[QUO HTE=PKT_VOL;6631143]Omniscient = all knowing
Omnipotent = all powerful
I thought you meant omniscient from the context of your post :hi:[/QUOTE]
He is also omnipresent...everywhere He chooses to be all the time. The devil, however is only a fallen angel and can only be in 1 place at 1 time. Demons, principalities, etc. Are widespread. The bible says if we could see the spiritual war going on all around us between the angels and demons it would destroy our feeble minds. This makes it a lie when people say "the devil made me do it." As the odds of him being in your presence are about 3 or 4 billion to 1 (number of humans on earth) the devil doesn't make each man sin against God our "sin nature" does that. When adam and eve unleashed sin upon the world all of their descendants were effected. That is why the bible says we were "conceived in sin" etc. If it were possible, which its not, but if a man lived his entire life without committing a single sin either of commission or omission (to know to do something right and not do it) then biblicly he would still go to Hell without Jesus Christ because he was born with a "sin debt". That is the nature of original sin.