State of Tennessee Wins the Injunction

Who knows if NCAA would ask President Biden to issue some kind of executive order for them. Just can't see Congress passing any legislation on their behalf.
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If the NCAA were smart, which they are not, they would take this decision and back off and say to all the conferences, lets get together and work on a comprehensive agreement to manage the NIL and transfer portal going forward. If they miss this opportunity its going to get crazy.
If the NCAA were smart, which they are not, they would take this decision and back off and say to all the conferences, lets get together and work on a comprehensive agreement to manage the NIL and transfer portal going forward. If they miss this opportunity it’s going to get crazy.
People seem to still not understand, you cannot restrict NIL. Not the NCAA, the conferences or anything else.
I think they did it so that they can now tell Congress that they cannot "fix it themselves" and that Congress must act. Congress granting them a full or partial Antitrust exemption is and always has been their only real hope. Is it likely to work? Probably not, but it's their only play.
Their post court statement appealed to Congress for help. It is very unlikely to get an anti-trust exemption. The NCAA is grasping at straws.
I don't disagree but the NCAA never had control of NIL.

That is true, and exactly the point I guess I was trying to make. This lawsuit - and the others that will surely follow - are the result of the NCAA trying to enforce rules that the federal government said they cannot. I really can't understand their end-game. Their lawyers had to know this was a no-win. The NCAA had a chance to do something meaningful for the student athlete and chose to defy the federal government - as if anti-trust laws didn't pertain to them. Knowing that Pandora's Box had been opened, they should have embraced NIL and promoted the student athlete. Instead they tried to bully schools, collectives and student athletes back into line with the same old, same old. To what end? Surely they knew it would end up back in Federal court. If they didn't, they do now.
Who knows if NCAA would ask President Biden to issue some kind of executive order for them. Just can't see Congress passing any legislation on their behalf.
The problem is neither party supports them. Who would think a common cause would bring Corey Booker and Marsha Blackburn together. The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 against the NCAA regarding the Sherman Act
People seem to still not understand, you cannot restrict NIL. Not the NCAA, the conferences or anything else.

I'm just talking about NCAA-conferences getting together so everyone understands the rules and on the same page, which everyone is not right now. Not talking about restricting anything. Just clarifying the rules so the NCAA doesn't pick and choose the rules they want to enforce.
Tom is way smarter than me but I think he’s overestimating the NCAA’s chances. I don’t think they have any chance of winning long term.
Mars is simply quoting the percentage of cases that involve a party having an injunction applied against it coming back to win later. This doesn’t mean the NCAA case has a 16% chance.
I'm just talking about NCAA-conferences getting together so everyone understands the rules and on the same page, which everyone is not right now. Not talking about restricting anything. Just clarifying the rules so the NCAA doesn't pick and choose the rules they want to enforce.
This was the path several years ago and the NCAA dropped the ball. The path they chose was counter productive and did nothing but led to their own self destruction
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That is true, and exactly the point I guess I was trying to make. This lawsuit - and the others that will surely follow - are the result of the NCAA trying to enforce rules that the federal government said they cannot. I really can't understand their end-game. Their lawyers had to know this was a no-win. The NCAA had a chance to do something meaningful for the student athlete and chose to defy the federal government - as if anti-trust laws didn't pertain to them. Knowing that Pandora's Box had been opened, they should have embraced NIL and promoted the student athlete. Instead they tried to bully schools, collectives and student athletes back into line with the same old, same old. To what end? Surely they knew it would end up back in Federal court. If they didn't, they do now.
The NCAA is already appealing to Congress for "help" in controlling NIL and transfers.

It is VERY unlikely that the NCAA will get either an anti-trust exemption or the Sherman Act overturned. Anything less won't help them.

Even in the unlikely event that the NCAA gets an anti-trust exception, it will get overturned in short order by the Supreme Court, using the same rationale in NCAA vs Alston.

The NCAA is going to get outdated into oblivion either way.
This was the path several years ago and the NCAA dropped the ball. The path they chose was counter productive and did nothing but led to their own self destruction
Exactly. They spent so many years trying to keep college athletes from making any money instead of being proactive towards working on a solution. It was always in inevitable that the N I L thing was going to happen. They’ve devoted so much time trying to punish schools and athletes for stupid things like getting a ride to see a sick family meme er, getting gifted a sport coat for a family funeral, etc instead of putting their alleged brains to work having things in place for this moment. They are incompetent fat cats who get trick off of those they are supposed to serve, and they want other incompetent fat cats who also get rich off of those they are supposed to serve(congress), to solve the problem. Naw.
Why you small-time thinker, you! Generate national by putting on billboards in states we regularly recruit, and renting trucks driving through campuses the following: The Tennessee Volunteers stood at the bridge to guard your NIL Rights. Use A.I. to create 4-5 generic Vols players with shields and swords in defiant poses on a drawbridge over disturbed waters, with NCAA spelled murkily in the water. Go for the gusto, or don't go at all.

Hopefully, potential recruits see this and opt to play for UT.
Tom is way smarter than me but I think he’s overestimating the NCAA’s chances. I don’t think they have any chance of winning long term.
He wasn't estimating their chances. He was showing historical data on winning/losing a case if an injunction has been filed. He's not pontificating in this tweet
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Hey recruits. The State of Tennessee AND The University of Tennessee fought for your rights and financial benefits when all of the other SEC schools sat on the sidelines.
"Yea that's cool and all...but how much money are you offering?"

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