So proud of my home state


Checkmate failed.
Ok. So we shouldn’t let mentally ill folks get signed up for surgery without psych consultation.

Oh and good luck with you chess match. Not sure why you are thinking you are playing a chess match on an internet discussion board.

Call me whatever you want. Society needs guardrails and it needs moral responsible leaders to maintain societal guardrails. That is our problem today, not the "nanny state" because the "nanny state" will always exist, but those who are maintaining societal guardrails are some of the worst among us.
I guess it depends on how thin the audience's skin is.

Most would argue that drag is a celebration of womanhood. Find me a drag queen dressed as Dolly Parton who doesn't worship the ground she walks on.

That's reaching. From my perspective, drag only seems to accentuate and caricaturize the aesthetic of womanhood. And I would argue that Dolly, herself, is a female who is impersonating and caricaturizing the aesthetic of womanhood. Again, there's nothing wrong with it, but it isn't a celebration exactly. It is something else. And I agree that offense is in the eye of the beholder, but that doesn't mean that drag and blackface don't share some similarities.
Ok. So we shouldn’t let mentally ill folks get signed up for surgery without psych consultation.

Oh and good luck with you chess match. Not sure why you are thinking you are playing a chess match on an internet discussion board.

I never said there shouldn't be a psych eval. Almost every plastic surgeon does an extensive consult prior to even agreeing to the procedure.
That's reaching. From my perspective, drag only seems to accentuate and caricaturize the aesthetic of womanhood. And I would argue that Dolly, herself, is a female who is impersonating and caricaturizing the aesthetic of womanhood. Again, there's nothing wrong with it, but it isn't a celebration exactly. It is something else. And I agree that offense is in the eye of the beholder, but that doesn't mean that drag and blackface don't share some similarities.

Yeah, lots of makeup.
Call me whatever you want. Society needs guardrails and it needs moral responsible leaders to maintain societal guardrails. That is our problem today, not the "nanny state" because the "nanny state" will always exist, but those who are maintaining societal guardrails are some of the worst among us.

Yeah. You're just like the liberals who force small businesses to play by their rules, except you're on a far bigger scale.

Very little difference between you and the Saudi lawmakers who all but sanction the killing of homosexuals and opinionated women.
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I never said there shouldn't be a psych eval. Almost every plastic surgeon does an extensive consult prior to even agreeing to the procedure.
That’s all I’m saying. If a proper psych evaluation is done most of these surgeries wouldn’t get approved. Now with a rigged system and a rubber stamp you get the situation currently. Also populism nudging it along doesn’t help.

Do no wrong
Don't you self identify as a conservative?

Do I believe in conserving socially traditional ideas and culture? Yes.

Do I believe in small gov't and free markets in all cases? No.

Do I live my life in a conservative manner? Yes.
That’s all I’m saying. If a proper psych evaluation is done most of these surgeries wouldn’t get approved. Now with a rigged system and a rubber stamp you get the situation currently. Also populism nudging it along doesn’t help.

Do no wrong

Doubt that. The psych field is effed up. They have been quite the participant in where we find ourselves today.
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Very little difference between you and the Saudi lawmakers who all but sanction the killing of homosexuals and opinionated women.

I've been married to the same smart opinioned woman for over 20 years. So, I don't know where you are getting that part. As for sanctioning the killing of any group, that is over the top hyperbole. I have never and would never advocate for that.
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Yeah. You're just like the liberals who force small businesses to play by their rules, except you're on a far bigger scale.

Very little difference between you and the Saudi lawmakers who all but sanction the killing of homosexuals and opinionated women.

Lol. There's "very little difference" between him and a murderous Muslim regime? But we can't compare blackface and drag?
Call me whatever you want. Society needs guardrails and it needs moral responsible leaders to maintain societal guardrails. That is our problem today, not the "nanny state" because the "nanny state" will always exist, but those who are maintaining societal guardrails are some of the worst among us.

Each individual needs to build their own guardrails, adults shouldn't need an overseer.
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Do I believe in conserving socially traditional ideas and culture? Yes.

Do I believe in small gov't and free markets in all cases? No.

Do I live my life in a conservative manner? Yes.

You are a progressive liberal, it's time you came out of the closet.
Each individual needs to build their own guardrails, adults shouldn't need an overseer.
Yet that's never been the case throughout the history of mankind.

One individual's guardrails that he sees fit to build will invariably cross into and even through your path.
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You are a progressive liberal, it's time you came out of the closet.

I wouldn't say I am in the closet, I speak my mind and answer people truthfully. You can put me in whatever category you see fit, but I doubt most progressives would say I am a progressive.
Yet that's never been the case throughout the history of mankind.

One individual's guardrails that he sees fit to build will invariably cross into and even through your path.

I used to be a Libertarian when I was younger, listened to quite a few anarcho capitalist types. Then I had kids, gained more life experience and realized a lot of that was crap.

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