Student football tickets

Dang... $90 bucks to pay for Phil’s raise for winning the SEC East. Imagine how much you would be paying if he had won the SECCG.

Thank you EA.
Again, it is about the principle as much as it is the money. One the one hand you can say that $90 is nothing. That is fine. But by the same token, trying to squeeze $90 out of kids that are already paying $8-9k to the university is just as trivial by the university and the AD not working together for a better alternative.
Again, it is about the principle as much as it is the money. One the one hand you can say that $90 is nothing. That is fine. But by the same token, trying to squeeze $90 out of kids that are already paying $8-9k to the university is just as trivial by the university and the AD not working together for a better alternative.

you do realize that most schools went to the system of students paying a very reduced rate a long time ago don't you?
you do realize that most schools went to the system of students paying a very reduced rate a long time ago don't you?

Yes. My repsonse to that would be just because Kentucky or Florida or USC or whoever does it, that doesn't mean we have to do it... especially since the product on the field is mediocre and the coach is overpaid by market standards anyways.
Yes. My repsonse to that would be just because Kentucky or Florida or USC or whoever does it, that doesn't mean we have to do it... especially since the product on the field is mediocre and the coach is overpaid by market standards anyways.

Yeah, no reason to make money if it's possible to make it. Dumb idea.
Again, the counter would be, if you see areas of inefficiency where you can save money (tennis, golf, volleyball, etc.), then you should do that if possible.

Too bad that's not legally possible. The AD has to carry a certain number of men's and women's varsity sports.
ever heard of Title IX?

Yes, I mentioned Title IX here.

And don't get me started on Title IX. It's funny, on the one hand, some that support the price hike defend it on economic reasons, yet Title IX mandates funding for programs that are not profitable. If we truely ran this like a business, then cutting the fat would be priority #1 and that would mean the only programs we would have at UT are football, men's bball, and the lady Vols bbal team barely breaking in the black. Everything else for the most part are net money losers.
Too bad that's not legally possible. The AD has to carry a certain number of men's and women's varsity sports.

He could do away with what few other men's sports there are outside of baseball and comfortably be within Title IX limits. Cross country, swimming, tennis and golf would be starters...
Yes. It would be wonderful to have a university without golf, tennis and cross country. Many deserving students get a college education with scholarships from those sports.
Don’t know about you but the excuse, “It’s ok that I do it because everyone else is doing it” never worked for me growing up.

my excuse wasn't that everyone else was doing it, just that we weren't the only ones doing it. The idea of making money when possible is an excuse that has always worked for me
He could do away with what few other men's sports there are outside of baseball and comfortably be within Title IX limits. Cross country, swimming, tennis and golf would be starters...

yeah, no sense in creating a balanced university.
my excuse wasn't that everyone else was doing it, just that we weren't the only ones doing it. The idea of making money when possible is an excuse that has always worked for me

Something we can both agree on. However they are not making money on this, they are using it for an unnecessary expense (pay increase for mediocre performance over an extended period of time).
Something we can both agree on. However they are not making money on this, they are using it for an unnecessary expense (pay increase for mediocre performance over an extended period of time).

in the end that still results in more money in their pockets. Or it's the result of fewer donors. More of the latter could result in what a lot of us on here want. Change at the top.
The same people that complain about not having the same talent we had during the 90's are probably the same people complaining about trying to recruit better players and retain coaches.
Again, it is about the principle as much as it is the money. One the one hand you can say that $90 is nothing. That is fine. But by the same token, trying to squeeze $90 out of jkids that are already paying $8-9k to the university is just as trivial by the university and the AD not working together for a better alternative.

Why is it that you cannot seem to separate the cost of your education from the cost of attending a football game? Would you have attended a different institution had there always been a whopping fifteen dollar price on student tickets?
No one bent over a barrel, $15 whole dollars Rasp. Any half intelligent college student should be able to figure out a way to earn $90 in a single day, between now and the season. If they can't they don't deserve to go.
Yes, but AV you have to understand that for most college students $15 is enough to get drunk on for a whole weekend ($5 a cup...Thurs, Fri, Sat).

Effectively, the UTAD is forcing plenty of students to choose between drinking and/or attending a football game. While that is clearly a pretty irrational decision for college students, the Vols continue to put a subpar product on the field, and more and more students will choose partying over football.
Yes, but AV you have to understand that for most college students $15 is enough to get drunk on for a whole weekend ($5 a cup...Thurs, Fri, Sat).

Effectively, the UTAD is forcing plenty of students to choose between drinking and/or attending a football game. While that is clearly a pretty irrational decision for college students, the Vols continue to put a subpar product on the field, and more and more students will choose partying over football.
And they have every right to do so. Or as mentioned earlier they could spend a couple of hours mowing 2 lawns and have the whole season paid for.
Yes, but AV you have to understand that for most college students $15 is enough to get drunk on for a whole weekend ($5 a cup...Thurs, Fri, Sat).

Effectively, the UTAD is forcing plenty of students to choose between drinking and/or attending a football game. While that is clearly a pretty irrational decision for college students, the Vols continue to put a subpar product on the field, and more and more students will choose partying over football.

so you mow three lawns that weekend. one for drinking money for 3 weeks and two more for the season tickets. No big deal.

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