Student football tickets

You aren't understanding my take at all. I'm not saying that I anticipate writing Mike Hamilton to do anything. But if no one shows how upset we are, where does the increase end? He needs to have a reason to really use charging students more money as a last resort. Even if that means the possibility of getting carpal tunnel from clicking delete on 14,000 emails.

And Mike Hamilton is replaceable. Plus I don't think enough of my tuition and/or activities fee goes to his salary for me to lose any sleep over that. I don't think he's a bad man or that he's done a bad job, if anything I think he's done a pretty good job. I just don't agree with how he has handled this situation. Apparently it's not ok for me to disagree.
he's stated his reasons for making the change, and lest not forget part of his job actually entails of making decisions like these. his job is to effectively run the UTAD, not pander to the masses of students that revolve in and out of that institution each year.

and as replaceable MH is, beleive me, he's definitely not going to lose sleep if this decision were to drive a few whiny students away for the upcoming season, as there will be 5 or 6 thousand new students enrolling in the summer and fall that will gladly give him his 15 bucks.

as some have already said, you now have a choice. no one is making you do anything. either you're going to buy the ticket or you're not. it's up to you.

my point to this was quit whining.
we already pay for tickets in our activities fee, is that price going to go away in the activities fee??? if not then yes they making us pay

I think I've posted it twice in this thread, and on facebook (where I'm such a dummy) that none of our activities fee goes to the men's athletic department.
The university isn't "making" you pay for it. They're giving you a choice. If you feel a given game is worth $15, you buy a ticket. If you don't, you simply don't purchase a ticket. It's market economics. Yet another subject the esteemed faculty at UT is obviously doing a miserable job of teaching.

No the university isn't making any of the kids that sit in the library during games and cry because they got a 92 on their last exam pay anything more. But to the majority of students that choose going to UT because they have always been a Vols fan they are "making" students pay.

I understand that $15 per game isn't a huge deal. I just haven't seen anything done to the stadium/team/staff that has anything to do with the students. How about making some improvements for their experience and then asking for money. I understand why they did it, I just don't like it.
No, your activities fee pays for crap like women's tennis, golf, crew, and track and field.
and here's the kicker to that as well...if memory serves, the activity fee is optional as well isn't it? i distinctly remember having to pay that additioanl $150 or so a semester so i could go to the events, or use the aquatic center etc.....i didn't have to pay that either if i didn't want to.....
I know that. But the ratio of IMPACT players from the west to the east/south is a joke.

And even if you can name a couple you cannot make a direct correlation to them coming to UT because we played in California. Nearly everyone that has been named was signed before we starting going out there anyway.

Read up on how long we've been playing UCLA and try again.
and here's the kicker to that as well...if memory serves, the activity fee is optional as well isn't it? i distinctly remember having to pay that additioanl $150 or so a semester so i could go to the events, or use the aquatic center etc.....i didn't have to pay that either if i didn't want to.....

I cannot remember...does that fee cover use of the new student athletic center or is it open to all UT students?
No the university isn't making any of the kids that sit in the library during games and cry because they got a 92 on their last exam pay anything more. But to the majority of students that choose going to UT because they have always been a Vols fan they are "making" students pay.

I understand that $15 per game isn't a huge deal. I just haven't seen anything done to the stadium/team/staff that has anything to do with the students. How about making some improvements for their experience and then asking for money. I understand why they did it, I just don't like it.
they don't owe you anything. where is this sense of entitlement coming from? as a fan, have the expectatoin, as a student, all they owe you is an opportunity go attend the game.
he's stated his reasons for making the change, and lest not forget part of his job actually entails of making decisions like these. his job is to effectively run the UTAD, not pander to the masses of students that revolve in and out of that institution each year.

I know what his job is. The article said he has cut $1.1 million from the budget since he took over. Thus my saving he has done an alright job. I know you want us to quit whining. That will happen once the "window of bitching opportunity" shuts.

Since hat likes talking economics so much I'll use a related analogy as far as student reactions go. Once the gas prices skyrocketed everyone freaked out and complained and wrote letters and on and on and on. Then they realized there was nothing they could do and just paid the prices. Now if you were to find gas under $3.00 it'd be a miracle.

As soon as Hamilton gets people used to the changes it'll be viewed as a good plan...but until then I feel like I can complain as long as I have just reasoning to do so.
they don't owe you anything. where is this sense of entitlement coming from? as a fan, have the expectatoin, as a student, all they owe you is an opportunity go attend the game.

These are COLLEGE games. The teams are made up of my fellow classmates and represent the university that I'm paying out the ass to attend. Who exactly are you thinking these games are being played for? If it was the stupid AAFL and they wanted to charge more money then I wouldn't be saying a word.
and here's the kicker to that as well...if memory serves, the activity fee is optional as well isn't it? i distinctly remember having to pay that additioanl $150 or so a semester so i could go to the events, or use the aquatic center etc.....i didn't have to pay that either if i didn't want to.....
Since I never felt it was any great injustice, I never knew if the activities fee was optional. I simply paid it and moved on to more important things, like gambling on college basketball and playing poker. Those activities more than defrayed the financial burden of the activities fee.
These are COLLEGE games. The teams are made up of my fellow classmates and represent the university that I'm paying out the ass to attend. Who exactly are you thinking these games are being played for? If it was the stupid AAFL and they wanted to charge more money then I wouldn't be saying a word.

$15 is out the ass?
Covered under the fee. No fee, no play.

Well, that right there is worth $200-250 a semester. There's awesome basketball courts, state of the art workout equipment, swimming, a golf simulator, and I think they got FieldTurf or something similar on the rec field.
Since hat likes talking economics so much I'll use a related analogy as far as student reactions go. Once the gas prices skyrocketed everyone freaked out and complained and wrote letters and on and on and on. Then they realized there was nothing they could do and just paid the prices. Now if you were to find gas under $3.00 it'd be a miracle.

No they shut up because the price never reached their breaking point. Only a small % changed their driving habits and there was as much gas as ever still being purchased. Same goes for UT, a couple hundred "outraged" students does zilch. Get 10k together and you might have an argument.
That is the worst argument I've heard on the topic, or any topic for that matter...maybe ever period. Yea lets just give up on all matter and let the powers at be run anything and everything with zero input. That's the real world.

I know you want us to quit whining. That will happen once the "window of bitching opportunity" shuts.

Since hat likes talking economics so much I'll use a related analogy as far as student reactions go. Once the gas prices skyrocketed everyone freaked out and complained and wrote letters and on and on and on. Then they realized there was nothing they could do and just paid the prices. Now if you were to find gas under $3.00 it'd be a miracle.

As soon as Hamilton gets people used to the changes it'll be viewed as a good plan...but until then I feel like I can complain as long as I have just reasoning to do so.
glad to see you can come full circle in less than 5 pages in a thread. thanks for going on this little trip with me.:thumbsup:
These are COLLEGE games. The teams are made up of my fellow classmates and represent the university that I'm paying out the ass to attend. Who exactly are you thinking these games are being played for? If it was the stupid AAFL and they wanted to charge more money then I wouldn't be saying a word.

So you really think the games are being played for the students? If college athletics didn't bring in the money they did, everything would be a club sport.
Since I never felt it was any great injustice, I never knew if the activities fee was optional. I simply paid it and moved on to more important things, like gambling on college basketball and playing poker. Those activities more than defrayed the financial burden of the activities fee.
:eek:lol:silly me, i just worked my way thru school........
They represent the UNIVERSITY that I'm paying out the ass to attend where these games are held. I'm referring to my ever rising tuition.

You pay to get an education that will make you money for the rest of your life, not to be able to see football games for free for four years.
No they shut up because the price never reached their breaking point. Only a small % changed their driving habits and there was as much gas as ever still being purchased. Same goes for UT, a couple hundred "outraged" students does zilch. Get 10k together and you might have an argument.
No, that will just result in 10,000 $15 tickets being converted to $70 tickets.
They represent the UNIVERSITY that I'm paying out the ass to attend where these games are held. I'm referring to my ever rising tuition.

Oh...I thought you were just crying about the $15 thing. Tuition is irrelevant in this already knew you were going to have to pay that to attend school. The only new thing here is $15. Really really not worth bitching about.
No they shut up because the price never reached their breaking point. Only a small % changed their driving habits and there was as much gas as ever still being purchased. Same goes for UT, a couple hundred "outraged" students does zilch. Get 10k together and you might have an argument.

Agreed but that doesn't change the idea. People are going to complain until they get used to it and/or over it. Yea the breaking point is definitely a factor but it isn't involved in my main point here.

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