Student football tickets

You pay to get an education that will make you money for the rest of your life, not to be able to see football games for free for four years.

True or false? Tennessee football is a big selling point for the school.

I know what I pay for trust me, but a big part of choosing UT was because of athletics. I could've gone to Rhodes for example but Go Lynx and Go Vols just doesn't compare.
True or false? Tennessee football is a big selling point for the school.

I know what I pay for trust me, but a big part of choosing UT was because of athletics. I could've gone to Rhodes for example but Go Lynx and Go Vols just doesn't compare.

It's a part of the experience but should never be the ultimate reason for your choice.
These are COLLEGE games. The teams are made up of my fellow classmates and represent the university that I'm paying out the ass to attend. Who exactly are you thinking these games are being played for? If it was the stupid AAFL and they wanted to charge more money then I wouldn't be saying a word.
believe me, it's not you or the 10 thousand students that show up. they play for the people that pay....alumni donors and private donors....w/out them, you'd have nothing to even make a choice about.

Nearly everyone that HAS BEEN NAMED. Enlighten me on our history with UCLA and how it impacted us landing any of the recent players we've had please.
if you can't see how playing teams in cross sections of the country affect this program that has to recruit nationally (not just CA) then you're beyond the history lesson.

you know why GA hasn't played a game outside the Southeast in over 30 years? cause GA has rich in state talent.

you know why we play teams like UCLA, Cal, Colorado, Notre Dame in their stadiums.....cause we don't. we need the national exposure those games allow.

All GA and FL need are games against GT and FSU to ge the instate kids' interest........
No, your activities fee pays for crap like women's tennis, golf, crew, and track and field.

they also pay for our football tickets....if you think we already went to the games for free you are kidding yourself. The fact is students should not have to shoulder Fulmer's salary and the scholarships of the football players. PERIOD
Oh...I thought you were just crying about the $15 thing. Tuition is irrelevant in this already knew you were going to have to pay that to attend school. The only new thing here is $15. Really really not worth bitching about.

No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.
i'd say a lot of your student bretheren are in the same boat. many students find the money for their entertainment thru out the year, (away game weekends additionally) so i don't know that selling me on the "broke college student" is going to work. i guarantee you that all those claiming to be so broke are not just sitting in their dorms or apartments night after night scrounging for pennies to eat on.......put it this way, no one i knew in my 4 years at UTK ever had any problems in having a good time, and many times, those good times cost a lot more than $90 a pop...and that was 10-15 years ago.

i'm with sucks cause it is a change, but it's just not the end of the world.

we're behind the times and have to make up for lost time, in a hurry.:)

then this univesrity is doing what it's supposed to......getting you ready for the real world...cause here's a newsflash: Very rarely will anyone not only care what you think, but take the time to ask you what think before they make a decision for you.

very astute, and 100% accurate.

as an alum and as one that never had to pay for a ticket to a game as a student, i will only say this.......if i were a student right now, and i could guarantee myself a seat to all 7 home games in a one time deal, it would be well worth the $90 to not have to stress the weeks before the FL, bAma, Auburn, GA games on whether i'd get a ticket or not, or have to camp out like we used to.

pay the $90, get all my tickets, done. i'd be totally good with that.

That's what I am thinking. If I can get guaranteed decent-seat season tickets for $90, I am all for it, and I can even pay more. But if I paid $90, and they still gave me random seat for each game, then No Way.
Nearly everyone that HAS BEEN NAMED. Enlighten me on our history with UCLA and how it impacted us landing any of the recent players we've had please.

1965 Memphis W 37-34
1967 Los Angeles L 16-20
1968 Knoxville W 42-18
1970 Knoxville W 28-17
1974 Knoxville T 17-17
1975 Los Angeles L 28-34
1978 Knoxville L 0-13
1985 Knoxville T 26-26
1989 Pasadena W 24-6
1991 Knoxville W 30-16
1994 Pasadena L 23-25
1996 Knoxville W 35-20
1997 Pasadena W 30-24

I never knew Arian Foster was signed before 1967. You haven't provided any proof that this does nothing for recruiting.
No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.

I'll just reference Jake's post again for you

then this univesrity is doing what it's supposed to......getting you ready for the real world.
they also pay for our football tickets....if you think we already went to the games for free you are kidding yourself. The fact is students should not have to shoulder Fulmer's salary and the scholarships of the football players. PERIOD
this ticket thing will not be hte primary funder of Fulmer's salary. that responsibilty still resides with the president and ceo of Pilot corp.
No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.
if you have student loans that require you to pay them back while you're in school, then you just chose poorly all together.
No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.

It is more than 100 days before kickoff. Save less than a dollar a can do it.
they also pay for our football tickets....if you think we already went to the games for free you are kidding yourself. The fact is students should not have to shoulder Fulmer's salary and the scholarships of the football players. PERIOD
No, they don't. However, don't let that stop you from rambling emotionally about something where you're factually incorrect.
this ticket thing will not be hte primary funder of Fulmer's salary. that responsibilty still resides with the president and ceo of Pilot corp.

if you have student loans that require you to pay them back while you're in school, then you just chose poorly all together.

then why are the students paying for tickets.....he specifically said to pay for rising coaching salaries and athletic scholarships, students should not have to pay for Fulmer's salary and recruits to come here.
No, they don't. However, don't let that stop you from rambling emotionally about something where you're factually incorrect.

yes they do, students do not go to the games for free. provide an explanation for why our activities fee is so much higher than every SEC school. why....because it pays for our sporting events. yes it does cover football whether you want to believe it or not.
That's what I am thinking. If I can get guaranteed decent-seat season tickets for $90, I am all for it, and I can even pay more. But if I paid $90, and they still gave me random seat for each game, then No Way.
it is my understanding from what i've read that the $90 only guarantees admittance, not where you will sit.

which still would have been fine with me. cause i've done the camping out thing only to be turned away cause there just weren't any more tickets....and guess what....i then had to scalp tickets at a much higher price than $90.
No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.

Football tickets are a luxury. There is no reason for students to think it's their right to have them. The activities fee is like $250 a semester and covers the use of all recreational facilities on campus and entrance to all sporting events. Don't act like you're overpaying.
if you can't see how playing teams in cross sections of the country affect this program that has to recruit nationally (not just CA) then you're beyond the history lesson.

you know why GA hasn't played a game outside the Southeast in over 30 years? cause GA has rich in state talent.

you know why we play teams like UCLA, Cal, Colorado, Notre Dame in their stadiums.....cause we don't. we need the national exposure those games allow.

All GA and FL need are games against GT and FSU to ge the instate kids' interest........

I think yall at some point got it in your heads that I was an idiot and that I don't understand any of this or how recruiting works. I get all that. I'm really not one of those people that comes on here and whines and has no idea what he's talking about. If yall would actually read what I'm saying you may not agree still but it's not completely irrational.

I was specifically referring to games in California, that's all. And again, I understand why we go there, just not why us choosing to go there is now the students responsibility to pay for. Why is that now all of the sudden we can't afford to make those ever important trips? The AD already increased regular tickets by $17 and decreased faculty discounts from 50 to 20%. Even if inflation is a factor and things are just getting more expensive in general, how are those two factors not enough to cover the problem.
Football tickets are a luxury. There is no reason for students to think it's their right to have them. The activities fee is like $250 a semester and covers the use of all recreational facilities on campus and entrance to all sporting events. Don't act like you're overpaying.
Exactly. What does a gym membership cost per month? I'll take a wild guess it's more than $20.
It is more than 100 days before kickoff. Save less than a dollar a can do it.

then why are the students paying for tickets.....he specifically said to pay for rising coaching salaries and athletic scholarships, students should not have to pay for Fulmer's salary and recruits to come here.
i said "primary". i'm sure the additional revenue generated will go toward it, but that is not THE factor that will enable the UTAD to pay the coache's me on that, or they would have made a move like this years ago.

Why have the students at every other SEC power been paying for their tickets for some time now?
:thumbsup: exactly.
Well, the unfortunate thing is I'm sure MH would love to just get rid of the student sections all together. He's slowly been phasing them out any way, removing seats for sky boxes, giving allotments for paying fans, ect. It makes business sense because Bruce and whomever coaches our football team after Fulmer will probably cost us a lot of money, but it stinks for the students.

i said "primary". i'm sure the additional revenue generated will go toward it, but that is not THE factor that will enable the UTAD to pay the coache's me on that, or they would have made a move like this years ago.

:thumbsup: exactly.

i fail to realize what other schools have to do with any of this, guess what .....WE ARE NOT OTHER SCHOOLS
I think yall at some point got it in your heads that I was an idiot and that I don't understand any of this or how recruiting works. I get all that. I'm really not one of those people that comes on here and whines and has no idea what he's talking about. If yall would actually read what I'm saying you may not agree still but it's not completely irrational.

seriously? there's no way you can post this and mean it.

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