Supreme Court strikes down federal law prohibiting sports gambling

There is a process to modify or declassify a controlled substance, such as marijuana in the CSA.

There would have to be evidence that marijuana has an ACCEPTED medical use in the United States, and there is NOT a potential for abuse.

Therefore, until that changes marijuana will always be illegal in the U.S.

So the basis for making something a schedule 1 is whether or not it has medical benefits? Interesting. So with this logic that you are using, why are cigarettes still legal? Just trying to figure out how you draw your line.

And No, until the grip that big pharma has on this country goes away, marijuana will always be illegal. Something so obvious shouldn't be so hard to understand.
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I'm still wait for someone to prove that marijuana does NOT have the potential for abuse.

Who is debating that? Hell, something that you and I both support, gambling has a hella high potential for abuse. What separated marijuana from that, drinking, and smoking?
I'm still wait for someone to prove that marijuana does NOT have the potential for abuse.

That's impossible, because literally everything has the potential for abuse. Food has potential for abuse. Calling marijuana "very dangerous, like bath salts" because it makes people hungry is laughable.
Marijuana shouldn’t be anywhere close to the same designation as heroine or meth. Marijuana is a natural plant that doesn’t have to be altered. God put everything here for a reason and marijuana could be a great healing agent if it wasn’t for big pharmaceutical holding it back. Colleges can’t even study the benefits it could have because of the classification the government has given it.
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I thought Pot was made illegal to keep the Mexicans out of Texas ?

and the people that started with the Law,did so to keep there jobs ?
I'm still wait for someone to prove that marijuana does NOT have the potential for abuse.
We make things illegal because they "can" be abused? Like coffee, tea, nicotine, laxatives, Shoney's breakfast bar, and the list is limitless and endless. Tell me you never got out of grade school and it will all make sense.
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It makes you wonder if some of these players complaining they have no money might be susceptible to taking a dive for money for a gambler.

Pretty sure the sport is flush with illegal money already, gambling won't suddenly start it.

NCAA will love it, it will give their "enforcement arm :eek:lol:" an entire new avenue of activity and bureaucratic empire to build.
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A young boy was going fishing with his grandpa in his old pickup and they pass a huge casino, packed with vehicles like stars on a cold clear night. The boy says ''Wow Grandpa! Look at all those cars is that a big Church? Grandpa sits silently for a few long seconds and replies...''It sure is.''
All this does is allow states to "get a piece of the action"...Action that's ALREADY there, but the states haven't been getting their "Cut".
Now they can. Surely nobody thinks sports gambling isn't ALREADY doing hundreds of millions of dollars of business annually. IF there's influence on outcomes because of's worth noting that with the wagering out in the's more likely that any illegal influences will also become more open.
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I am 100% for this idea. It will be no less of a tax on idiocy than the lottery, thus becoming a huge success in the Rolling Hills and everywhere else throughout the nation.
From your link.
"These findings are consistent with the idea of marijuana as a "gateway drug."
"Alcohol and nicotine also prime the brain for a heightened response to other drugs52*and are, like marijuana, also typically used before a person progresses to other, more Alcohol and nicotine also prime the brain for a heightened response to other, more harmful substances."

You can't honestly say that marijuana isn't a gateway drug for many people. Not all, but many. I agree that painkillers are also a huge problem.

I live in near-constant pain since losing my leg. I refuse to take opioids because of how dangerously addictive they are and how you have to keep upping the dose as the body gets used to it.

I refuse to take neurontin for the phantom pain because it makes me violently angry. It almost cost me my family.

But cannabis? A friend offered me a smoke one day when the phantom pain was so bad I was cursing up a storm. Not even ten minutes after the smoke did I feel better than I had in ages. The pain was gone. Not deadened, not numbed, but gone. My right no-leg stopped feeling like it was on fire.

Unfortunately, because of the lobby that keeps it illegal when cigarettes and alcohol are still OTC, I can't get it medically where I live (Mississippi). And although I know it will help immensely, I refuse to get it illegally because of the risks involved all round. Ugh.

As for sports betting, we've been doing it for ages anyway. Legalizing it just gives the middle man more opportunity to take a cut nationwide.
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I am 100% for this idea. It will be no less of a tax on idiocy than the lottery, thus becoming a huge success in the Rolling Hills and everywhere else throughout the nation.

Actually, the lottery is a lot worse. The odds of winning the lottery are waaaaay more remote than than picking the winner of a football game.
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Lmao. That is not how it works. I know several families who sent kids to college that would not be able go without the lottery scholarship. It's a great program.

IHow about those families pay for their own kids tuition rather than someone else subsidizing it.. It’s not like they don’t have 20 years to plan and save
Lmao. That is not how it works. I know several families who sent kids to college that would not be able go without the lottery scholarship. It's a great program.

You do realize that scholarship lottery money and easy college loan programs drives up cost of tuition?
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IHow about those families pay for their own kids tuition rather than someone else subsidizing it.. It’s not like they don’t have 20 years to plan and save

It's not that simple for everyone to save thousands of dollars. Why does it upset you so much? Not your money.

Mad the poor kids that are really smart are not being penalized for being born into poverty? Worried they will be able to improve their lives and their families lives so they can act afford to pay when their kids are heading to college. You think more people being educated is bad? Mad they willl maybe make more than you one day even though they grew up less fortunate?

What does it matter to you? Complain about farm subsidies if you care about our money getting passed out to rich families.
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It's not that simple for everyone to save thousands of dollars. Why does it upset you so much? Not your money.

Mad the poor kids that are really smart are not being penalized for being born into poverty? Worried they will be able to improve their lives and their families lives so they can act afford to pay when their kids are heading to college. You think more people being educated is bad? Mad they willl maybe make more than you one day even though they grew up less fortunate?

What does it matter to you? Complain about farm subsidies if you care about our money getting passed out to rich families.

I really don’t care I just wish more people would pay their own way.. farmers, college kids etc. we live in a free loaders society save and pay your own way don’t always look for hand out
I really don’t care I just wish more people would pay their own way.. farmers, college kids etc. we live in a free loaders society save and pay your own way don’t always look for hand out

I'm sure your father or grandfather got money for school, starting a business, or buying a home through the GI Bill years ago. Most Americans complaining about people paying their own way would be living in poverty if the government didn't help so many white families escape poverty in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. They don't even realize their whole family is where they are due to help. Now they are mad others are getting help now. It's sad.
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I'm sure your father or grandfather got money for school, starting a business, or buying a home through the GI Bill years ago. Most Americans complaining about people paying their own way would be living in poverty if the government didn't help so many white families escape poverty in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. They don't even realize their whole family is where they are due to help. Now they are mad others are getting help now. It's sad.

Mine didnt, and the baby boomer entitlement programs are killing the country financially. We can't afford to give away stuff anymore.
I'm sure your father or grandfather got money for school, starting a business, or buying a home through the GI Bill years ago. Most Americans complaining about people paying their own way would be living in poverty if the government didn't help so many white families escape poverty in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. They don't even realize their whole family is where they are due to help. Now they are mad others are getting help now. It's sad.

Mine did not .. thank you

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