Student football tickets

Wow really? You love taking things out of context. All I can say is that I'm not closed minded, I actually listen to what other people say. I don't claim to be some omniscient source like you. The majority of what you quoted me saying was my willingness to concede aspects of the debate to other people who I agreed with. I don't come on here to just try to pick at people and argue. I come to learn things and to share my take on things. Certain so called "arguments" that I ran the gamut with were merely just my responses to things that other people brought up and not my own personal reasons why. Any inconsistencies were due to my willingness to actually think rationally and see both sides of things. I didn't come on here trying to just say that Mike Hamilton was an idiot and this was a terrible idea. I even once credited him and said he had done a good job at his job. I don't understand how me saying that "I personally will definitely still be in attendance but that doesn't mean I have to like the system" is anywhere close to the same as saying I am owed a ticket. I have never once implied that I am owed anything that is unreasonable.

I cannot believe you honestly took the time to type out all of that and none of it means or proves anything. I am not closed minded to any one side so God forbid I think about things from different perspectives.
That statement comes back to bite so many people. Too bad it is typically only used by people who are unaffected by the decision being discussed. It's only the real world when you aren't the one being asked to fork over $90 for something you were already paying for with your $12,000+. The only way I'll be going to the games is with a standard ticket. I will not support paying for a ticket I never had to buy before. This decision is pure greed. This actually sounds like the next logical step after reading last semester that the athletic department was taken over by the University of Tennessee system and is no longer controlled by UT-Knoxville.
Not a single dime you've ever paid in tuition or activity fees has ever gone to the football program.
That statement comes back to bite so many people. Too bad it is typically only used by people who are unaffected by the decision being discussed. It's only the real world when you aren't the one being asked to fork over $90 for something you were already paying for with your $12,000+. The only way I'll be going to the games is with a standard ticket. I will not support paying for a ticket I never had to buy before. This decision is pure greed. This actually sounds like the next logical step after reading last semester that the athletic department was taken over by the University of Tennessee system and is no longer controlled by UT-Knoxville.

Tuition has nothing to do with student tickets. The $250 activities fee is the only thing that can be discussed as far as tickets go, and it is more than fair. Apparently that may not even be football related. (I'm not really sure either way about the fee.)

P.S. I'm still in grad school at UT, so this directly affects me. Welcome to the real world.
That statement comes back to bite so many people. Too bad it is typically only used by people who are unaffected by the decision being discussed. It's only the real world when you aren't the one being asked to fork over $90 for something you were already paying for with your $12,000+. The only way I'll be going to the games is with a standard ticket. I will not support paying for a ticket I never had to buy before. This decision is pure greed. This actually sounds like the next logical step after reading last semester that the athletic department was taken over by the University of Tennessee system and is no longer controlled by UT-Knoxville.

I could come on here and be like this guy but I actually explain my logic behind things. That guy has no clue what he's talking about...
judging by some of posts in this thread, our nickname needs to be changed from Volunteers to the University of Tennessee Little Girls.
I agree this sucks for the students but that's what the UTAD has been doing for the last few years to donors/season ticket holders. Paying more each year for a product that continues to fall in quality.

Hmmm... I guess my thing is too that not only are tuition rates going up each year higher than inflation, but now you see a $90 fee tacked on this year for season tix. Jimmy Hyams said it affects about 13500 students. If you rounded up to $100, that would be about $1.35 million more revenue for capital improvements. They could freeze Fulmer and Summits salaries and take a small portion of that $25 million that the the athletic department gives to the university and skim a few hundred thousand as a "contribution to the university" by not having the students pay for tix.
start selling drugs.
It doesn't evn require that much risk or effort. Work one Saturday night shift behind the bar at any decent establishment in Knoxville and you'll have the money for your tickets plus some spending cash.
judging by some of posts in this thread, our nickname needs to be changed from Volunteers to the University of Tennessee Little Girls.

$90 is a shake down, plain and simple. They have the students over a barrel. They can either pay up and watch mediocre football or choose not to show up so that a bunch of soon to be retired or recently retired baby boomers can snatch up their seats for over three times the amount they are being asked to pay. Like a few have said earlier, if the students don't show up out of protest or frustration (or poverty), then that would be music to Hamilton's ears.
It doesn't evn require that much risk or effort. Work one Saturday night shift behind the bar at any decent establishment in Knoxville and you'll have the money for your tickets plus some spending cash.

It's the principle of the matter. These kids (and/or the parents) already pay tuition that increases above the rate of inflation just about every year and pay activities fees. Now they come up with a $90 fee for the games on top of the money they are already shelling out...

I believe in capitalism and don't believe in entitlements and all, but I think these kids have paid enough to the university (their fair share) that they don't have to be squeezed one more time for a little escape on the weekends to see us get our brains beat in by Florida. I mean, some of the instate kids pay about 8-9k a year for books, tuition, room/board and all, but the athletic department and the university can't come together and hammer out a deal to save the kids $90 for football tix?
I find it amazing how easy it is to stir up people with comments on a forum. Especially people who can't understand why a lot of students are angry about this $90 cash grab. Here are my real feelings about this:

Is the poor widdle foosball program losing money? Not a chance. Are they exploiting the fact that some students will pay for something that was free before? Yes. If you are a business and looking out only for your own interests then it is the correct move. Is it right? Hmm. This only makes it that much more clear that this is not "our" athletic department. It is a business that uses the name UT.

This will die down and people will take it in the rear like always. This is the real world after all. It is a good business decision. This department is really beginning to discard the importance of students in the college atmosphere though. We play in gigantic stadiums and we have quiet crowds for their size. In the end, it does not affect my status as a fan of the Vols... it might keep me out of a few games and replace me with the type of people the ones making the decisions want though. Quiet, older fans with money.
Rasputin, I agree that this sucks, but how much of your outrage is because the students are getting screwed and how much is over the fact that this money is going towards paying for Phil’s raise?
Increase in travel expenses alone = students paying for season tickets. The bigger item I see is if students are so concerned about $90., at least keep a GPA of 3.0 and keep your $3800. a year HOPE Scholarship, this way you do your part, especially the students that have their parents paying their way. The reality of it is it, a typical weekend game for me, provided I take my three sons, I'm out close to $500.00 after all is said and done. Some people fly in to see the game. So $90.00 is such a minute amount to complain about.
Just pass on partying a few nights out of the semester.:)

That Hope scholarship crap was a bait and switch. They gave out this extra lottery money then spiked the price of tuition not long afterwards, so the students/parents paying tuition aren't saving any money after all.
No, I wondered what your definition was since the one in the dictionary does not apply in this case.

Unless you explain to me why the athletic department is hard up for cash and needs our money like a bell-ringer at Christmas, then I don't see your point.
Rasputin, I agree that this sucks, but how much of your outrage is because the students are getting screwed and how much is over the fact that this money is going towards paying for Phil’s raise?

A little of both, actually. The students are getting the shaft and the rich get richer for not producing squat-diddly since 1998. The students are getting bent over a barrel by the university in terms of tuition, now the athletic department is gonna come in with this. Meanwhile, we have a women's bball coach that is paid way over market value and a football coach that is given raises based on time of service and what other coaches around him make rather than actual results on the field.
A little of both, actually. The students are getting the shaft and the rich get richer for not producing squat-diddly since 1998. The students are getting bent over a barrel by the university in terms of tuition, now the athletic department is gonna come in with this. Meanwhile, we have a women's bball coach that is paid way over market value and a football coach that is given raises based on time of service and what other coaches around him make rather than actual results on the field.

Mentioning this along with tuition is just misdirection. They are unrelated issues. It's like saying they shouldn't have charged $90 because gas prices are too high.
Mentioning this along with tuition is just misdirection. They are unrelated issues. It's like saying they shouldn't have charged $90 because gas prices are too high.

You did notice I clear distinguished between the two entities (the university and the athletic department), right? The only difference is that the UTAD and the oil companies don't have a mutual partnership with each other that involves the customers (students). The university and the athletic department, however do have such a relationship. Nice little bit of misdirection on your part. The two of these entities that represent the university could have sure come up with a better way to do this. If it means that the athletic depart would only give the university $24 million instead of $25 million to continue student tix being free or have Fulmer and Summitt hold off on their raises or whatever... something could have been done to settle this.
Already been stated several times...but so worth repeating...don't like the charge, don't go. Very very simple.
I got an idea, instead of charging students to pay to see games at a revenue generating sport (football), what if they kept football and basketball tix free but raised prices on softball, tennis, volleyball and the other programs? If any of these programs aren't able to generate anough money to justify them being around, then maybe the programs need to be cut.

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