Student football tickets

I find this to be absolutely ridiculous. I am a student and an SGA member.

What pisses me off most about this is that students are fronting the bill for Philip Fulmer’s raise. The same Philip Fulmer which has not won an SEC title in 10 years. He not lead the Vols to a National Championship game in 10 years. He has not protected Neyland (our house) for 10 years. Why the hell should I have to pay for his extremely high and undeserving salary and raises? This is completely ridiculous.

Also, they say they want to work with the SGA, but look at the timing. Mike Hamilton planned this so he did not to have to deal with the SGA, as the SGA had its last meeting of the year on Tuesday. He announced this to the SGA on Wednesday. This will not allow the SGA to speak in behalf of the students. This is just like last summer when he decided to reduce the number of student tickets for basketball games during the summer. So he would not have to deal with the student uproar.

Finally, I 100% do not want these tickets tied in with my student ID. If I am going to buy them, then I should be able to sell them like all the other students at other SEC schools do. I am going to be really upset if I can’t sell my tickets because they still make us use our ID’s.
what's idiotic about saying $90 is not that big a sum to come up with in 8 months?

The fact is UT students already have a crazy high activities fee that is suppose to cover us for this stuff. From what I understand, others schools don’t have activities fee’s that are nearly as high.

Does UT plan on reducing my activities fee? Probably not. So I am paying twice for one ticket.
what's idiotic about saying $90 is not that big a sum to come up with in 8 months?

whats idiotic is saying that its ok for the University to make the students pay for Fulmer's tuition, to make the students pay so that other students can come to UT in the form of athletic scholarships. Its ridiculous.
He has not protected Neyland (our house) for 10 years.

7-0 last season at home

This is just like last summer when he decided to reduce the number of student tickets for basketball games during the summer. So he would not have to deal with the student uproar.

and yet there were still unused student tickets at the biggest games this year.

Finally, I 100% do not want these tickets tied in with my student ID. If I am going to buy them, then I should be able to sell them like all the other students at other SEC schools do. I am going to be really upset if I can’t sell my tickets because they still make us use our ID’s.

So you want to buy them for a deep discount but sell them for a large profit? Oh the irony
We do pay about a million a year for women's sports out of our fees. Our national championships there come at a price. Maybe the extra million from students will net us a couple, too.
7-0 last season at home

and yet there were still unused student tickets at the biggest games this year.

So you want to buy them for a deep discount but sell them for a large profit? Oh the irony

Mike is using the "other SEC schools do it" defense, so I am going to as well. I know that BAMA and Auburn both allow their students to do it. If I can sell one of my tickets so that I can go to all the rest of the home games, why shouldnt I?

If I am buying the ticket, why should I not have the right to? Besides that, I want to be able to bring guests into the games with me and buying them off students seems pretty logical.
Hahaha how many big impact players have we gotten from the West coast (and I know Ainge and the Clausens, but they are all jokes)? Like I said, I understand the benefit of going out there, but it almost directly may end up correlating to fewer students going to home games. Isn't that kind of the point of these college sports?

Kevin Burnette and Arian Foster ring a bell.

Kevin Simon when he was healthy.
I've paid for away tickets before and obviously that's not what this is about.
i'd say a lot of your student bretheren are in the same boat. many students find the money for their entertainment thru out the year, (away game weekends additionally) so i don't know that selling me on the "broke college student" is going to work. i guarantee you that all those claiming to be so broke are not just sitting in their dorms or apartments night after night scrounging for pennies to eat on.......put it this way, no one i knew in my 4 years at UTK ever had any problems in having a good time, and many times, those good times cost a lot more than $90 a pop...and that was 10-15 years ago.

i'm with sucks cause it is a change, but it's just not the end of the world.

Perturbed that the prices are higher than at other schools that have been doing it for awhile.
we're behind the times and have to make up for lost time, in a hurry.:)

Yea the $90 sucks but it almost isn't even the point. The point is that they just made this decision and we have no say what so ever. .
then this univesrity is doing what it's supposed to......getting you ready for the real world...cause here's a newsflash: Very rarely will anyone not only care what you think, but take the time to ask you what think before they make a decision for you.

Mark Hamilton:
Phone: 865.974.3672

there is Hamiltons info. might as well give it a shot.

This really ticks me off by the way. First time in history the article said. Why now? With the success of the basketball program recently, they should be making some extra money off of that. There is no good explanation to why these tickets are being raised. I can guarantee that the student section will be 20-25% empty in games such as NIU, Wyoming, and UAB. But having students not go to the games to protest won't work too well. It could actually end up in them cutting the student allotment like they did in basketball and start selling our tickets to the public for $50 dollars or however much they are now. MH wouldn't care, he probably would actually prefer that!
very astute, and 100% accurate.

as an alum and as one that never had to pay for a ticket to a game as a student, i will only say this.......if i were a student right now, and i could guarantee myself a seat to all 7 home games in a one time deal, it would be well worth the $90 to not have to stress the weeks before the FL, bAma, Auburn, GA games on whether i'd get a ticket or not, or have to camp out like we used to.

pay the $90, get all my tickets, done. i'd be totally good with that.
as an alum and as one that never had to pay for a ticket to a game as a student, i will only say this.......if i were a student right now, and i could guarantee myself a seat to all 7 home games in a one time deal, it would be well worth the $90 to not have to stress the weeks before the FL, bAma, Auburn, GA games on whether i'd get a ticket or not, or have to camp out like we used to.

pay the $90, get all my tickets, done. i'd be totally good with that.

very good point jake :thumbsup: Although those campouts beside the UC were a blast
The fact is UT students already have a crazy high activities fee that is suppose to cover us for this stuff. From what I understand, others schools don’t have activities fee’s that are nearly as high.

Does UT plan on reducing my activities fee? Probably not. So I am paying twice for one ticket.

I don't think the other people in the thread understand this.

I think that they are just looking at us like a bunch of freeloaders who should be HAPPY that we can pay $15 to get a ticket, since it takes a long time to get season tickets (last I heard anyway), and face value is more than 15.

I'm just miffed that we are already paying a hefty SAF fee, and then they add more onto it.
then this univesrity is doing what it's supposed to......getting you ready for the real world...cause here's a newsflash: Very rarely will anyone not only care what you think, but take the time to ask you what think before they make a decision for you.

That is the worst argument I've heard on the topic, or any topic for that matter...maybe ever period. Yea lets just give up on all matter and let the powers at be run anything and everything with zero input. That's the real world.
as an alum and as one that never had to pay for a ticket to a game as a student, i will only say this.......if i were a student right now, and i could guarantee myself a seat to all 7 home games in a one time deal, it would be well worth the $90 to not have to stress the weeks before the FL, bAma, Auburn, GA games on whether i'd get a ticket or not, or have to camp out like we used to.

pay the $90, get all my tickets, done. i'd be totally good with that.

Great point.
I don't think the other people in the thread understand this.

I think that they are just looking at us like a bunch of freeloaders who should be HAPPY that we can pay $15 to get a ticket, since it takes a long time to get season tickets (last I heard anyway), and face value is more than 15.

I'm just miffed that we are already paying a hefty SAF fee, and then they add more onto it.

I can assure you that many, many posters on this board are all too familiar with the activities fee.
very good point jake :thumbsup: Although those campouts beside the UC were a blast
eh...i did it...but i wasn't a booze, and one year for a bama game it sucked.

and then there was the year that i was too far back in line and didn't get tickets......

i'd of gladly paid the $90, and been done with it.
Yea...only 5 or 6 of your biggest players. Roster size is meaningless considering many don't contribute.

I know that. But the ratio of IMPACT players from the west to the east/south is a joke.

And even if you can name a couple you cannot make a direct correlation to them coming to UT because we played in California. Nearly everyone that has been named was signed before we starting going out there anyway.
So 5-6? Out of a roster of how many?

A guy that's 700 yards from being the all-time rusher here, a 2nd draft pick at LB and a 3 year starter.

Really irrelevant there.

Dismissing the Clausens and Ainge is a joke too. That's 6.

Cody Pope is from California.

Kenny O'Neal is from Cali.

85 scolarships

I'll gladly pay a $90 ticket price to keep from becoming UGA.

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