Taliban Taking Over Afghanistan - Does anyone care?

Do you care?

  • No

    Votes: 40 23.4%
  • Hell No

    Votes: 47 27.5%
  • Yes, we should invade and send in Troops

    Votes: 25 14.6%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 59 34.5%

  • Total voters
There's more than a few disputing it. Many are even liking the claim the last guy would have done better.

Just get out and take any supporters with them. Any American still hanging out is making their choice. Spend as little as possible and get out
Getting out is the right answer. A clown show over night disorderly withdrawal is pure incompetence. They’ve had over a year to prepare for this moment.
They better. I’m gonna guess the Taliban won’t listen to the dementia patient ass hat issuing a “knock it off” finger wagging.
The Taliban aren’t going to fight us. They’ll just wait us out because they know as soon as we leave the ANA surrenders and they take Kabul without firing a shot. There’s no point to attack us and give us a reason to come back in there. This is the class bully waiting for the sub to go to the bathroom so he can hand out more Indian rope burns.
Yes. We’ve all said that. This was decided a year ago. Biden is an incompetent clown in HOW he’s doing it.
Maybe but I'm all for getting out no matter what. Mistakes will be made but no bigger one than staying a minute longer than required
The Taliban aren’t going to fight us. They’ll just wait us out because they know as soon as we leave the ANA surrenders and they take Kabul without firing a shot. There’s no point to attack us and give us a reason to come back in there. This is the class bully waiting for the sub to go to the bathroom so he can hand out more Indian rope burns.
That’s what they SHOULD do. But these people haven’t shown to be the most intelligent group. All it takes is one idiot with an AK to execute 20 American infidels and then it’s on like Donkey Kong.

What they SHOULD do is politely gather up all anglos, escort them to the embassy under a white flag, and say “here you better take them now if you’re gonna take them.”
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prayers for all the people trying to get out - things seem to be deteriorating quickly.

on a side note, it's staggering how much military equipment is about to fall into the hands of the Taliban.

We are about to see unbelievable atrocities. Anyone connected to the US will be beheaded on camera. Democrat social media wont be able to censor it all. Everyone should prepare themselves.
Maybe but I'm all for getting out no matter what. Mistakes will be made but no bigger one than staying a minute longer than required
Oh bull ****. Why are you carrying water for this **** show? In one vein you’re saying get our allies out. In the other you’re making excuses for this idiot admin not already having done that. Have some damn consistency
Brett Bruen, former White House director of Global Engagement for Obama and Bush, issues strong rhetoric of incompetence on a global scale and prediction that allies will be hesitant to partner with the USA.
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Oh bull ****. Why are you carrying water for this **** show? In one vein you’re saying get our allies out. In the other you’re making excuses for this idiot admin not already having done that. Have some damn consistency
I'm carrying water for no one. I said mistakes are being made but I'm on that side more than some year long promised pull out that never materializes
Brett Bruen, former White House director of Global Engagement for Obama and Bush, issues strong rhetoric of incompetence on a global scale and prediction that allies will be hesitant to partner with the USA.
I wonder if the Taliban will work with the CCP? Roll in with cash and fund mineral rights and such.
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I would agree, but it seems like Americans are going to get killed over how badly this has been bungled.

Better leadership would have prevented this.
They won't kill Americans.

This is the leadership you get when your election is moron vs idiot. But it's been 20yrs and both sides had their shot at withdrawal. Rip the band-aid off
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They won't kill Americans.

This is the leadership you get when your election is moron vs idiot. But it's been 20yrs and both sides had their shot at withdrawal. Rip the band-aid off
I hope you're right. These are religious extremists though. You never know what these people will do.

Also, I definitely do agree with the decision to withdraw. All I'm saying is that we should've ripped the bandaid off a little more strategically so that American military assets and potentially Americans didn't end up in the hands of the Taliban.
There's more than a few disputing it. Many are even liking the claim the last guy would have done better.

Just get out and take any supporters with them. Any American still hanging out is making their choice. Spend as little as possible and get out

It's a healthy debate whether or not to keep some intelligence and a small force there. We do, excuse me, did have an embassy there. The goal should've been prevent another 9-11, and keep China and Russia out imo. And I'm not sure I like the idea of bringing a bunch of Afghans to America.

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