Student football tickets

Already been stated several times...but so worth repeating...don't like the charge, don't go. Very very simple.

And watch as Hamilton gradually reduces student allotments as they sell those tix to the gray hairs. Like I said, they've got the students over a barrel. Damned if they do bay the $90, and damned if they don't. Lose-lose for the students and win-win for the athletic department.
I got an idea, instead of charging students to pay to see games at a revenue generating sport (football), what if they kept football and basketball tix free but raised prices on softball, tennis, volleyball and the other programs? If any of these programs aren't able to generate anough money to justify them being around, then maybe the programs need to be cut.

ever heard of Title IX?
And watch as Hamilton gradually reduces student allotments as they sell those tix to the gray hairs. Like I said, they've got the students over a barrel. Damned if they do bay the $90, and damned if they don't. Lose-lose for the students and win-win for the athletic department.

No one bent over a barrel, $15 whole dollars Rasp. Any half intelligent college student should be able to figure out a way to earn $90 in a single day, between now and the season. If they can't they don't deserve to go.
That Hope scholarship crap was a bait and switch. They gave out this extra lottery money then spiked the price of tuition not long afterwards, so the students/parents paying tuition aren't saving any money after all.
Tuition goes up every year, anywhere. So far the Hope Scholarship has saved me nearly $16000.00 total. I don't consider that crap.Hamilton doesn't have that MBA from Clemson for no reason at all.
And watch as Hamilton gradually reduces student allotments as they sell those tix to the gray hairs. Like I said, they've got the students over a barrel. Damned if they do bay the $90, and damned if they don't. Lose-lose for the students and win-win for the athletic department.

The students did it to themselves when they didn't fill up their allotment this past season.

I'm a student, I think the fee sucks. However, $90 for season tickets is not really that bad.
It's the principle of the matter. These kids (and/or the parents) already pay tuition that increases above the rate of inflation just about every year and pay activities fees. Now they come up with a $90 fee for the games on top of the money they are already shelling out...
And in return the student recieves an education. I am sorry but I $15 to watch a game at Neyland is a steal.
The students did it to themselves when they didn't fill up their allotment this past season.

I'm a student, I think the fee sucks. However, $90 for season tickets is not really that bad.

honestly, i think it sucks too. but i don't see the need to whine and cry about it like some here. and agreeing with you that 90 bills is nothing.
Tuition goes up every year, anywhere. So far the Hope Scholarship has saved me nearly $16000.00 total. I don't consider that crap.Hamilton doesn't have that MBA from Clemson for no reason at all.

Yeah, I was the in the last year of freshmen who weren't eligible for the hope scholarship. Now that big orange screw hurts a little bit more than $90 for football tickets.
I got an idea, instead of charging students to pay to see games at a revenue generating sport (football), what if they kept football and basketball tix free but raised prices on softball, tennis, volleyball and the other programs? If any of these programs aren't able to generate anough money to justify them being around, then maybe the programs need to be cut.
this is one of the most ill conceived ideas i've ever seen, for a myriad of reasons.
honestly, i think it sucks too. but i don't see the need to whine and cry about it like some here. and agreeing with you that 90 bills is nothing.

Wonder how many whining went to every home game and stayed the whole game last year?

It's really not.
i worked in the restaurant business and went to college off and on for about 10 years. some weeks i could work 20 hours and make 400 dollars.
i worked in the restaurant business and went to college off and on for about 10 years. some weeks i could work 20 hours and make 400 dollars.

Not trying to brag but I move furniture during the summer. I bring home between $700 to a $1000 a week depending on how many hours I get. It sucks picking up couches, but it pays a lot of bills.
i worked in the restaurant business and went to college off and on for about 10 years. some weeks i could work 20 hours and make 400 dollars.
That is what kills me. You could work ONE DAY and make enough money to pay for the entire season.
i worked in the restaurant business and went to college off and on for about 10 years. some weeks i could work 20 hours and make 400 dollars.

Restaurants are the way to go. That's what I did, too. It's about the best legal money you can make while you're in college.
Not trying to brag but I move furniture during the summer. I bring home between $700 to a $1000 a week depending on how many hours I get. It sucks picking up couches, but it pays a lot of bills.

further proof on top of my proof that it doesn't take much to scrounge up 90 dollars.
Cutting grass for old people is where it's at.

lol, that's true. I did that in high school. I think my favorite job while at UT, though, was as the night asst. manager at a liquor store. It didn't pay much, but my drinking costs went down a lot.
Restaurants are the way to go. That's what I did, too. It's about the best legal money you can make while you're in college.

the great people i met and partied with were enough of a reason alone to work there in school. the great money made it that much better.
the great people i met and partied with were enough of a reason alone to work there in school. the great money made it that much better.

That's definitely the truth. I met so many great people working in restaurants and had some really good times. You end up being friends with people you normally wouldn't just walk up to and try to meet, too.

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