Student football tickets

Obviously, I'm not going homeless over this, but having free tickets was something you could fall back on when things like tutition are raised. "At least there's football."

It sucks, and I will hopefully :crossfingers: have a permenant press pass, but as an out of state student the benefits are quickly being overrun by the negatives.
i was out of state as well.....but wound up establishing myself as in state, and saved a ton of money in the long run......took some doing, but only had 1 semester of oos tuition....
Kind of late for a transfer with only 1 semester left...
it's never too late!!!!

j/k.......i hear ya.
this is not an explanation, why would we have to start paying for tickets now when not before....did you even read the article?

Why not now? This was something that was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened already, seeing has how we were one of only three SEC schools that didn't charge students for tickets.
As a UT employee, we also are no longer going to get 50% off of season tickets. We're only going to get 20% off, and our seats are all in the upper deck. At least students have good seats!
as someone who hasn't been able to go to a game in 3 years, i'm finding it very difficult to find any sympathy for any of you.
i was out of state as well.....but wound up establishing myself as in state, and saved a ton of money in the long run......took some doing, but only had 1 semester of oos tuition....

I had a friend from Morganton do that but it was something I never really considered. It would've been nice to do, but I'm glad I stayed on the same track as my closer friends.
I had a friend from Morganton do that but it was something I never really considered. It would've been nice to do, but I'm glad I stayed on the same track as my closer friends.
wait, but you're going to complian about the costs????

what am i missing here? how could it be nicer to pay more if you don't have to?
What you're missing is that the tutition won't affect me until 6 months after I graduate.

I'm not paying up front. As I said, my loans are deferred so that's not the main issue, simply one that goes into my complaint. It's the fact that I have to 1st pay for books, then pay for rent, then pay for gas, then pay for utilities, then pay for any other costs that I might occur. And then after all that I can find what's left over and decide, do I want to pay for something I've never had to pay for or do I want to skip the 4-6 days I actually do go out and have a college experience per month.

Is that sufficient?
then the powers at be have won.

i think there's still a bit of an overreaction in this post though....we are talking about student entertainment here when you cut thru the bull. it's not like they're kicking you out of school or anything, or not going to provide with the opportunity to eat......they're saying a ticket to the game costs $15.

did anyone have to pay for tickets to their high school football games? i remember having to pay like $4 for a ticket to my high school games.....this really isn't a big deal.

Yea I know it's not the end of the world, I've tried to be more rational than most of my friends and not be pissed at the world today.

And as I was walking back from my class I just got out of I was just thinking about high school games where I had to pay $5-10. So I suppose this whole charging for tickets business is all just in how you choose to view it.
Yea I know it's not the end of the world, I've tried to be more rational than most of my friends and not be pissed at the world today.

And as I was walking back from my class I just got out of I was just thinking about high school games where I had to pay $5-10. So I suppose this whole charging for tickets business is all just in how you choose to view it.

Yep it is.
I think the only problem with this is it opens the door to continue to jack the prices up on students in the future. $90 isn't that big of a deal really, but if they jack this up every year it could start to get ridiculous.

Thats what I've tried to say over and over and over. It starts at $90 but once it's established and people are used to having to pay it I have no doubt it will go up just like everything else. That to me is the biggest reason why I consider this a big only starts at $90.
Thats what I've tried to say over and over and over. It starts at $90 but once it's established and people are used to having to pay it I have no doubt it will go up just like everything else. That to me is the biggest reason why I consider this a big only starts at $90.

Inflation is a bitch
What you're missing is that the tutition won't affect me until 6 months after I graduate.

I'm not paying up front. As I said, my loans are deferred so that's not the main issue, simply one that goes into my complaint. It's the fact that I have to 1st pay for books, then pay for rent, then pay for gas, then pay for utilities, then pay for any other costs that I might occur. And then after all that I can find what's left over and decide, do I want to pay for something I've never had to pay for or do I want to skip the 4-6 days I actually do go out and have a college experience per month.

Is that sufficient?

I would hope so. I don't think most of these people think we all have it easy but they just don't see how $90 can mean more to us than $90. Some get it, some don't. You don't have to prove yourself or financial status to them.

I've decided that we are arguing with the wrong people. We are arguing this with a bunch of people who literally have zero say in the you can state your point but don't get all worked up and take anything personal...nothing on here is going to change anything.

Eventually people will all just decide it's not that big of a deal and give up. Though it is very nice to not have to worry about paying for tickets, that is no longer the case so the sooner we can move on the better off we'll be.

Personally I am more concerned with how the students that are on the field perform than those in the stands.
Thats what I've tried to say over and over and over. It starts at $90 but once it's established and people are used to having to pay it I have no doubt it will go up just like everything else. That to me is the biggest reason why I consider this a big only starts at $90.

Post #71 of this thread...
The thing that scares me is the way UT works yea we pay $90 for football tickets. It sucks but I mean whatever. Next year it'll be $95, then $98, then $105. $90 is just what they think they can get away with to start out with...then they will gradually raise it.

Post 113
Where is the ceiling on that? If that trend continues as well as other price increases in other areas the $90 is just the beginning. Every year tuition already increases significantly, so whats to say that the $90 won't be $100 next year, and then $120, etc.

Coming from the guy that laughed at me for saying that people wrote me off as another idiot and didn't actually listen to what I had been trying to say. Good work :thumbsup:
Mike Hamilton can bite my ass. So can anyone defending this move. We already give enough money to UT. Our tuition will go up... and football tickets will no longer be free. At the same time. Another way to screw us. This has NOTHING to do with the economy. Football is not hurting.
this was my original response to you:
then this university is doing what it's supposed to......getting you ready for the real world...cause here's a newsflash: Very rarely will anyone not only care what you think, but take the time to ask you what think before they make a decision for you.
at no point after this did you refer to anything regarding the potential for incremental increases in these fees. i would challenge you to find a post in the last 10 pages of this thread where you justified your rants with this crap. you didn't. for 10 pages you've rambled on about recruiting impacts and poor broke college kids and being able to have input on this decision, having to pay for travel expenses and the like...not once did you bring this up. not once in direct response to anything i posted did you ever offer up any of those reasons, hence my question of when....especially considering that you had stated it "all along" which is ridiculous......

but you've run the gamut of reasons why this is bad:

Yea lets just give up on all matter and let the powers at be run anything and everything with zero input
point 1--you weren't part of the decision process, so it's bad.
know that. But the ratio of IMPACT players from the west to the east/south is a joke.

And even if you can name a couple you cannot make a direct correlation to them coming to UT because we played in California. Nearly everyone that has been named was signed before we starting going out there anyway
point two we shouldn't travel to CA because we aren't netting any recruits.
And that counting out Ainge and Clausen isn't fair because they technically are impact players (I just didn't like them). Again the whole point was that us playing in California didn't land those guys.

Last time I checked UGA was in a BCS bowl last season. And while we may have beaten them recently head to head I feel like they were clearly a better team.
so, originally, you didn't want to count Ainge and the clausens in the recruit counts because you didn't like them, and GA is better than us because you "feel" that way......

I don't know that but people want to use it as justification for traveling all the way out there when you can't prove it either way. I wouldn't care if I wasn't now personally having to pay for an increase in "travel fees". I think it's great that we go out there I suppose as long as I'm not footing the bill.
Point 3, now you just don't want to have to pay for it, regardless of who we are netting anywhere from the west coast.

I understand that $15 per game isn't a huge deal. I just haven't seen anything done to the stadium/team/staff that has anything to do with the students. How about making some improvements for their experience and then asking for money. I understand why they did it, I just don't like it.
point 4, now they should make it more interesting for the students if they're going to charge you for tickets....

As soon as Hamilton gets people used to the changes it'll be viewed as a good plan...but until then I feel like I can complain as long as I have just reasoning to do so.
point you just don't like....right now....but eventually it'll be ok?

The teams are made up of my fellow classmates and represent the university that I'm paying out the ass to attend. Who exactly are you thinking these games are being played for?
point 6...these are students going to see student athletes, why should you have to go pay to see someone you have class with?

Nearly everyone that HAS BEEN NAMED. Enlighten me on our history with UCLA and how it impacted us landing any of the recent players we've had please.
the first time any of these points has been reiterated by you.

I know what I pay for trust me, but a big part of choosing UT was because of athletics. I could've gone to Rhodes for example but Go Lynx and Go Vols just doesn't compare.
point 7, you came to school to see UT play football for free, had you known otherwise, maybe you would have gone somewhere else?

No but to be honest $90 actually is to some people. I'm paying for school on need-based financial aid and small loans and I am barely making ends meet. I have a job but I also have numerous other bills to pay. Asking for an additional $90 actually does force me to make more additional choices for something that used to be an easy, free solution to what I'm doing Saturday night.
point it's just too costly for me to do it.

us choosing to go there is now the students responsibility to pay for. Why is that now all of the sudden we can't afford to make those ever important trips? The AD already increased regular tickets by $17 and decreased faculty discounts from 50 to 20%. Even if inflation is a factor and things are just getting more expensive in general, how are those two factors not enough to cover the problem.
point 9...they've already raised other prices, let them deal with it...shouldn't be our problem.

I guess it's just me but I can't understand how they are a luxury. Again these are college teams made up of students and classmates of us. If current students aren't encouraged to attend and aren't valued then that takes away what makes college sports so much more special than professional my opinion.
point're a student at UT, and as such, owed a ticket to see them play.

I agree that if you are that unhappy about it just don't go. I personally will definitely still be in attendance but that doesn't mean I have to like the system

So I suppose this whole charging for tickets business is all just in how you choose to view it.
point each his own.

Thats what I've tried to say over and over and over
and now, supposedly, this is what you've said over and over..........ok, sure.

the only thing i would say you've done is be consistently inconsistent.
Mike Hamilton can bite my ass. So can anyone defending this move. We already give enough money to UT. Our tuition will go up... and football tickets will no longer be free. At the same time. Another way to screw us. This has NOTHING to do with the economy. Football is not hurting.

Articulate and classy.
II've decided that we are arguing with the wrong people. We are arguing this with a bunch of people who literally have zero say in the you can state your point but don't get all worked up and take anything personal...nothing on here is going to change anything.
Actually, you have "zero say" in the matter either. If you did we wouldn't be discussing students paying for tickets.
There is nothing wrong with this charge, the costs of high end athletics is, well high end. The student fees go for a great number of other activities and in reality are just a part of tuition. I paid student fees and ticket costs when I was in college (obviously not here and many years ago) and would gladly pay them if I were a UT student, $90 for a season ticket for this kind of entertainment, what a bargain. People need to get over the fact that we all now must pay as we go, welcome to the real world.
welcome to the real world.

That statement comes back to bite so many people. Too bad it is typically only used by people who are unaffected by the decision being discussed. It's only the real world when you aren't the one being asked to fork over $90 for something you were already paying for with your $12,000+. The only way I'll be going to the games is with a standard ticket. I will not support paying for a ticket I never had to buy before. This decision is pure greed. This actually sounds like the next logical step after reading last semester that the athletic department was taken over by the University of Tennessee system and is no longer controlled by UT-Knoxville.

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