Student football tickets

And they have every right to do so. Or as mentioned earlier they could spend a couple of hours mowing 2 lawns and have the whole season paid for.

so you mow three lawns that weekend. one for drinking money for 3 weeks and two more for the season tickets. No big deal.
You two give college kids way to much credit for thinking ahead and budgeting...
You two give college kids way to much credit for thinking ahead and budgeting...

then how about as they are on their way back to campus for the fall they just give mom one of those looks and one of those woe is me i'm so poor stories that suddenly they have 200 bucks in their pocket? 90 for football games, 75 for alcohol and 35 for enough pizza to get them through the first two weeks?
then how about as they are on their way back to campus for the fall they just give mom one of those looks and one of those woe is me i'm so poor stories that suddenly they have 200 bucks in their pocket? 90 for football games, 75 for alcohol and 35 for enough pizza to get them through the first two weeks?
That seems to be the appropriate answer.

I am just saying that taking this move while the program is perceived to be in decline by most of the fan base is most likely not the brightest decision by Hamilton. Do it after a great season and the complaints are largely mute.

I think Hamilton would have been better suited starting out by charging for basketball tickets ($10/game). There you have a blossoming program, great demand, and a much smaller supply for seats in TBA than are in Neyland.
That seems to be the appropriate answer.

I am just saying that taking this move while the program is perceived to be in decline by most of the fan base is most likely not the brightest decision by Hamilton. Do it after a great season and the complaints are largely mute.

I think Hamilton would have been better suited starting out by charging for basketball tickets ($10/game). There you have a blossoming program, great demand, and a much smaller supply for seats in TBA than are in Neyland.
There will be zero decline in overall game day attendance due to the student ticket charge.
I am with AV, if a COLLEGE student cannot figure out how to come up with $15 they don't deserve to go.
Oh, they will surely find a way to come up with the $15 for the big games (and crappy games if UT shows strong potential at the beginning of the year.)

I guess the silver-lining is that football games will no longer be social outings for the sorority girls!
There will be zero decline in overall game day attendance due to the student ticket charge.
Unless UT is undefeated at the time, there will be a great decline in attendance for the Wyoming game.

If I lived in Knoxville, had the opportunity to go to every game for $15, I would take a pass on the November weather to watch UT play Wyoming...unless an undefeated season was on the line.

I would stay home and watch Cal-USC, UGA-UK, Bama-LSU, ND-BC, KU-NEB, and UF-Vandy...and spend that $15 on food and beverage.
First off, $90 doesn't really seem like that much compared to what I payed for season tickets last season. In my opinion, the better solution would have been to simply increase the activities fee by $90 and take the money from that. It would have simply been rolled in with the tuition money, and I doubt anyone would have complained.
It's nice to see them on the jumbo tron though or on TV when I don't get to be in attendance.
They always annoyed the hell out of me. Drunk girls that know nothing about football shreaking "get him" on every play...No thanks.

I would gladly see them at the party later though. Their hoarse voices made them sound like phone sex operators...always a plus.
If I lived in Knoxville, had the opportunity to go to every game for $15, I would take a pass on the November weather to watch UT play Wyoming...unless an undefeated season was on the line.

If it's anything like the LaLa game last season, where my friends bought tickets on the street for $10 each, it'll be cheaper to actually attend the game than to order the PPV.
They always annoyed the hell out of me. Drunk girls that know nothing about football shreaking "get him" on every play...No thanks.

I would gladly see them at the party later though. Their hoarse voices made them sound like phone sex operators...always a plus.

hahaha. Never sat in the student section, so I was only window shopping. I'm sure in person they are quite annoying (it seems most sorority girls are).

However, I really think they'd be the first line to be willing to pony up 90 bucks of daddy's money to get into the social event of the weekend.
I worked a full time job in a factory at night while in school, had a family to support, and if I wanted to take a vacation or go to a sporting event I found extra work to do on the weekends to pay for it. I had to deal with "the real world" while I went to school so I find it hard to feel sorry for a kid that has to come up with $15 for an event that is worth 3 times that.
Oh, yes...I'd just hate to see another subpar home-stand again next year. We did so terrible last year at home, there's just no reason to go watch the games for a very nominal fee.'d be better to just stay at home than it would to tailgate all day, watch the vol walk, march to the stadium, pregame, and the football team everyone here says (though it's hard to believe sometimes) they love. Yep, I'll just save my 15.00 and be a recluse all gameday while my peers enjoy something we only get 7 times a year.
Oh, yes...I'd just hate to see another subpar home-stand again next year. We did so terrible last year at home, there's just no reason to go watch the games for a very nominal fee.'d be better to just stay at home than it would to tailgate all day, watch the vol walk, march to the stadium, pregame, and the football team everyone here says (though it's hard to believe sometimes) they love. Yep, I'll just save my 15.00 and be a recluse all gameday while my peers enjoy something we only get 7 times a year.

you act as if UT was undefeated at home last season or something. Or that they were a bad int away from an SEC Championship. that's crazy talk.
Oh, yes...I'd just hate to see another subpar home-stand again next year. We did so terrible last year at home, there's just no reason to go watch the games for a very nominal fee.'d be better to just stay at home than it would to tailgate all day, watch the vol walk, march to the stadium, pregame, and the football team everyone here says (though it's hard to believe sometimes) they love. Yep, I'll just save my 15.00 and be a recluse all gameday while my peers enjoy something we only get 7 times a year.
I would not pay $5 to watch UT play Wyoming, unless a BCS National Title bid was on the line. I must not love UT football...

Thank you for being the authority on what constitutes loving the team.
Oh, yes...I'd just hate to see another subpar home-stand again next year. We did so terrible last year at home, there's just no reason to go watch the games for a very nominal fee.'d be better to just stay at home than it would to tailgate all day, watch the vol walk, march to the stadium, pregame, and the football team everyone here says (though it's hard to believe sometimes) they love. Yep, I'll just save my 15.00 and be a recluse all gameday while my peers enjoy something we only get 7 times a year.

I hate to say it, but if you stay home, it's not going to have an impact on UT's program..

If more students take that stand, ultimately student tickets will decrease, and Hamilton will sell those seats to the general population for a whole lot more than $15 bucks.

I don't think that will happen, UT's got a student body of 20,000 plus so the demand for student tickets even at a nominal charge will be there (drunk sorority girls included)...just typing that, makes me miss being a student
They always annoyed the hell out of me. Drunk girls that know nothing about football shreaking "get him" on every play...No thanks.

I would gladly see them at the party later though. Their hoarse voices made them sound like phone sex operators...always a plus.

I always have a laugh when they throw up on their dates at the games.
I would not pay $5 to watch UT play Wyoming, unless a BCS National Title bid was on the line. I must not love UT football...

Thank you for being the authority on what constitutes loving the team.

To me, a game is a game. I don't get up just for the big games, or if only if we're doing really well. I think there's a name for that kind of fan, and it starts with a B. If the game isn't important, then let's cut the season back to 6 games a year, and cut out bowl games all together.
Well looks like I'm drinking Evan on gamedays instead of Jack now. We all have to make our cuts. We can cry and whine all we want, be realistically I think that they've made a final decision and we're going to have to live with it.
Yes, but AV you have to understand that for most college students $15 is enough to get drunk on for a whole weekend ($5 a cup...Thurs, Fri, Sat).

Effectively, the UTAD is forcing plenty of students to choose between drinking and/or attending a football game. While that is clearly a pretty irrational decision for college students, the Vols continue to put a subpar product on the field, and more and more students will choose partying over football.
Then those so-called student "fans" don't deserve to be there anyway. Buy a 12pk and stay home.

The feeling of entitlement I'm seeing is incredible. Get over it.
Yes, but AV you have to understand that for most college students $15 is enough to get drunk on for a whole weekend ($5 a cup...Thurs, Fri, Sat).

Effectively, the UTAD is forcing plenty of students to choose between drinking and/or attending a football game. While that is clearly a pretty irrational decision for college students, the Vols continue to put a subpar product on the field, and more and more students will choose partying over football.

I would have to totally disagree with this. I would have considered $15 to get into a game in the 90s as a student, chump change. There would have been no choice...I would still have done both.

I can see the KNS stories in October along these lines....Local hospitals report increase in students using magic marker sniffing to get high as alternatives are sought to partying while still being able to afford to attend games, UTAD sued by parents...note sarcasm.
I haven't read the whole thread here, but if UT students are planning on boycotting the first game like some of them are suggesting, it would be the biggest disservice to the university possible.

If they want to bring negative publicity to the school then so be it. If it's not worth paying $15 to see your alma mater play there is something wrong.

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