Why don't you lay out the abbreviated version for us?
Jon Gruden wanted to coach. Cindy did not want him to go back to the NFl.
Jon did not really either because it was too demanding. He likes to fish, hang out, ect.
That is why MNF. It gives him time.
But he has the coaching bug.
If he came to UT, Cindy could be close to her family, he would be able to coach. And, ala Steve Spurrier and Augusta, time to relax.
Next were the administrative barriers such as athletic reporting and some enrollment issues that were partially but acceptably resolved.
He does not like to lose. It damages his value. There was worry that he would not win, due to the change to college, recruiting ect. To win and have family time, he wanted a specific staff, members of which he had put a lot of time and effort into getting. He had done his research.
Tee Martin was contacted. Several others.
Even down to details so minor as liaisons to local North GA and TN high schools as well as Florida high schools were set up.
Two of which, one from North Florida and one from South Pittsburg , who were close friends of his, quit their High School head coaching jobs less than a week ago so as to be NCAA eligible for logistics in a recruiting blitz as soon as Hart and Cheek signed off on it but that is later.
Nov. 30, a bad exchange took place in which TPTB at UT thought the money was just too much (even though it was not theirs. it was in an escrow from boosters for Gruden and only Gruden) and they balked whether over money or the feeling they were being pushed around. Soon the Lamonte statement because it was so close that it leaked. Some fanciful, some fact. He needed to throw a wet blanket on it and boy did he. he must protect his clients worth. That is his job. Sorry it offended UT fans but whatever. It could not ever appear that UT turned down his client.
No one would care once it was done.
Hargis from the TFP vs the Memphis radio guy. Lamonte could not take a chance on a deal falling through and Gruden would not come here without the staff because he refused to chance losing, no matter what his family wanted. It is his reputation at stake.
As soon as a week ago, in the booster side, the deal was still a real likelyhood, at least in their minds and Gruden's.
The HS coaches he had recruited even quit their jobs. One of them of twenty years plus as late as four days ago.
And as high up as Coordinators positions were set.
Boosters floundered around getting the money but got it.
Players at UT began to desperately attempt to block the power play.
Grudens agent flew into Knoxville last night to finish the deal, met with boosters.
Determined not to be pushed around, The three signatures required to sign a coach went and signed someone else that they could get for their measly 18 mil in the dead of night.
It will never be admitted by the Gruden side because it would tarnish his rep.
The people who always scoffed at the Gruden rumors will never believe it.
Does not matter now because it is over. Just don't look for that 18 million to ever get paid back. UT missed a historic opportunity.
You asked.