So Worley is the worst qb of all time apparently.

Crompton threw for 300 yards and 5 tds vs a ranked Georgia team. Worley couldn't do that if he was playing the crippled children's home. Mathews was bad but he playing with tendinitis in his throwing elbow so at least he had an excuse. Worley is the least talented qb I've seen start at Tennessee .

I remember that game it by far was the best game he ever had. I remember the whole team jumping on the sideline. That was a good game.
Honestly in my opinion it will be Riley Ferguson when it's all said and done, but I could care less as long as its not Worley. He lacks the talent needed to play in the sec,and he plays scared.

I don't care who it is, actually, as long as it's the best available we have.
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Do you remember the melt down Crompton had against UCLA? That had to be one of the worst performances I have ever seen in a Ut QB. And I will go ahead and add Eric Ainge and his blow up against LSU in 05.

Jury is still out on Worley, he can prove all the doubters (me included) with his performance (if he gets the start) on Saturday. He can manage the team, but has missed key passes and open receivers.

He's the best we got and/or rushing a Fr QB in here would be a bad idea. It'll be Peterman or Worley and Worley is still the best we got.

He's got to get more aggressive, trust his WRs to make a play and hit open WRs.

If his completion percentage was low, the offense didn't function with him in there or he started throwing mult INTs, then he should be pulled. Fortunately, it hasn't been that, he's just got to get better in certain situations.

His problem is his confidence. He's got to realize his ability and step up, or we should go with Peterman vs. Florida. Throwing Riley or Dobbs in there vs. Florida would be a mistake, although I'd like to

Heard a quote, "Even if you think it's bad now, it can always get a lot worse."

My guess is that Worley gets the start and this QB controversy is to throw a smokescreen for Florida so they have to gameplan that much more to be prepared for different QB styles. This may help relieve some of the pressure for Worley and at the same time motivate Worley to step up. I hope he can rise to the challenge, from what I've seen/read Worley is a good kid and has worked his tail off in the offseason to get where he is at now, he just got to get better FAST.

We'll see. I hope for the best.
Worley's a good game manager and at times in the past, that would have gotten UT a 7 or 8 game winner. Problem is not enough talent around. A QB who could scramble, run the option and roll out would be a plus, getting some first downs on 3rd and like 5.

Fact is apparently he's the best the Vols have. They are gonna have a terrible time offensively against the gators which will eventually lead to another defensive meltdown.
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I remember that game it by far was the best game he ever had. I remember the whole team jumping on the sideline. That was a good game.

Crompton was the man. It took him four years, but he finally put it together. Cheney had to go to one read pass plays, build Crompton's confidence, then gradually build on the play selection. Not too much good is said about Kiffen and Company, but what they did with Crompton was exceptional.

Much credit is due to Crompton too, he battled his way through 3/4 different coaching staffs and Offensive Coordinators. He never gave up despite some horrible on the field performances and for that he's one of my favorite QBs.
Jury is still out on Worley, he can prove all the doubters (me included) with his performance (if he gets the start) on Saturday. He can manage the team, but has missed key passes and open receivers.

He's the best we got and/or rushing a Fr QB in here would be a bad idea. It'll be Peterman or Worley and Worley is still the best we got.

He's got to get more aggressive, trust his WRs to make a play and hit open WRs.

If his completion percentage was low, the offense didn't function with him in there or he started throwing mult INTs, then he should be pulled. Fortunately, it hasn't been that, he's just got to get better in certain situations.

His problem is his confidence. He's got to realize his ability and step up, or we should go with Peterman vs. Florida. Throwing Riley or Dobbs in there vs. Florida would be a mistake, although I'd like to

Heard a quote, "Even if you think it's bad now, it can always get a lot worse."

My guess is that Worley gets the start and this QB controversy is to throw a smokescreen for Florida so they have to gameplan that much more to be prepared for different QB styles. This may help relieve some of the pressure for Worley and at the same time motivate Worley to step up. I hope he can rise to the challenge, from what I've seen/read Worley is a good kid and has worked his tail off in the offseason to get where he is at now, he just got to get better FAST.

We'll see. I hope for the best.

I don't like the idea of throwing our young guys in at the swamp ether. I say you are right it will more likely be Worley or Peterman which ever it is I just hope they can atleast play half way decent and keep us in the game.
I don't like the idea of throwing our young guys in at the swamp ether. I say you are right it will more likely be Worley or Peterman which ever it is I just hope they can atleast play half way decent and keep us in the game.

Yeah. Just confidence is huge for a QB. No reason to throw Riley or Dobbs in there, unless is so apparent to staff that either one should be out there. I just don't think it'll happen in one week of evaluation/competition.
Worley is this years Dooley. Until he is kicked to the end of the bench we will get a billion threads about how Worley's shortcomings are everyone else's fault and how the op loves and supports him and those who don't are negavols and not VFLs.
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It would go along ways for Worley if he can keep his head on straight and find some way to pull it off and win at the swamp. The last one to do it was the ICEMAN clausen in 03 that's been a long time ago! GO VOLS!
Worley is this years Dooley. Until he is kicked to the end of the bench we will get a billion threads about how Worley's shortcomings are everyone else's fault and how the op loves and supports him and those who don't are negavols and not VFLs.

dooley's still this year's dooley. His lack of ability in recruiting turned into a lack of depth and athletes and is to blame for a lot of the on the field woes.

dd didn't reach out to Von Bell, we didn't have a shot in hell with Hurd w/o him gone, Todd Kelly would have likely been somewhere else, dd never tried to contact Vic Wharton, when I know Vic's family tried to contact Tennessee.
dooley's still this year's dooley. His lack of ability in recruiting turned into a lack of depth and athletes and is to blame for a lot of the on the field woes.

dd didn't reach out to Von Bell, we didn't have a shot in hell with Hurd w/o him gone, Todd Kelly would have likely been somewhere else, dd never tried to contact Vic Wharton, when I know Vic's family tried to contact Tennessee.

I'm just so glad he is gone. I don't know why he didn't recruit our local kids and TN kids harder than he done that guy was a joke good riddance.
It would go along ways for Worley if he can keep his head on straight and find some way to pull it off and win at the swamp. The last one to do it was the ICEMAN clausen in 03 that's been a long time ago! GO VOLS!

Almost every comment I ever read about Casey Clausen from great Vol fans when he played at Tennessee was negative.
if people want to defend worley fine i get he is our starter. but i really am tired of this "game manager" comment. all that means is he doesnt turn the ball over. he also doesnt create big plays. i think south alabama will be petermans audition.
I don't like dogging a college athlete but this is a bit ridiculous.

Those throws were just about the only good ones he made all night. He went 15-29 for 208 yards (7.1ypa) 0 TDs, 1 INT against Arkansas. He was a Freshman, true, but he hasn't really improved that comp %, Yards per Attempt or TD/INT statline significantly if at all against quality opponents.

11/19 7.4ypa 142 1/1 against WKU

13/25 136 5.44ypa 1/0 against Oregon

I don't think it's all on the receivers. Perfect example is the seam route to josh smith against Oregon. Timing was right. Worley threw it to Smith who was right in the bubble between Oregon's zone. Worley just missed the throw.

He just... missed the throw.

QBs have to make adjustments. Especially if the WR has to change his route to find holes against a zone defense. Worley can't make adjustments. The only people making the adjustments are the receivers... mainly North.

Again, I dont' like dogging college athletes but if he's not cutting it... he's not cutting it.
I think so, too. But, if we have someone on the bench, regardless of who it is or their status, that is actually better, we need to give them a chance. If we have someone better right now, burn the redshirt and throw them in.

I'm with you.
That's cool you think the coaches keep throwing him out there when they have superior options on the bench. It's just not reality at this point. I'd like someone to outperform him & start. But there's a reason he's continuously beating out the others in the coaches' opinions. They aren't gonna blindly throw somebody out there who cannot grasp the play book and protect the football. You think JW is bad, try putting a QB out there who turns the ball over time and again. My point is trust the coaches & their evaluations. Their damn livelihoods depend on it.
Coaches vary on this topic, Butch seems to be somewhat cautious and as this is his first SEC season I can understand. Add to that our best options are true freshman is not ideal. You don't want to mess them all up experimenting. It's a tough balance but things have clearly started tilting away from Worley or you would not hear half the mystery we are this week about the QB battle. Just my measly 2 cents. I've tossed out Spurrier in another thread as a coach who is much more willing to roll the dice at QB. He's a proven NC level coach though.
Coaches vary on this topic, Butch seems to be somewhat cautious and as this is his first SEC season I can understand. Add to that our best options are true freshman is not ideal. You don't want to mess them all up experimenting. It's a tough balance but things have clearly started tilting away from Worley or you would not hear half the mystery we are this week about the QB battle. Just my measly 2 cents. I've tossed out Spurrier in another thread as a coach who is much more willing to roll the dice at QB. He's a proven NC level coach though.

When was it proven that Peterman wasn't a better option? The fact that he didn't light it up in meaningless garbage time with 12 total throws all year? He's certainly got the best frame for a punishing SEC schedule.

Jones should have been giving Peterman more throws for gametime eval but he didn't. 12 is not a lot for any meaningful statistical evaluation. Far too small of a sample size.
There hasn't been a Tenn QB that has satisfied this absurd fan base since Peyton Manning.

I was satisfied with Martin. I was satisfied with Casey Clausen. I was satisfied with Ainge. I was OK with mid to late 09 Crompton. And Bray had his fair share of "wtf?" throws, but he made enough great plays/and was the main reason the team averaged like 35 points a game so I was satisfied with him as well, if we had a defense that wasn't the worst I'd ever seen wear orange, we'd have won 9 or so games last year.

Worley, Simms, Stephens, 08-early 09 Crompton, Matthews, Suggs and Schaeffer though?

I'll pass.
When was it proven that Peterman wasn't a better option? The fact that he didn't light it up in meaningless garbage time with 12 total throws all year? He's certainly got the best frame for a punishing SEC schedule.

Jones should have been giving Peterman more throws for gametime eval but he didn't. 12 is not a lot for any meaningful statistical evaluation. Far too small of a sample size.

You won't get an argument out of me. I basically feel If Butch intended to start and keep Worley as the starter they should have done more to suit the play calling to his skill set. A faux read option mixed with deep passes is not that. Since they seem set on their play calling then Peterman should get a series with the ones and be allowed to execute the option.
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