Sprinting after a quarter is like a boxer doing push ups between rounds

you condition a boxer

you condition a football team

in neither case do you coach them to waste energy during a game/fight

Thank goodness college players don't waste energy celebrating after each play.:good!:
watch the fooking video man.

"watch espn>>search it" find the "peay" game

go to the end of the 1st quarter.

then tell me what we did

I recorded the replay and just watched it. It was actually slower than I even remembered. Definitely not a sprint. After the quarter ended they come out of the commercial already on the line, no one breathing heavily, and throw one pass that should have been a touchdown and a second pass that was a touchdown. Then there was a lot of apparently more wasted energy hopping around and celebrating the score.

Like I said, chill and enjoy the win.
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Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

Respect the dumbness of your opinion :)
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I think he is just doing it to psych out the other teams players. I think with the severe workout schedule they had this spring/summer these sprints are kinda just part of it at this point.

Does it make them a good idea?? Dunno I'm not the HC. But we're paying him a few million a year to be the judge of that. So I think the players understand that this is what is expected of them. It's just part of his style of coaching. And with us handing down a 45 point BEATDOWN of our opponent and our third stringers in there still not giving up a point towards the end of the game....I don't think fatigue was an issue.

But yes to your point I don't truly understand it, but again that's why they pay him the big bucks.

Your introductory remarks are in large measure correct. He is doing it as an expression of physical and mental conditioning. He doesn't want his players to communicate visible signs of fatigue. He doesn't want their body language to exhibit such telltale signs as standing with hands on hips. He doesn't want them walking on the field, ever. These are all points he has verbally emphasized in video excerpts of practice. Incidentally, Butch has specifically used the verb, "sprint" to describe the pace he wants players to be moving at when they exchange ends of the field at the end of a quarter.
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I recorded the replay and just watched it. It was actually slower than I even remembered. Definitely not a sprint. After the quarter ended they come out of the commercial already on the line, no one breathing heavily, and throw one pass that should have been a touchdown and a second pass that was a touchdown. Then there was a lot of apparently more wasted energy hopping around and celebrating the score.

Like I said, chill and enjoy the win.

not what i meant

did you watch the sprint?
I am an equal opportunity picker. Since you needed a little attention which obviously you lack in your life I indulged you. It must be sad to live your life off negativity just to get some form of attention. I have a son who does that. Are you my little biracial son? Are you my Lenny Kravitz?

Darkgable, you're an awesome poster...just in case I forget to tell you in the future :)
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Thanks Coach...
He does have a point. But I think it's more about using every opportunity to improve our level of conditioning. Plus, the coaches are trying to instill a no loafing/no taking plays off mentality. If you really need a breather, then you can tap your helmet for a substitution.

Plus, they still get a decent break on changeover.
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.

This is what they have been conditioning all off season for. Up tempo play calling. The team ran 52 110's after one practice. 52! It's an intimidation and confidence building sprint. Intimidate the other team that " hey these guys are still running around like they aren't tired". And confidence that "hey our coniditioning has really worked."

There's a lot more important things to complain about than the players sprinting in between quarters.

I guess you will start this thread after every game... Cause guess what... We gone sprint after quarters!
Reserve energy is a premium in the game of football. Especially when it comes to 4th and 1 or goal line situations.

Having our OL sprint down the field is dumb imo.


it shows a disciplined and conditioned team. Which is something that we have been desperately missing in the past.
Lol. I know a lot of us know him but I still feel the need to introduce. FF meet VolKeith. VolKeith meet FF. hahaha
if the OL 1s had played the entire game this might to be a point but they didn't and it isn't
I've kinda lurked on this site for years.... I've read some really incompetent and stupid stuff... Hell I've wrote some really stupid stuff... But what this Keith guy has just said is by far the most ridiculously idiotic load of unthought out of BS I have ever heard in my entire life ! To suggest that 20 year old world class athletes can't run 30 yards max between quarters so they can keep from getting "gassed" is a mind blowing statement and I honestly feel sorry you and your thinking ability. Please seek help.

As an African American I would like to propose that we pass some sort of Jim Crow bill before anyone can start a thread. That way we can make sure all the undesirables and illiterates are out the way. Joke.
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As an African American I would like to propose that we pass some sort of Jim Crow bill before anyone can start a thread. That way we can make sure all the undesirables and illiterates are out the way. Joke.

You shouldn't be making fun of anyone. Your posts aren't much more intelligent than keith's.
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Shows confidence, and fire. It shows that they are ready to me, ready to play football and give us loyal fans something to be proud of.

Hear, hear! It took a Brit to educate this mass of so-called football experts. Jones clearly stated last spring he wanted our players to do do this, as well as sprint off the field at half-time. It's psychological warfare. He wanted other teams to take note that we weren't tired and were ready go anytime. He also wanted players to sprint back onto the field when we came out for the 2nd half. Basically to communicate to opponents we were there to kick their azzes, and kick it hard.
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