Student football tickets

Exactly. What does a gym membership cost per month? I'll take a wild guess it's more than $20.

I do not know what Gym's you are going to but I can get a 100$ year long membership that has much more and nicer facilities than the TRECS, along with multiple locations
yes they do, students do not go to the games for free. provide an explanation for why our activities fee is so much higher than every SEC school. why....because it pays for our sporting events. yes it does cover football whether you want to believe it or not.
Have you ever seen the student recreation facilities at most of UT's peer institutions? You're paying a higher activities fee because you get access to better facilities. Also, please report Mike Hamilton's use of activities fee monies on men's athletics. I'm sure they'll take care of the fraud you've uncovered, being as the budget says otherwise. Good job, Sherlock.
Football tickets are a luxury. There is no reason for students to think it's their right to have them. The activities fee is like $250 a semester and covers the use of all recreational facilities on campus and entrance to all sporting events. Don't act like you're overpaying.

I guess it's just me but I can't understand how they are a luxury. Again these are college teams made up of students and classmates of us. If current students aren't encouraged to attend and aren't valued then that takes away what makes college sports so much more special than professional my opinion.

If I were to go to Vanderbilt I wouldn't expect free Titans tickets. THAT would be a luxury. However I do not expect to have to pay to watch my own school compete in athletic events that I am encouraged and asked to attend by the coaches that whose salaries I'm about to start paying now.

i said "primary". i'm sure the additional revenue generated will go toward it, but that is not THE factor that will enable the UTAD to pay the coache's me on that, or they would have made a move like this years ago.

I could see it as a preemptive move to save up for the money he will have to pay CBP in the future, too, since it seems the ante might be upped again for basketball coaches.
I was specifically referring to games in California, that's all. And again, I understand why we go there, just not why us choosing to go there is now the students responsibility to pay for. Why is that now all of the sudden we can't afford to make those ever important trips? The AD already increased regular tickets by $17 and decreased faculty discounts from 50 to 20%. Even if inflation is a factor and things are just getting more expensive in general, how are those two factors not enough to cover the problem.
maybe it was those gas prices you spoke of earlier.

it's real simple though......don't go. don't pay, don't go, watch on tv.

but the reality is very simple.....he raises the prices because he can.

next season 100,000+ people will file in to Neyland 7 Saturdays next fall, despite these increases.

until that changes, there's no reason not to make as much money as you can in the process.

my advice, be like on tv.
yes they do, students do not go to the games for free. provide an explanation for why our activities fee is so much higher than every SEC school. why....because it pays for our sporting events. yes it does cover football whether you want to believe it or not.

i fail to realize what other schools have to do with any of this, guess what .....WE ARE NOT OTHER SCHOOLS

well you brought it up...
Have you ever seen the student recreation facilities at most of UT's peer institutions? You're paying a higher activities fee because you get access to better facilities. Also, please report Mike Hamilton's use of activities fee monies on men's athletics. I'm sure they'll take care of the fraud you've uncovered, being as the budget says otherwise. Good job, Sherlock.

you are a fool if you think that UT students were not paying for football tickets in one form or another
maybe it was those gas prices you spoke of earlier.

it's real simple though......don't go. don't pay, don't go, watch on tv.

but the reality is very simple.....he raises the prices because he can.

next season 100,000+ people will file in to Neyland 7 Saturdays next fall, despite these increases.

until that changes, there's no reason not to make as much money as you can in the process.

my advice, be like on tv.

Al Sharpton would be proud.
maybe it was those gas prices you spoke of earlier.

it's real simple though......don't go. don't pay, don't go, watch on tv.

but the reality is very simple.....he raises the prices because he can.

next season 100,000+ people will file in to Neyland 7 Saturdays next fall, despite these increases.

until that changes, there's no reason not to make as much money as you can in the process.

my advice, be like on tv.

Fair enough. I agree that if you are that unhappy about it just don't go. I personally will definitely still be in attendance but that doesn't mean I have to like the system. I was wrong for thinking this way obviously but I guess I just thought that my school valued its students more. And I don't mean that in a whiny way, just realistically speaking I honestly didn't realize that they don't put our interests first. It's my fault for not understanding that (not sarcasm).
you are a fool if you think that UT students were not paying for football tickets in one form or another
I am actually praying that you are some 35 year old, unemployed trucker living in the bathroom at a Citgo. If you are an actual UT student, your inability to reason, belief that institutions that are federally audited can just lie about how money is spent, and general lack of articulation are an utter disgrace to an institution I dearly love. It would be my most fervent hope that you fail out as soon as possible.
I am actually praying that you are some 35 year old, unemployed trucker living in the bathroom at a Citgo. If you are an actual UT student, your inability to reason, belief that institutions that are federally audited can just lie about how money is spent, and general lack of articulation are an utter disgrace to an institution I dearly love. It would be my most fervent hope that you fail out as soon as possible.

not my fault that you are an idiot
i fail to realize what other schools have to do with any of this, guess what .....WE ARE NOT OTHER SCHOOLS
it's called competitive analysis. it's done all the time. companies in the same industry benchmark themselves against one another in various things......wages, technology, R&D one wants to price themselves out of the market, likewise, they don't want to miss out on any potential cost savings/revenue that is inherent to the industry their competition is getting.

think about this way....airlines......when you search for air fares, genearlly speaking most all the airlines fares are comparable.

it would be easy to price your way in to gaining market share, if you were going to do it at a loss, or you were just that much more efficient than the compeition, but if you're not better, then you lose money, and at some point, you have to raise your fares so you can make money.

if you are better, you lower your fare, and pass the savings to your customers and then you force your competition to a)get better or b) lower their prices and operate at a loss.

no different here, and is why "everyone else does it" makes sense to do it yourself.

we were missing out on additional revenue we had never collected, now we are....and a big reason why is.....everyone else does it.:thumbsup:
I am actually praying that you are some 35 year old, unemployed trucker living in the bathroom at a Citgo. If you are an actual UT student, your inability to reason, belief that institutions that are federally audited can just lie about how money is spent, and general lack of articulation are an utter disgrace to an institution I dearly love. It would be my most fervent hope that you fail out as soon as possible.

not my fault that you are an idiot

If any of his classes involve using logic in arguments, then I'd say he's well on his way.
I am actually praying that you are some 35 year old, unemployed trucker living in the bathroom at a Citgo. If you are an actual UT student, your inability to reason, belief that institutions that are federally audited can just lie about how money is spent, and general lack of articulation are an utter disgrace to an institution I dearly love. It would be my most fervent hope that you fail out as soon as possible.
If any of his classes involve using logic in arguments, then I'd say he's well on his way.
What? Are you saying emotionally driven babble with zero factual basis presented in a poorly articulated manner isn't considered effective debate?
I do not know what Gym's you are going to but I can get a 100$ year long membership that has much more and nicer facilities than the TRECS, along with multiple locations

Doubtful. I think Rush and what not start at 30 or so a month. UT's TRECS center is a very nice facility, with 5 year old (or less) equipment. Having workout facilities, a full size track, olympic size pools, basketball facilities, a full size football field, tennis courts, etc at your disposal would cost more than 100 a semester. The only reason they can charge us such a small amount is that they charge 25,000 people for something maybe 5 to 10,000 take advantage of.

With most things at UT, we're paying less than our fair share. Hell, the state is providing more per person to UT for academics than we pay, ourselves.
What? Are you saying emotionally driven babble with zero factual basis presented in a poorly articulated manner isn't considered effective debate?
no, no, not at all.....though it is more entertaining.
i'd say a lot of your student bretheren are in the same boat. many students find the money for their entertainment thru out the year, (away game weekends additionally) so i don't know that selling me on the "broke college student" is going to work. i guarantee you that all those claiming to be so broke are not just sitting in their dorms or apartments night after night scrounging for pennies to eat on.......put it this way, no one i knew in my 4 years at UTK ever had any problems in having a good time, and many times, those good times cost a lot more than $90 a pop...and that was 10-15 years ago.

i'm with sucks cause it is a change, but it's just not the end of the world.

I really don't like it how people just assume that a lot of us don't work and go out all of the time. Let's put it this way: I get no help from my parents, I have student loans, I work 3-4 days per week (all my weekends), I have a double major, I write for the Beacon for free, and I have to pay rent, etc.

Yes, I admitted I paid for either UGA or Bama tickets, but that about breaks the bank. Sorry if $90 doesn't seem like a lot to people who have full time jobs, but when you've got to stress about where your next month's rent and gas and food money come from, an additional $90 might break one's budget if they are living paycheck to paycheck.

I love it that people who make 50K now are lecturing the truly broke college kids on how our situations aren't that bad.
Doubtful. I think Rush and what not start at 30 or so a month. UT's TRECS center is a very nice facility, with 5 year old (or less) equipment. Having workout facilities, a full size track, olympic size pools, basketball facilities, a full size football field, tennis courts, etc at your disposal would cost more than 100 a semester. The only reason they can charge us such a small amount is that they charge 25,000 people for something maybe 5 to 10,000 take advantage of.

With most things at UT, we're paying less than our fair share. Hell, the state is providing more per person to UT for academics than we pay, ourselves.
Enough with the facts. You need to add some emotionally charged inaccuracies to your posts. That's the sign of true genius.
I really don't like it how people just assume that a lot of us don't work and go out all of the time. Let's put it this way: I get no help from my parents, I have student loans, I work 3-4 days per week (all my weekends), I have a double major, I write for the Beacon for free, and I have to pay rent, etc.

Yes, I admitted I paid for either UGA or Bama tickets, but that about breaks the bank. Sorry if $90 doesn't seem like a lot to people who have full time jobs, but when you've got to stress about where your next month's rent and gas and food money come from, an additional $90 might break one's budget if they are living paycheck to paycheck.

I love it that people who make 50K now are lecturing the truly broke college kids on how our situations aren't that bad.
You have to September to come up with the money. Save 5-6.00 a week between now and then, and you'll be fine.
i'd say a lot of your student bretheren are in the same boat. many students find the money for their entertainment thru out the year, (away game weekends additionally) so i don't know that selling me on the "broke college student" is going to work. i guarantee you that all those claiming to be so broke are not just sitting in their dorms or apartments night after night scrounging for pennies to eat on.......put it this way, no one i knew in my 4 years at UTK ever had any problems in having a good time, and many times, those good times cost a lot more than $90 a pop...and that was 10-15 years ago.

i'm with sucks cause it is a change, but it's just not the end of the world.
Kind of like
I really don't like it how people just assume that a lot of us don't work and go out all of the time. Let's put it this way: I get no help from my parents, I have student loans, I work 3-4 days per week (all my weekends), I have a double major, I write for the Beacon for free, and I have to pay rent, etc.

Yes, I admitted I paid for either UGA or Bama tickets, but that about breaks the bank. Sorry if $90 doesn't seem like a lot to people who have full time jobs, but when you've got to stress about where your next month's rent and gas and food money come from, an additional $90 might break one's budget if they are living paycheck to paycheck.

I love it that people who make 50K now are lecturing the truly broke college kids on how our situations aren't that bad.
Kind of like broke college kids lecturing donors on how they should have to give up their premium seats in a basketball arena said donors built so the broke ass students can see better. Tit for tat, my friend.

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