Supreme Court strikes down federal law prohibiting sports gambling

With all due respect I understand what you are saying. Thank you for your service to our country in your capacity. My father was in the US coast guard and all they did was chase drug runners which more times than not the hard drugs got through and bails of pot get busted. Money and politics is at the center of this entire discussion its not about sin, addiction, or crime. It’s not okay until they get their cut.
I agree with you.......I think we are really saying the same thing
Marijuana may soon be legalized in all 50 states for possession in small amounts and the federal government will agree not to enforce federal law. But, the violence will continue and no one will be safer for it. Marijuana users aren’t always users of harder drugs but in my experience those that use hard illegal drugs such as, X, Coke, meth, and heroin almost ALWAYS use marijuana too.

And they almost always smoke cigarettes, and almost always drink alcohol, and probably are pretty into caffeine too. Let's make it all illegal
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And they almost always smoke cigarettes, and almost always drink alcohol, and probably are pretty into caffeine too. Let's make it all illegal

This is certainly the mentality of a snowflake just decriminalize all deviant behavior in our society so no one is a criminal.

I'm certainly NOT part of the "everyone gets a trophy crowd just for showing up" or if something you do is illegal then advocate the the legalization of it so your behavior is no longer criminal.

According to the federal government Marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance which means that it currently does NOT have an ACCEPTABLE MEDICAL USE and it has a significantly HIGH POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE. Marijuana was scheduled because it contains a very dangerous substance, and use/abuse is likely. The law was written to keep people from becoming addicted which can lead to a significant number of concerns and problems in their daily lives.

Cigarettes and Alcohol have NEVER been classified as such. Marijuana is in the same schedule as LSD, Heroin, MDMA, and Bath Salts.

Some States now allow marijuana possession in small amounts because of political and economic reasons but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a very dangerous and addictive substance and that until the federal government changes the law it will still be illegal regardless of what a state does.
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This is certainly the mentality of a snowflake just decriminalize all deviant behavior in our society so no one is a criminal.

I'm certainly NOT part of the "everyone gets a trophy crowd just for showing up" or if something you do is illegal then advocate the the legalization of it so your behavior is no longer criminal.

According to the federal government Marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance which means that it currently does NOT have an ACCEPTABLE MEDICAL USE and it has a significantly HIGH POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE. Marijuana was scheduled because it contains a very dangerous substance, and use/abuse is likely. The law was written to keep people from becoming addicted which can lead to a significant number of concerns and problems in their daily lives.

Cigarettes and Alcohol have NEVER been classified as such. Marijuana is in the same schedule as LSD, Heroin, MDMA, and Bath Salts.

Some States now allow marijuana possession in small amounts because of political and economic reasons but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a very dangerous and addictive substance and that until the federal government changes the law it will still be illegal regardless of what a state does.
Marijuana wasn't scheduled because it has a very dangerous substance lol. "Cigarettes and alchohol have never been classified as such"....curious as these two things have killed exponentially more people than marijuana has.
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This is certainly the mentality of a snowflake just decriminalize all deviant behavior in our society so no one is a criminal.

I'm certainly NOT part of the "everyone gets a trophy crowd just for showing up" or if something you do is illegal then advocate the the legalization of it so your behavior is no longer criminal.
This is dumb and narrow-minded, but seems to be the way you live your life. I do not smoke marijuana and even if it we're legalized in this state, I still probably wouldn't. However, the fact that marijuana is an illegal drug in this country is beyond dumb. The reason it isn't legal is due to two things and two things only. It's easily grown and the Fed don't like that they would have trouble taxing it and it will hurt Big Pharm industry. That's the bottom line to all of this and Big Pharm is pulling all the strings. It should be obvious to us all, but then again we have people with your distorted view of it.
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It makes you wonder if some of these players complaining they have no money might be susceptible to taking a dive for money for a gambler.
Marijuana wasn't scheduled because it has a very dangerous substance lol. "Cigarettes and alchohol have never been classified as such"....curious as these two things have killed exponentially more people than marijuana has.

DEA / Drug Scheduling

I guess you have your own version of history but I like to stick to the facts and the facts are simple.

Marijuana contains a dangerous substance and was therefore, placed in Schedule 1 of the contributed substance act back in the 70's.

Cigarettes contain nicotine and aren't controlled for being a dangerous addictive substance. Alcohol has been controlled in the past but it isn't presently listed as a controlled substance.

I agree that you could make a decent argument for scheduling either Alcohol or nicotine but that's not my argument. My argument is that marijuana is a dangerous substance that should NOT be legalized because of high potential for abuse.

In my experience chronic marijuana use or abusecan make a person unmotivated, paranoid, unintelligent and it can lead to unhealthy weight gain. These are all very objectionable qualities that you should want to avoid in life.
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I don't gamble much anymore, but I like the idea of states deciding for themselves whether or not to allow it.

It's hard for me to imagine legalized gambling in Tennessee anytime soon, though.

#WeWantVolnationSportsBook!!!! :)



DEA / Drug Scheduling

I guess you have your own version of history but I like to stick to the facts and the facts are simple.

Marijuana is a contains a dangerous substance and was therefore, placed in Schedule 1 of the contributed substance act back in the 70's.

Cigarettes contain nicotine and aren't controlled for being a dangerous addictive substance. Alcohol has been controlled in the past but it isn't presently listed as a controlled substance.

I agree that you could make a decent argument for scheduling either Alcohol or nicotine but that's not my argument. My argument is that marijuana is a dangerous substance that should NOT be legalized because of high potential for abuse.

In my experience chronic marijuana use or abusecan make a person unmotivated, paranoid, unintelligent and it can lead to unhealthy weight gain. These are all very objectionable qualities that you should want to avoid in life.
Not pretending marijuana is healthy for you and not debating what the DEA says about the nutritional value of marijuana. I am debating the reasoning that it is illegal and it's not because it's unhealthy for you. It's all about money, big pharma, and taxes. Always has been.

And your last we need to be throwing people in jail and wasting so much money on this war of drugs to keep those fat, lazy, and smoked sumb people in jail lol.
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This is certainly the mentality of a snowflake just decriminalize all deviant behavior in our society so no one is a criminal.

I'm certainly NOT part of the "everyone gets a trophy crowd just for showing up" or if something you do is illegal then advocate the the legalization of it so your behavior is no longer criminal.

According to the federal government Marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance which means that it currently does NOT have an ACCEPTABLE MEDICAL USE and it has a significantly HIGH POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE. Marijuana was scheduled because it contains a very dangerous substance, and use/abuse is likely. The law was written to keep people from becoming addicted which can lead to a significant number of concerns and problems in their daily lives.

Cigarettes and Alcohol have NEVER been classified as such. Marijuana is in the same schedule as LSD, Heroin, MDMA, and Bath Salts.

Some States now allow marijuana possession in small amounts because of political and economic reasons but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a very dangerous and addictive substance and that until the federal government changes the law it will still be illegal regardless of what a state does.

Yeah, and marijuana being Schedule 1 is an absolute joke to anyone with a brain. Part of all the "reefer madness" fear-mongering from like 1950. "Very dangerous and addictive"? Lol. Yeah, alcoholism is nothing compared to marijuana addiction.

This has nothing to do with participation trophies or snowflakes, lol. That's just what people rant about when they don't have anything to say
In my experience chronic marijuana use or abusecan make a person unmotivated, paranoid, unintelligent and it can lead to unhealthy weight gain. These are all very objectionable qualities that you should want to avoid in life.

Oh no!!!!! How dangerous
Be interesting to see how each state handles this. I would assume most of the states that currently participate in things like the lottery would quickly approve this for their state. Unfortunately for us that live in states where our leadership has deemed things like the lottery to be immoral (while at the same time sleeping with their secretary and showering her with gifts with taxpayer money) we wont see sports gambling allowed anytime soon.
This was going to come sooner or later, and it will eventually be allowed in every state. While I agree with the supreme court's decision, and I support the rights of states to decide on this issue, I just can't help but think of the people who will eventually find their lives ruined because they'll get a taste of it, then go into the negative, and then try to climb their way out by digging further.
This was going to come sooner or later, and it will eventually be allowed in every state. While I agree with the supreme court's decision, and I support the rights of states to decide on this issue, I just can't help but think of the people who will eventually find their lives ruined because they'll get a taste of it, then go into the negative, and then try to climb their way out by digging further.

We should never have laws that exist to prevent people from making dumb decisions.
Yeah, and marijuana being Schedule 1 is an absolute joke to anyone with a brain. Part of all the "reefer madness" fear-mongering from like 1950. "Very dangerous and addictive"? Lol. Yeah, alcoholism is nothing compared to marijuana addiction.

This has nothing to do with participation trophies or snowflakes, lol. That's just what people rant about when they don't have anything to say

If that's the case then why hasn't it been removed from the CSA?

There are several different methods to remove a controlled substance from the CSA.

Why is marijuana still a schedule I controlled substance?
If that's the case then why hasn't it been removed from the CSA?

There are several different methods to remove a controlled substance from the CSA.

Why is marijuana still a schedule I controlled substance?

Judicial deference to agency decisions is what has kept them in effect, despite the difference between these and the statutory criteria. Cannabis is one of several plants with unproven abuse potential and toxicity that Congress placed in Schedule I. The DEA interprets the Controlled Substances Act to mean that if a drug with even a low potential for abuse — say, equivalent to a Schedule V drug — has no accepted medical use, then it must remain in Schedule I:

When it comes to a drug that is currently listed in Schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug has at least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must remain in schedule I. In such circumstances, placement of the drug in schedules II through V would conflict with the CSA since such drug would not meet the criterion of "a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States." 21 USC 812(b).

Therefore, even if one were to assume, theoretically, that your assertions about marijuana's potential for abuse were correct (i.e., that marijuana had some potential for abuse but less than the "high potential for abuse" commensurate with schedules I and II), marijuana would not meet the criteria for placement in schedules III through V since it has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States—a determination that is reaffirmed by HHS in the attached medical and scientific evaluation.

That's why. Not because it's similar to heroin and bath salts
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If that's the case then why hasn't it been removed from the CSA?

There are several different methods to remove a controlled substance from the CSA.

Why is marijuana still a schedule I controlled substance?

MONEY!! With legal marijuana, these big pharma companies stand to lose millions from people not having to pay an arm and a leg for hydrocodone and other pain inhibitors. Same reason that cigarettes are still legal in this country. They kill millions of people and provide no medical benefits.....which is what you are quoting as being a reason something is schedule 1, yet they are completely legal and wonder why? Big Tobacco can afford to shell out a ton of money in settlements while at the same time having plenty of money for lobbyist to prevent them from being outlawed. Don't know why one would make a case for one thing being a schedule 1 drug that kills exponentially more people and doesn't have any medical benefits either. Just seems like the logic is not carried from one to the other.
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I have been in law enforcement for over 20 years and seen marijuana and other illicit drugs destroy lives over and over again. Where there are illicit drugs there are violent crimes.

I have yet to see anyone killed or any other violence over gambling. I'm not saying it isn't possible but I sure haven't seen violent crimes based on gambling addiction.

We are in the midst of an opioid epidemic in this country, and I would bet that the vast majority addicted to opioids have or regular smoke marijuana. Marijuana is obviously a gateway to other more dangerous or illicit substances.

I’ve been in law enforcement as well and if pot was legal my dad would be alive today. The Dr’s are the cause of the opioid epidemic. If pot was legal they could prescribe it instead of opioids.

People switch to other drugs when they run out and can’t find it. They think that they can handle the other drugs like they can pot.

Meth, cocain and other drugs are on another level. People run out of pot and end up experimenting with these and get addicted. If pot is legal they won’t have the need to find other drugs that are much, much worse.
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MONEY!! With legal marijuana, these big pharma companies stand to lose millions from people not having to pay an arm and a leg for hydrocodone and other pain inhibitors. Same reason that cigarettes are still legal in this country. They kill millions of people and provide no medical benefits.....which is what you are quoting as being a reason something is schedule 1, yet they are completely legal and wonder why? Big Tobacco can afford to shell out a ton of money in settlements while at the same time having plenty of money for lobbyist to prevent them from being outlawed. Don't know why one would make a case for one thing being a schedule 1 drug that kills exponentially more people and doesn't have any medical benefits either. Just seems like the logic is not carried from one to the other.

There is a process to modify or declassify a controlled substance, such as marijuana in the CSA.

There would have to be evidence that marijuana has an ACCEPTED medical use in the United States, and there is NOT a potential for abuse.

Therefore, until that changes marijuana will always be illegal in the U.S.

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