Stokes dropping out?

No kidding.
Look at how many NBA players go through UK every year, and they don't have to worry about their APR getting tanked.
We get ONE player like that, and we are rumored to be taking an APR hit.

somehow Calipari gets his players to not only finish their spring semester, many of them somehow finish with good grades. If Stokes has just bolted UT altogether, it's nothing like the UK situation.
Curious...are Jarnell Stokes and Isabelle Harrison DATING? I just browsed on her twitter pics, and from the looks of some pictures they are currently or have had in the past.

Yea saw that too, guess they're pretty serious (good fit if I may say) maybe that helps keep him here?
Well judging by his recent tweet he's with Izzy Harrison, so either she's in Memphis playing hooky too or they're both in Knoxville.
LOL at where this thread is going. We're now hoping the women's player can keep him here.

I'd suggest pitching in to help these two enjoy an unforgettable time on the town, but that would be against the rules.
LOL at where this thread is going. We're now hoping the women's player can keep him here.

I'd suggest pitching in to help these two enjoy an unforgettable time on the town, but that would be against the rules.

He's getting a FREE education. He's also getting to use some of the best basketball facilities in the country for FREE. He's overrated as a post right now, and he will be an epic fail as a post in the NBA if he decides to leave. Stokes is a great rebounder with zero back to the basket game. He lacks basketball touch, and he could compete right now with Dwight Howard and DeAndre Jordan as the worst FT shooter in the NBA. I'm not trying to bash Stokes here, but I'm a realist unlike some VOL fans. Stokes is not anywhere as good as he could be, and he has to put the effort into his post up game and FT shooting to reach his true potential. Stokes should be a 18PPG and 10RPG post every night.
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He's getting a FREE education. He's also getting to use some of the best basketball facilities in the country for FREE. He's overrated as a post right now, and will be an epic fail as a post in the NBA if he decides to leave. Stokes is a great rebounder with zero back to the basket game. He lacks basketball touch, and he could compete right now with Dwight Howard and DeAndre Jordan as the worst FT shooter in the NBA. I'm not trying to bash Stokes here, but I'm a realist unlike some VOL fans. Stokes is not anywhere as good as he could be, and he has to put the effort in to his post up game and FT shooting to reach his true potential. Stokes should be a 18PPG and 10RPG post every night.

Nobody wants him gone
Nobody wants him gone

Of course no one wants him gone that's not my point, but some here leave me to question whether they have even seen Stokes play or don't know how to take the orange sunglasses off.
Of course no one wants him gone that's not my point, but some here leave me to question whether they have even seen Stokes play or don't know how to take the orange sunglasses off.

Yeah I hear you.
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Stokes is not good enough to play in the NBA yet. He needs 2 more yrs and maymon/Hubbs to make him look better

He doesn't have to be good enough to play. He just needs to be good enough to be drafted. I dont think it would be a smart move, but who knows? Somebody could pull the trigger on a body like that.
"I'm aware of all the speculation but haven't heard anything concrete that tells me he's leaving.*

I've said in the past, and still believe, that I think Jarnell would love to leave if he got any encouragement at that he'd be drafted. On that front I expect him to seek some feedback, but no one I have spoken with expects that he'll get the kind of feedback that would suggest it would be a good decision to declare for the draft. Now, other kids have made bad decisions before, so that's obviously not a guarantee.

Coach Martin told me today that he is scheduled to sit down and meet with all the guys on the roster next week about their future. I didn't not ask him specifically about Jarnell in that vein but very much assumed that he would be part of those meetings."

-Rob Lewis
"We heard from a couple of different
sources around the program that Stokes was definitely on campus on Thursday, for whatever that's worth in regards to the rumor mill."

- Rob Lewis
Of course no one wants him gone that's not my point, but some here leave me to question whether they have even seen Stokes play or don't know how to take the orange sunglasses off.

Did the post you quoted give you that impression about me?
"Finally, we're aware of all the speculation regarding Jarnell Stokes that took place on Thursday. While we've said all along that it's our firm belief that Stokes would love to bolt for the draft if he had a realistic chance of being taken in the first round, we haven't heard anyone suggest he's going to get that kind of feedback from anyone associated with the NBA.

We heard from a couple of different sources around the program that Stokes was definitely on campus on Thursday, for whatever that's worth in regards to the rumor mill.

Again, if he gets any kind of indication from league sources that he's going to be drafted, we expect Stokes to jump at it, but that's not a decision that's been reached yet according to everyone we've spoken with.

Martin has meetings scheduled with every returning player on the roster next week, including Stokes, and it's a safe bet his future will be something the two discuss in depth."

-Rob Lewis
Why his sudden fascination in leaving? Is he generally unhappy at Tennessee? Needs the money? Or does he just want to prove that he was worthy of the hype and hoopla?

I just never got the sense that he was looking for a reason to leave, but Lewis's comments suggest just that. Also, I've not ever seen anyone at Volquest suggest he would "jump at the chance to leave early" until yesterday. Unless I just missed it along the way, those comments hint at revisionist history.
very good rebounder, terrible offensive player. He needs work before any NBA team would give him a sniff. Come on back and use that time to learn to shoot and jump higher than 2 inches. We need you and the NBA doesn't want you right now.
Why his sudden fascination in leaving? Is he generally unhappy at Tennessee? Needs the money? Or does he just want to prove that he was worthy of the hype and hoopla?

I just never got the sense that he was looking for a reason to leave, but Lewis's comments suggest just that. Also, I've not ever seen anyone at Volquest suggest he would "jump at the chance to leave early" until yesterday. Unless I just missed it along the way, those comments hint at revisionist history.

Lewis has said all year, even before the year stokes will leave if he gets good feedback, Quinn has said the same as well. The question has just really been what kind of will he actually get.

One thing he may be hearing a lot of though is how weak this draft is and how strong next years is, he may see this as his best opportunity.
Lewis has said all year, even before the year stokes will leave if he gets good feedback, Quinn has said the same as well. The question has just really been what kind of will he actually get.

One thing he may be hearing a lot of though is how weak this draft is and how strong next years is, he may see this as his best opportunity.

Like you said, this year's draft is weaker. IMO I bet he bolts. It would suck because Stokes is one of our best players, but he is an undersized 4 that will not be 1st round material this year or next year. Might as well go make some good money overseas (obviously not NBA money).
Lewis has said all year, even before the year stokes will leave if he gets good feedback, Quinn has said the same as well. The question has just really been what kind of will he actually get.

One thing he may be hearing a lot of though is how weak this draft is and how strong next years is, he may see this as his best opportunity.

I get him leaving if he gets good feedback. Heck I said that prior to the season myself, as did many people. However, I think there is a fairly wide gap between leaving if he gets good feedback and "jumping at the chance to leave early". Perhaps just a bad choice of words for Lewis to use. It just gives the sense that he can't wait to get out of here, which is never an impression I got.
Sounds incredibly untrue but I thought I would see if anyone had heard anything more than I, a guy in my English class got a text from a friend this morning saying this.

Good that we have someone that will spread rumors. Thank you

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