO's..Yikes.

The AG’s March 19 event is co-sponsored by Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit that has been showered in taxpayers funds, which has enabled them to send drag performers into public schools and libraries to interact with children as young as 3.

Part of my territory is in NY state and they have vehicle lemon laws that cause me very little aggravation. Let Letitia keep messing with stupidity instead of protecting her constituents.
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Maren Morris tells Tennessee to ‘f------ arrest’ her after introducing her Toddler to Drag Queens

‘I introduced my son to some drag queens today, so Tennessee, f------ arrest me,' country star Maren Morris said Tuesday

Maren Morris tells Tennessee to ‘f------ arrest’ her after introducing her toddler to drag queens

If all she did was “introduce” her kid to a drag queen, then she wouldn’t be arrested. She’s grand standing and virtue signaling. She wants attention.

1. It's West TAMU. Not TAMU.

2. That is easily the most bizarre reasoning behind being anti drag. I can't think of anyone who has even reasoned anywhere close to "denigrating women"

3. The event was to raise money for trans rights/medical procedures. They're still going to raise and donate to it... just not with a drag show.

Do you season your foot with tajin or chili flakes before you shove it in your mouth?
1. It's West TAMU. Not TAMU.

2. That is easily the most bizarre reasoning behind being anti drag. I can't think of anyone who has even reasoned anywhere close to "denigrating women"

3. The event was to raise money for trans rights/medical procedures. They're still going to raise and donate to it... just not with a drag show.

Do you season your foot with tajin or chili flakes before you shove it in your mouth?

Your infatuation with drag queens and homosexuals is disturbing. You don’t crawl out if your safe space for awhile. Yet someone makes a thread about drag queens being paraded in front of children and here you rush to the defense of the drag queens. You probably dress up in drag frequently. Maybe that’s why you are a sicko who defends mentally deranged adult men who dress like women.
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Your infatuation with drag queens and homosexuals is disturbing. You don’t crawl out if your safe space for awhile. Yet someone makes a thread about drag queens being paraded in front of children and here you rush to the defense of the drag queens. You probably dress up in drag frequently. Maybe that’s why you are a sicko who defends mentally deranged adult men who dress like women.

There are definitely people on here obsessed with homosexuals and drag.

..and brown folk on planes
Your infatuation with drag queens and homosexuals is disturbing. You don’t crawl out if your safe space for awhile. Yet someone makes a thread about drag queens being paraded in front of children and here you rush to the defense of the drag queens. You probably dress up in drag frequently. Maybe that’s why you are a sicko who defends mentally deranged adult men who dress like women.

Been posting on and off in other threads for days, Aldi Pat Robertson.

You clearly spend more time thinking about this **** than I do. It takes infinitely more effort to exude hate than to accept.

Example: if I see people with dark skin on airplanes, I don't scurry off like a little racist b*tch.
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And if you or your children went to a university that was raising money for that cause, you'd have nothing to say?

A fool and his money are soon parted. I would ban trans surgery, as some States are doing, then their money could go to more productive things like lobbyist and lawyers to fight the "fascist State".
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Don't take your kids to a drag show then. You sound like AOC thinking government should do everything because people can't do it themselves....

Nah, I get what you are saying but it's more important than that. It must be stopped. Society cant allow children to be subjected to this.

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